Funded Articles

Title Author Journal
湖南省绿色金融与产业结构的耦合度分析 刘莉, 武艺浦 Economics
发展型资助对贫困生职业规划的提升作用研究 徐以标 Economics
智能时代财务管理专业课程体系改革研究——基于专业核心素养 李自连, 胡秋梅 Economics
非遗视角下湖州城市形象提升策略研究 丁雨晗, 丁思恋 Economics
绿色发展、ESG治理与价值共创——基于扎根理论的多案例研究 刘安格 Economics
审计主体融合助力高校高质量发展路径研究 张俊 Economics
基层供销社要素流动与乡村振兴路径机制研究 黄开华, 王凡, 皮小玲, 陈剑秋, 贾英 Economics
Red Culture Education Dissemination in Rural Schools under the Perspective of New Media——Taking the Primary School of Liushui Town, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province as an Example Chengshuo Zha Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Integration and Implementation of Ideological and Political Education in Vocal Music Teaching in Colleges and Universities Xiaoyan Han Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Construction of College English and the Teaching Model of "Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses" Yang Na Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Strategies for the Application of Digital Means in Teaching University Physics Min Peng, Xinyu Wei Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An Analysis of the Mode of Integrating Red Culture into Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of "Three-wide Education" Zhenwei Sun, Yanhui Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploring the Integration of Chinese Traditional Culture into the Civics of University Programs Yajuan Xu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Application of Chinese-English Translation in Urban Language Landscapes: An Analysis of Cultural Adaptability and Functionality Xiaoying Xue, Yumei Huang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration and Research on Talent Cultivation for Industry-Education Integration of Big Data Technology in Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities Guanghui Yin, Ying Chen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An Analysis of Undergraduates' Volunteerism in Community Summer Childcare——Based on an Empirical Survey of 471 College Students Yuejuan Yan, Mengyuan Zhao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Integration of Big Data and UAV Technology to Help the Development of Low-altitude Economy——Based on the Perspective of Professional Group Construction and Industry-Education Integration Cong Huang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Optimization of New Engineering Humanities General Education Courses Based on Outcome-based Education Yingjie Nie, Jinghui Zhou, Kaihua Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Functional Model Construction of a "Problem-oriented-distributed" Learning System Tingqi Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Enhancing the Ideological and Political Teaching Ability of Medical Educators in the Digital Age Licong Wang, Tianli Li, Yu Wang, Lijuan Yang, Yue Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Action Research on the Design of Language-Based Kindergarten Activities: Integrating Traditional Poetry Teaching Renyu Mu, Lingling Tang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
On the Application of Multiple Thinking in the Teaching of Drama, Film and Television Performance in Colleges and Universities Yang Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
High-quality Curriculum Resources Support the High-quality Development of Rural Education Xiaoyan Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Practice of Large Unit Teaching Design of Information Technology in Junior High School based on Design Thinking Orientation Zhanqiang Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Study on the Construction Path of Modern Industry College of Hubei Higher Vocational Colleges Dabo Chen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
数字化转型对物流行业影响的研究 罗飞, 申帅 Economics
物流企业信息化、数字化、智能化协同研究 李雪 Economics
数字化转型对政府服务的挑战与对策 杨洁 Economics
RCEP关税减让对中新贸易与碳排放的影响及建议 姜鸿飞, 陈冠辉, 李雪昊, 刘奕含 Economics
新文科背景下市场营销创业综合模拟策略研究 连怡婷 Economics
基于DEA模型的生态绩效评价研究——以辽宁省为例 邢菁华 Economics
苏州市创新要素集聚现状与对策研究 徐越 Economics
青岛市绿色技术创新与经济增长关系分析 卓佳雨, 江水月 Economics
Red Culture Education Dissemination in Rural Schools under the Perspective of New Media——Taking the Primary School of Liushui Town, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province as an Example Chengshuo Zha Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration of English Translation Teaching in Higher Education Institutions from the Perspective of Situated Cognition Shuangting Ge Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Integration and Implementation of Ideological and Political Education in Vocal Music Teaching in Colleges and Universities Xiaoyan Han Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Application of Information Technology in Physical Education Teaching in High Schools Guimei Mu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Construction of College English and the Teaching Model of "Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses" Yang Na Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Strategies for the Application of Digital Means in Teaching University Physics Min Peng, Xinyu Wei Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An Analysis of the Mode of Integrating Red Culture into Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of "Three-wide Education" Zhenwei Sun, Yanhui Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploring the Integration of Chinese Traditional Culture into the Civics of University Programs Yajuan Xu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Application of Chinese-English Translation in Urban Language Landscapes: An Analysis of Cultural Adaptability and Functionality Xiaoying Xue, Yumei Huang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration and Research on Talent Cultivation for Industry-Education Integration of Big Data Technology in Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities Guanghui Yin, Ying Chen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study on the Influence of Foreign Language Anxiety as a Second Language Acquisition Disorder and Its Coping Strategies Feiyang Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An Analysis of Undergraduates' Volunteerism in Community Summer Childcare——Based on an Empirical Survey of 471 College Students Yuejuan Yan, Mengyuan Zhao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Thoughts on Digital Enabling College English Teaching and Teachers’ Lifelong Growth in Higher Vocational Colleges Gaowa Alan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Integration of Big Data and UAV Technology to Help the Development of Low-altitude Economy——Based on the Perspective of Professional Group Construction and Industry-Education Integration Cong Huang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Optimization of New Engineering Humanities General Education Courses Based on Outcome-based Education Yingjie Nie, Kaihua Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
English Classroom in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: The Transformation and Reshaping of Teachers' Role Chunmei Yuan, Xiuying Zheng, Guangfeng Li Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Analysis on the Cultivation and Optimization Strategy of Aesthetic Ability of Pipa Teaching in Colleges and Universities Bingye Su Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Practice and Exploration of College Students' Leadership Education based on Team Training Na Yang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Functional Model Construction of a "Problem-oriented-distributed" Learning System Tingqi Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Construction of Ideological and Cultural work Propaganda Teams in Colleges and Universities in the Era of Intelligent Media Xiaoli Jiang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploring Revisit Intentions of Senior Tourists in Rural Tourism Li Xu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration and Practice of an Emotionally Intelligent Management Model in a Private High School: Humanistic Care and Psychological Support at the Core Beibei Li Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Enhancing the Ideological and Political Teaching Ability of Medical Educators in the Digital Age Licong Wang, Tianli Li, Yu Wang, Lijuan Yang, Yue Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Action Research on the Design of Language-Based Kindergarten Activities: Integrating Traditional Poetry Teaching Renyu Mu, Lingling Tang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Influence of Internship Experience on Students' Career Development in Accounting Education in Undergraduate Institutions Xuancheng Lu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Significance and Approaches of Incorporating Life-Oriented Moral Education into Middle School Class Management Danning Chen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Common Illegal Behaviors among College Students and Effective Prevention Strategies Xu Han Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Effect of Passive Social Media Use on Learning Burnout in Middle School Students Ying Zhang, Weimin Gou Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Application of Project-based Teaching Model Based on Flipped Classroom in College English Teaching Yanyan Wu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
How does Music Aesthetic Education Shape the Social Responsibility of College Students Fan Sun Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Application and Effect of Film and Television Works in Education Yuqi Chen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Significance of 'Happiness Education' in Middle Schools in China Juan Ren, Muhantha Paramalingam Region - Educational Research and Reviews
On the Application of Multiple Thinking in the Teaching of Drama, Film and Television Performance in Colleges and Universities Yang Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Application of Laplace's Theorem in the Calculation of Determinants Haitao Ye Region - Educational Research and Reviews
On the "Poetry Education" Value of the Gentleman's Cultivation Concept in The Book of Poetry for Contemporary College Students Linxi Bao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Management of Higher Education and Teaching Based on the Cultivation of Innovation Ability Sai You Region - Educational Research and Reviews
High-quality Curriculum Resources Support the High-quality Development of Rural Education Xiaoyan Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Teaching Reform Strategy of Cheerleading in Colleges and Universities under the Background of Core Accomplishment Xueqin Deng Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Career Planning Strategy of Social Work Undergraduates in Local Colleges and Universities Chao Dou, Na Yang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Difficulties and Teaching Strategies of Japanese and Chinese Homographs in Chinese Language Learning for Japanese Learners Qi Luo Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Improving the Legal Literacy of College Students in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Perspective of Great Ideological and Political Courses Bohui Lv Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Practice of Large Unit Teaching Design of Information Technology in Junior High School based on Design Thinking Orientation Zhanqiang Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Study on the Construction Path of Modern Industry College of Hubei Higher Vocational Colleges Dabo Chen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploring the Path of High-quality Development of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities in the New Era Yexin Zhou Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study on the Teaching Reform of Korea Language in Applied Colleges and Universities Based on the Concept of "Curriculum Ideology and Politics" Li Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Improvement Strategies for Parents' Silence Dilemma in Primary School Home-School Cooperation Jiuli Yuan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An Analysis of Teacher’s Ethics Construction in Private Undergraduate Art College——Based on the Standards of Big Master in the New Era Jing Chen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on cross-cultural teaching reform of college English based on BOPPPS teaching model Yuyan YANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Strategies for ecological civilization construction in Henan's rural areas from the perspective of rural revitalization Lu ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A study on the educational strategies to enhance medical students' ideological commitment to rural revitalization Yan ZHU, Hancheng LI, Yanfei XING, Xiaowei FENG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Curriculum development for innovation and entrepreneurship education: A business school - chamber of commerce resource synergy model Yingping MAI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
基于RCCCRE模型的古镇民宿咖啡店客户关系管理研究—以南京市江宁区佘村民宿咖啡店为例 葛璐璐, 武健宇, 高先豪, 张远连 Economics
新能源企业营销创新战略探究——基于“碳乡融合”战略背景 詹研, 李婉婷, 李汶, 张海优, 张诏文 Economics
银色经济的问题分析和对策研究——以宜宾市为例 李翼然, 马贵芳, 靳军, 王丹, 惠翔 Economics
研究型审计在高校工程审计中的应用研究 柏业金, 黄玉洁 Economics
“村投公司”发展现状、制度问题与立法完善 张清桐, 朱国华 Economics
感知可雇佣性与求职拖延——就业风险感知和主观支持的中介调节作用 杨尊尊, 骆荣耀, 李春浩 Economics
休闲农业与乡村旅游对黔西南州的经济影响 张施雨, 蒋薇 Economics
从“书桌”走向“土地” --乡村阅读推广赋能乡村振兴动力机制及实践路径研究 周芳琳, 王小梅, 舒蕾, 付艺瑶, 彭阳丽, 沈鑫琳, 刘郁琪 Economics
农区褐家鼠滋生原因与防治方法探析 卡德尔•阿布都克尤木, 张升, 汪飞 Agricultural Science
徐州食品加工业在促进城乡均衡发展中的作用 王海东, 陈文武, 吴江涛, 贺峰, 曹梦竺 Agricultural Science
保护性耕作系统下土壤碳库与经济效益研究 黄昕 Agricultural Science
高校青年群体服务乡村振兴战略人才培养路径 王卓, 原雯静 Agricultural Science
农田低碳化转型的路径与策略研究 寇明月 Agricultural Science
基于解钾功能性菌肥的土地整治技术研究 姚玉镯, 国新, 陈康怡, 高艳军, 栗业, 孙越 Agricultural Science
基于村民视角下乡村聚落公共空间优化研究——以安徽省池州市青阳县传统村落为例 韩雪 Agricultural Science
低碳农业技术在农田管理中的应用 寇明月 Agricultural Science
农田生态系统中的碳循环与低碳农业实践 刘雅婧, 陈劭楠 Agricultural Science
从江松材线虫病防治现状与对策探析 越燕, 徐晓丽, 杨艳娟, 王雁, 蒙归 Agricultural Science
基于铜铝复合技术的新型隔离刀闸设计研究 林鹏程, 程志龙, 傅梓劼, 杨志宏, 王佳, 卓世川 Hydropower and Water Resources
配网设备线夹铜铝过渡方式研究 杨志宏, 程志龙, 林鹏程, 李超, 黄德裕, 杜皓 Hydropower and Water Resources
沿海配电网新型设备线夹铜铝过渡技术研究 傅梓劼, 杨志宏, 林鹏程, 王佳, 陈冰勇, 陈国强 Hydropower and Water Resources
四个面向”的双主体育人模式的探索和实践 高上上, 魏利斌, 王建宏, 杨晓勤 Modern Education Forum
农村幼儿教师职后培训体系构建研究 杨丽芳, 杨扬 Modern Education Forum
大学生数学能力提升路径探究 赵杰梅, 范丽丽, 王庆芳 Modern Education Forum
融合教育背景下特殊教育教师胜任力构建——关于特殊教育师资培养的几点思考 伊丽斯克 Modern Education Forum
国际教师职业使命感研究热点及未来展望 李姗姗, 刘桂宏 Modern Education Forum
大学物理实验课程分专业教学的实践研究 易洲, 文大东, 贺君, 段伟杰, 何婷, 肖刚 Modern Education Forum
解析几何课程思政元素挖掘 姜德烁, 刘双花 Modern Education Forum
地热能开发与利用研究生联合培养基地的建设 宋伟, 赵园园, 张长兴, 张华北, 刘远周 Modern Education Forum
应用型高校学生对中国英语的态度及身份构建 徐玉笛 Modern Education Forum
产教融合共同体评价体系的构建与实践 陈亮, 金丽华, 邢丽楠, 蔡军, 姜亚光 Modern Education Forum
知识图谱赋能高校劳动教育的实践研究 马诗会, 李楠, 付中军, 王强 Modern Education Forum
农业经济管理专业人才培养模式的探索与实践——以信息技术课程融入为例进行说明 张冀韬 Modern Education Forum
SMA内加固油气管道粘结界面性能劣化研究 刘宗超, 梁俊波, 费忠宇, 腾帅 Building Technology Research
基于Cite Space的园艺疗法研究可视化分析 潘晓金, 李薇, 杜芳娟, 刘荣 Building Development
基于光影效应的高校公共校园空间设计研究 黄暄芳, 张娅, 吴莹 Building Development
工业建筑美学价值特点探析 张嘉豪, 张馨蕾, 周瑞鑫, 杨鸿宇, 胡耀生, 陈虹羽 Building Development
过氧化钙强化过硫酸钠修复有机污染土壤 钱赵秋 Ecological Environment and Protection
生态文明建设改革实施路径 巩莉, 马海涛, 蒋贵兴 Ecological Environment and Protection
滹沱河湿地型河道水生态评价技术体系研究 柳蕊, 刘家豪, 周旌, 祝铭, 谢剑锋 Ecological Environment and Protection
京津冀生态韧性测度及提升策略研究 楚茹霞, 郑祖婷 Ecological Environment and Protection
Methods and Strategies to Enhance Community Participation in Local Governance Qibin Wang, Chaoyi Wei Modern Economics & Management Forum
The Impact of Curriculum Content Reconstruction of College English--Taking Listening and Speaking Course as an Example Lin Xiao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Implementation Strategy of Integrating Sculpture Design into Contemporary Art and Design Education in Colleges and Universities Jianwei Li Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Development Strategy of Teaching and Academic Abilities of Young Postsecondary Teachers Based on PAC Analysis Wei Li Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Optimization of the Model of “Learning, Practicing, Competing and Evaluating” of Campus Soccer in General Colleges and Universities Bin Yan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Ideological and Political Design of College English Curriculum Based on Understanding Contemporary China Dan Shen, Yan Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Application of Krashen's Input Hypothesis in College English: Empirical Findings and Curriculum Implications Shushi Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Reform of Chemistry Laboratory Teaching under the Construction of Green Ecological Environment Fudong Ma Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Assessing the Efficacy of WeChat Check-in Training for Enhancing Interpreting Skills Li Zhang, Jialin Luo, Jie Zhu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Characterization and Performance Style of Ningxia Children's Stage Dramas Xue Han Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Responsibility and Path Logic of Universities in Chinese-style Modernization Supported by Talents Qi Shi Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study on the Construction Path of English Majors under the Background of Applied Undergraduate Universities Chuanhui Sun Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Clarification of the Basic Concepts of Chinese-Spanish Translation: Differences and Classifications of Translation Strategies, Methods and Techniques Hong An Journal of Higher Education Research
审计结果运用落地——基于办公自动化的审计整改系统建设 郑清, 孟锦, 林景钰, 李增武, 黄海霞 Economics
乡村振兴战略下村干部收入对队伍建设的影响 赵寿斌 Economics
中国医药上市企业绩效研究进展、热点评述与展望 ——基于Cite Space可视化分析 胡志冉, 骆李静, 李慧, 董磷茜 Economics
SLS新模式助推中国产品国际化的应用研究 司鑫飞, 曹莎 Economics
兵地文化资源融合发展的困境研究 郑娇娇 Economics
科技公司偿债能力问题探究——以福建启普新创公司为例 杨朋朋 Economics
基层党建增效农村内生动力的机制探析 梁永超 Economics
财政支持及创新发展调研问题梳理及应对的报告——基于基本科研业务费调研问题的统计分析 张烈侠, 罗璐瑶, 刘越迪, 何婷 Economics
OBE理念在航海教育中的建设与发展研究——基层教学组织的中介作用 崔建辉, 韩廷选 Modern Education Forum
0-3岁婴幼儿家庭教养指导内容构建 ——基于NVivo的文本分析 唐敏杰, 雷云 Modern Education Forum
短视频中的城市形象建构与传播研究——以100个热门杭州抖音短视频为例 李春凤, 潘子健 Modern Education Forum
应用型本科高校金融工程一体化实践教学探索 张倩 Modern Education Forum
工程教育专业认证中的达成度评价方法探讨——以控制类课程为例 高瑜, 黄俊, 余雷 Modern Education Forum
新时代医学院校辅导员网络育人路径探究 徐婷, 杨兆亮, 李婧 Modern Education Forum
“三高四新”战略下研究生教育改革探析——以湖南省管理类研究生教育为例 刘中艳, 缪易辰, 吴依铃 Modern Education Forum
双高计划下高职专业群模块化课程体系研究——以学前教育专业群为例 郭宇涵 Modern Education Forum
人工智能时代背景下市场项目综合设计课程改革 梅少云 Modern Education Forum
浅谈中职幼儿保育专业建设模式的实践策略 王瑶 Modern Education Forum
融入思政的大数据应用开发课程的教学探究 孔世明, 陈萍 Modern Education Forum
医学基础课程教育思政融入的探索及实施 张利平 Modern Education Forum
45度青年:现实表征、成因分析和引导路径 刘欣畅 Modern Education Forum
AI高校动漫人才培育模式研究 任旭, 姜明钰 Modern Education Forum
《民法典》视域下高职学生法治意识培养研究 马晓英 Modern Education Forum
基于创新实践课程的解剖学调查与应用分析 司世卿, 周洪霞, 高玲焕, 司道文, 张晓涵, 张国伟 Modern Education Forum
农区褐家鼠防治技术研究及应用评述 卡德尔•阿布都克尤木, 张升, 汪飞 Ecological Environment and Protection
基于 CiteSpace 的我国盐碱地改良研究可视化分析 熊浩娜, 宋佳学, 赵华洋, 谷健, 于潇泽 Ecological Environment and Protection
二氧化碳应用废水处理研究热点可视化分析 田土, 左澍琼, 刘新有, 张泽甫, 陆颖 Ecological Environment and Protection
青岛市城镇化对碳排放量的影响分析 赵若彤 Ecological Environment and Protection
北美五大湖生态系统管理立法经验及启示——以《大湖水质协议》为例 吕丹娜, 罗勇华, 杨远光, 刘郑倩, 叶玉瑶 Ecological Environment and Protection
网络流行语“飒”的探析 张思煦 Modern Education Forum
Dyadic Coping of Chronic Illness Patients and Their Spouses: A Bibliometric Analysis Lin Zhang, Yang Li, Renqiong Tian, Shaolin Chen, Xiaohua Wang Advanced Journal of Nursing
Disease Experience of Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: A Qualitative Study Qin Guan, Di Yang, Ting Zhang Advanced Journal of Nursing
The Influence of Aerobic Exercise on Nitric Oxide Signal Transduction and Related Cytokines in ApoE-/- Mice and the Underlying Mechanisms Yan Song, Caini Pei Advanced Journal of Nursing
Perioperative Care Advances in Ultrasound-Guided Transperineal Prostate Biopsy with Local Anesthesia Die Hu, Zhou Yu Advanced Journal of Nursing
Research on Digital Exhibition Hall Design Based on VR Experience — Taking Qiong Kiln as an Example Guiping Pu, Jiawei Wu, Chengming Wei, Yufeng Li Arts Studies and Criticism
Innovative Multivoice Teaching Practices in Solfeggio Courses Xiuhong Yan Arts Studies and Criticism
The Integration Characteristics and Cultural Connotations of Folk Songs in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yellow River Mingzhe Li Arts Studies and Criticism
Research on the Innovative Development of Heilongjiang's Music Tourism Industry in the Context of the Digital Era Yi He, Qiao Yu, Xue Li Arts Studies and Criticism
Production Pathways of Television Programs Based on New Media Technology Xiaoyi Han Arts Studies and Criticism
A Case Study on the Application of Information Technology in Rural Music Education Qingzi Xu Arts Studies and Criticism
The Impact of ChatGPT-like Artificial Intelligence on Ideological and Political Education Yinan Du Journal of Higher Education Research
The Dynamic Evolution of College or University Roles in Aesthetic Education Assistance Projects in China: From Implementers to Co-Creators Qingzi Xu Journal of Higher Education Research
Introduction and Reflections on Equality Diversity and Inclusion at University of Alberta Xu Huang Journal of Higher Education Research
A Study on the Governance Model of Village Credit Bank in Rural Governance — Taking Youxiqiao Village as an Example Huangxiong Qi, Mengdan Huang Journal of Higher Education Research
Nurturing all Things Subtly and Silently — Construction and Exploration of Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in Public English Courses for Graduate Students Manli Hao Journal of Higher Education Research
Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements with Steel Fibers Díaz Fondevila Alejandra, Almenar Martín Journal of Building Technology
加快推进发展方式绿色转型的三重内涵 刘巧红, 王圣祯 Economics
股东失权机制建设机制研究 马静楠 Economics
消费者视角下的传统菜市场满意度评价研究——以肇庆市中心市场为例 陈丽敏 Economics
ESG对新能源企业品牌形象的影响及提升路径研究——基于新媒体背景 毕斓芸, 詹研, 雷芬 Economics
校企联合视角下的企业科技创新路径探讨 陈越, 孟庆禹, 李京洋, 侯兴旺, 于航 Economics
成都市昆虫群落及物种多样性调查 颜言, 王欣然, 侯珺舰, 杨楠, 刘伟 Ecological Environment and Protection
生物炭的制备及改性技术的研究进展——以土壤重金属污染治理为例 邹慧, 吕丽云, 懂双快, 周梦春, 黄静雯 Ecological Environment and Protection
错层位综放开采地表下沉规律研究 宋平 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
高质量就业为导向的职业教育内涵式发展研究 秦华 Modern Education Forum
新工科背景下应用型高校课程体系构建研究——以计算机科学与技术专业为例 李楚君 Modern Education Forum
基于滑动力监测滑坡系统的预警模式分析 张克利, 张睿, 宋清宇 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
高水平测绘专业群建设与实践研究 宋宝民 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
长株潭红层区物探找水初探 何禹, 郭海, 彭杰, 李强, 曹创华 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
综合指标法在河湖健康评价中的应用研究 李湘湘, 高真伟 Ecological Environment and Protection
新型碳环保可循环餐盒的设计与研发 路艺文, 方添添, 谢文欣 Ecological Environment and Protection
Curriculum Construction and Reform for Mechanics of Materials Based on the Training of Outstanding Engineers Xuejin Yang, Shaoyun Song, Liangbo Sun, Deping Zhang, Xiang Liu, Shiyun Ding Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Innovation Mechanism of “Internet + Education” in Rural Schools in Xinjiang Wenming Zhao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An Interactive Study of Application-oriented Undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Talent Training for High-quality Development in the Zhecheng Huang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Strengthening the Value Significance and Practice Path of Kindergarten Labor Education in the New Era Yuan Zhang, Zaida Mustafa Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Development Path of Parent-child Tourism from the Perspective of Social Learning Theory Yuan Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Children's Reading Strategies in the Context of Family Education Yuan Zhang, Zaida Mustafa Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Digital Competency Improvement Strategy of Rural Teachers in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Wenming Zhao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Problems and Trends of College Students' Ideological and Political Education and Student Management under the Concept of “Three Comprehensive Lei Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Innovative Study of Ecological Teaching in the Teaching of Visual Communication Majors Min Huang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Coupling and Coordination Effect of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Innovation in Helping Port Economic Growth Aoyun Liu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Constructing the Civics of Fundamentals of Electronics Technology Course Based on OBE Concepts Huanhuan Zheng Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Optimization Path of Student Community Management under the Concept of “Three Comprehensive Education Cheng Peng Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploring the Establishment and Practice of Higher Education Teacher Accreditation Standards Ziyao Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Effect of Cognitive Semantic Analysis of Node Words on Collocation Learning--Construct of Collocation: Isolated or Integrated Chunpeng Cai Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study on the Methods of Cultivating Literacy in Secondary School History under Disciplinary Literacy Li Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Teaching Design of Ideology and Politics in College English Course Based on the Concept of OBE--Taking Unit Wenjing He Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research and Analysis on the Methods of Curriculum Construction and Innovation of Electronic Information Majors Jing Li, Jianxin Guo, Feng Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration of the Development Model of the Second Classroom of Physical Education at Shanxi Datong University after the Pandemic Muqing Hao, Zhiwei Hao, Man Luo, Pengfei Yan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration and Practice of Curriculum Civics under the Cultivation Mode of "Practical Education in the Curriculum Xiao Wang, Keyi Liu, Bo Qiu, Huibing Zhao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Equalization of Educational Resources and Countermeasures in Qingdao Ping Cai, Lin Pang, Yulin Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study of Non-English Majors’ Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety in Project-based Learning Caixia Huang, Zheng Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Effectiveness Evaluation Methods and Indicator Systems for University Construction Projects Jiaojiao Chen, Hu Yao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Construction of a Blended Teaching Model for College English Based on MOOC and Rain Classroom Ying Liu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Survey on Learning Strategies of Online and Offline Blended Teaching of College English in Post-epidemic Era Fei Deng, Ruolan Deng Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Evolution Direction and Basic Strategy of Connotative Development of Higher Education in the New Era Chunxiu Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Discussion on Building the Culture of Grassroots Teaching Organizations Zixuan Wang, Liang Xing, Juanjuan Xu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study of Strategies for Improving IELTS Literacy in the Management Model of "Management, Guidance, Teaching and Evaluation Qinghui Li, Jieyu Jia Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration on Cultivating Applied Innovative Talents from the Perspective of English Subject Competitions Tingting Liu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Succession Models and Third-Party Facilitation in Family Firms: A Case Study of Guangdong, China Nobuyuki Kumoi, Lin Wang, Jiarui Xu Modern Economics & Management Forum
Research on Optimization and Development Strategy of Industrial Chain of "Wind-Solar Hydrogen Storage Vehicle" in Ordos City Qiqige Minggan, Du Su, Yuan Zhang, Jing Yu, Jianyu Hao Modern Economics & Management Forum
Research on Cost-Effectiveness Optimization of Hydrogen-Powered Buses from the Perspective of Green Supply Chain Leying Yu, Chao Tang, Hui Tan, Anqi Peng Modern Economics & Management Forum
An Empirical Study on the Supply-Demand Matching of Zhejiang Rural Cultural Auditorium Service Lina Mao, Aoxue Zhao, Rongqing Zhu, Rong Pu Modern Economics & Management Forum
A Study of the Structure of Labor Participation and Changes in China's Rural Population Mengna Si, Jiahui Tang, Tianzhu Gu Modern Economics & Management Forum
A Gender-Based Approach to Understanding and Evaluating the Impact of Implementing a Leadership Development Program Yunxia Ma, Abdul Rashid Abdullah, Tong Tong Modern Economics & Management Forum
Informatization and intelligentization of safety and environmental management in engineering laboratories of universities--taking Central South University as an example Wei LYU, Zijian SU, Mingjun RAO, Zhiwei PENG, Zhaoming SUN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on "language + technology" for new liberal arts Jingjing LONG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Reform path of cultivating innovative talents for industrial engineering majors in the context of new liberal arts Qinming LIU, Yuhong TAI, Yujie WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on optimization countermeasures of ideological and political education discourse in colleges and universities under the background of integrated media Guixin FENG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An exploration on the path to improve the teaching practice ability of "dual-qualified and dual-capable" teachers in applied colleges and universities under the background of the integration of production and teaching Xiaojiao DU, Min ZHENG, Jiaqi CHEN, Yuebin LIAN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
ChatGPT and similar models in higher medical education of China: refuse or embrace? Quan SHEN, Zhengping LI, Zixuan SUN, Yuwei LIU, Shixing YANG, Xiaochun WANG, Likai JI, Wen ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
大学生网络游戏社交的特点及引导策略 马建平 Educational Research
高校语言类课程的思政落实路径研究 郭卫敬, 陈令君 Educational Research
新文科视野下内涵式理论的四个维度 颜亮, 杜亦峰 Educational Research
论发挥大学生党员先锋模范作用长效机制构建——以兰州理工大学“先锋引领”辅导员工作室建设为例 李静 Educational Research
“互联网+国际双师”协同教学模式构建与应用----以《日本文化概论》课程为例 高洋, 田晓燕, 野中阳一 Educational Research
正交试验鱼腥草中总黄酮超声提取工艺 王顺齐, 王滢赛, 罗睿琳, 魏宇萱, 李文瑄, 王浈, 张曼 Basic Medical Theory Research
以腰膝同治法治疗膝骨性关节炎的经验探析 常娟, 马玉凤, 谢潇侠, 陈国廉 Basic Medical Theory Research
针刺+闪罐治疗面神经麻痹与视神经损伤病例 常娟, 谢潇侠 Basic Medical Theory Research
不同细胞因子对人小胶质细胞中 LncRNA BISPR 表达影响 张杰, 王栋泽, 张晓雨, 王影影, 龚明玉 Basic Medical Theory Research
基于粪便DNA甲基化检测的结直肠癌早期诊断 肖白丁, 尧晨光, 李涵泺, 胡康洪 Basic Medical Theory Research
203例非综合征型耳聋患儿耳聋基因突变分析 黄东群 Basic Medical Theory Research
高血压疾病认知与公共卫生服务的相关分析 赵瑞璇 Basic Medical Theory Research
课程思政融入名班主任工作室建设的路径研究 张燕珂, 李方园, 周庆红, 胡锴锴, 黄瑞初 Modern Education Forum
常德市普惠性学前教育服务高质量发展策略 刘静, 欧阳一星 Modern Education Forum
OBE理念融入思政课教学的有效路径探索 赵彦风, 刘孝 Modern Education Forum
OBE理念下高职院校劳动教育课程改革探析 郁惠珍, 陈雪峰, 程炜 Modern Education Forum
政治文献翻译研究:分析与启示 ——基于 CiteSpace 文献计量 付启军 Modern Education Forum
优秀传统文化嵌入专业课程的课程思政教学研究 刘彬彬, 杨璐 Modern Education Forum
新金融背景下证券投资学课程思政建设策略 杨林 Modern Education Forum
辽宁省农村籍大学生返乡创业意愿调查与策略 张志芮, 黄馨莹, 苗馨予, 赵美萱, 李佳萱 Modern Education Forum
大箐小学英语学习动机及现状调研 莫晓艳 Modern Education Forum
叠加效应:数字化如何加速中国乡村振兴——以佳县店镇为例 张博雅 Agricultural Science
A Calm Reflection on the Current Situation of Musical Theatre Major in Colleges and Universities Xianyan Ma Arts Studies and Criticism
Research on Surname Totem Art from the Perspective of Taoist Aesthetics Jinyun Liu, Zhenzhen Li, Haiyan Xu, Huimin Huang Arts Studies and Criticism
Application and Development of Rare Earth Luminescent Fiber in Light Outdoor Garments Zhenzhen Li, Jinyun Liu, Haiyan Xu, Huimin Huang Arts Studies and Criticism
基于藏式建筑文化所开发的积木文创设计产品 王硕, 其美卓嘎, 苗文鹏 Building Development
预应力钢绞线加固砖混结构抗震性能分析 黄长翔, 沈国华, 林荣斌, 林坤煌 Building Development
可恢复功能装配式剪力墙研究现状与新型结构体系 余勇胜, 邱昇诚, 解叶龙, 侯华全, 郭志坚 Building Development
高校继续教育服务区域经济社会发展路径研究 白宗英, 秦景丽, 刘宇轩 Economics
媒介信息对环境风险感知的影响研究 李丽丽, 颜其松, 王星月 Economics
绿色视角下陕南旅游产业对区域经济影响研究 杨晓 Economics
广东受印度贸易救济措施的应对措施 谢长青, 鲍会荣, 蔡志鑫 Economics
基于金融需求视角下——南宁市社区养老服务现状调查研究 张文, 韦忠浩, 陈雯研, 杨丽婷, 杨恚 Economics
低碳转型外卖平台企业财务风险管理研究 王常玉, 陈殷洁, 卞继红 Economics
基于多因素成本加成的商超定补策略问题的探究 王茂彬, 于相伟, 邢柏棋, 姚道洪 Economics
新时代地摊经济持续发展优化路径研究——以宜宾市区地摊经济为例 唐宇, 杨云凤, 王耀崇, 邓丽霞, 张菀静 Economics
长江经济带经济发展与科技创新耦合协调研究 胥树新, 钟一帆, 张子璇, 陈香君 Economics
当前中小企业发展困境与纾困政策优化策略研究——以浙江省为例 金祥盈, 沈颖 Economics
The Mission and Responsibility of Youth: Based on the Perspective of People's Democracy and Multi-party Cooperation throughout the Whole Process Qifei Han, Bi Chi, Hui Wang Journal of Higher Education Research
Practice of Chinese Traditional Culture Teaching Based on POA and Informational Technology in College English Course Yanhong Ma, Caixia Huang Journal of Higher Education Research
Big Data Technology Assisted Digitalised Pedagogical Practise for University Translation Courses Tianhua Xu Journal of Higher Education Research
The Role of Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching in Cultivating Clinical Thinking Ability for Resident Standardized Training Physicians Meng Liang, Yuan Tan, Hongru Deng, Shuchun Lyu, Chunrong Chen Journal of Higher Education Research
Practical Exploration on the Integration of Garbage Classification into Moral Education in Universities Yifeng Chen Journal of Higher Education Research
Data Analysis and Optimization Strategies for the Enrollment Structure of International Students in China Based on Computer Technology Qiaoqiao Li, Qianqian Yu Journal of Higher Education Research
新时代青少年篮球竞赛体系的可行性研究 王芳 Modern Education Forum
“两山”理念蕴含的经济发展维度——对中国式现代化建设的指导研究 卢洋, 罗浩轩 Modern Education Forum
乡村振兴视域下农村公共文化服务多元治理探析 陈志远 Modern Education Forum
研究生《积和式文献选讲》精品示范课建设探究 吴廷增 Modern Education Forum
科研成果融入材料化学专业实验课程思政探索 刘健聪, 曲阳, 张紫晴, 任志宇 Modern Education Forum
OBE理念下高职劳动教育评价体系构建与实施 郁惠珍, 刘尚莲, 汤俊梅, 杜晓晗 Modern Education Forum
船海类研究生《声学基础及应用》课程改革研究 朱翔, 李天匀, 方智, 戴维 Modern Education Forum
高等院校专业课课程思政多元协同育人路径研究 黄明强, 王丽云, 李秀芳 Modern Education Forum
中国传统工匠精神的历史传承及其当代价值 金云 Modern Education Forum
AI时代下软件工程专业课程体系改革研究 殷丽凤, 刘震 Modern Education Forum
Strategies for Improving the Teaching Ability of Vocational English Teachers under the Background of Educational Informatization Jingwei Zhu, Wei Li Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Study of Teaching Methods for the Fundamentals of Composition Course Based on Virtual Reality Project Development Bingqian Zheng Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploring the Pathway of Family Education: Insights from the Marital and Reproductive Values of University Students in China Chao Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Teaching of English Reading in Junior Middle School under the Background of New Curriculum Standard and Training Strategies of Core Accomplishment of Subjects Yuhan Gao Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Guidance of College Students’ Online Ideology in the Field of Algorithm Recommendation Kexin Huang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Application Strategy of Medical Students’ Professional Ethics Education in the Perspective of the Construction of a Healthy China Jiping Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Path of Enhancing the Quality and Effectiveness of Civics Classes in Private Colleges and Universities under the Environment of Media Convergence Ke Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study of the Translation and Influence of Tang Poetry in Nineteenth-Century France Yun Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study of Chu Teh-Chun’s Abstract Paintings from the Perspective of East-West Integration Lian Jin, Kexin Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the Teaching Mode of Civics and Politics in University English Courses Based on the Wisdom Tree Platform Xiaohang Ding Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Construction of the Evaluation Index System of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Polytechnic Colleges Mei Ge Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Foreign Translation Strategies and Communication Effects of the Deeds of Third Line Construction Characters Chunliang Liu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Analysis of the Reform of Civics Teaching in Art and Design Courses in Colleges and Universities Based on the OBE Concept Ran Duan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study on the Relationship between University Education Facilities and Response Methods with Academic Performance Yangjing Gao, Wei Sun Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Enhancing the Quality of Artistic Talent Cultivation with "Student Value-added" as the Core Pursuit Yong Li Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Study on the Influence of Hollywood Films on the Values of College Students in Ethnic Areas in the Context of Chinese Culture Confidence Yufen Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Analysis of Physical Fitness Test Results of Pull-ups in Higher Vocational Collar Research on the Countermeasures — — Taking Anhui Business College as an Example Zhen Cheng, Xianbin Shi Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Functions of International Student Volunteers and Long Term Contributions Fengzhu Wang, Jing Qi Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Red culture education under ideological leadership: a study on the integration with school physical education models Wen LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Guiding principles for the specialization and professionalization of college and university ideological instructors in China Songyao GAO, Xueqiong HUANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Strategies and practices of organized scientific research in higher education: a case study of International Campus, Zhejiang University Yue REN, Ru FENG, Bin GU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A study on the effective ways to cultivate the ideological and political quality of higher vocational students Yiming REN, Xiao DING Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the construction and development of ideological and political education in college physical education courses Zhe WANG, Zichen WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on practice teaching system of embedded system based on the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial ability Yunhe ZOU, Jianxin WU, Yuezheng LAN, Lulu LIU, Xin WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A study on the enhancement of college students' autonomous reading ability based on the online English reading circles You WANG, Yuwei ZHU, Jiayi DING Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The dilemma and countermeasures of rural elderly education under the background of intelligent education - based on the research and analysis of the rural elderly in J City Bin CHEN, Yifei ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Analysis of the current status and improvement paths of digital teaching capabilities among early childhood education teachers in Chinese higher vocational colleges Xiaoyu CHENG, Junsheng CAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Digital transformation of vocational education in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area: a comparative study Chaolin PENG, Qi LIN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Comparative Study of the Control of Type 2 Diabetic Patients Before and After the Confinement Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic Daniel Suárez Hernández, Elena Pascual Roquet Jalmar, Jose Lui Gea González, Maria Isabel Gea González, Beatriz Soler Sánchez, Majda Idrisi, Javier Urios Durá Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
SOX9 Immunosuppression in Primary Colorectal Cancer Tumors with Lymph Node Metastasis M.C. Gutiérrez-Gil, M. Espino-Larralde, V.M. Loza-González, H.G. Hernández-Rodríguez Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
国内研究性教学现状及启示 李亚培, 吕舒童, 范延超 Educational Research
高校乒乓教学融合思政教育策略探讨 衡新辰 Educational Research
教育数字化赋能语文课程教学改革的策略研究 徐寅洲 Modern Education Forum
SIMtoCARE Dente灵镜式口腔教学培训系统在种植体植入术实验教学中的应用效果评价 宋付祥, 陕蓉 Modern Education Forum
多波长红外激光道路积水结冰厚度测量方法研究 吴德操, 杨希, 张俊杰, 孙浩然, 曾俊博 Building Technology Research
2024年1月云南省油菜产区冻害损失评估 赵俊, 吴进明 Agricultural Science
Research on Bioimpedance Technology Based on Real Axis Equidistant Method Ruyi Jiao, Bingqi Chu, Ping Liu, Qiong Gong, Dongxiu Zhou, Shuilan Li, Huasheng Qin, Cheng Fang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
One Case of Solar Dermatitis Treated with Umbilical Needle "Four Positions" Combined with Body Acupuncture Wenxia Zhao, Chaoming Chen Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Study on the Construction of Family Support System for Unrelated Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donation Volunteers Wenjie Ge, Yi Zheng Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
The Comprehensive Impact of Maintenance Hemodialysis Treatment: a Qualitative Study Qin Guan, Hongfei Yang, Lu Zhou, Zhipeng Xue, Xiaoling Zhu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Clinical Evaluation of Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2/Flu/RSV Combination Test in China Lei Chen, Zhaobao Pan, Yuanyuan Tang, Jifei Cai, Xiaoying He Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Analysis of Clinical Characteristics of Insomnia Patients and Effect of Acupuncture Therapy Xiaobin Li, Xiang Zhou, Xinghua Du, Rui Mei, Yuna Zhang, Dan Li, Qian Yang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Advances in Targeted Therapy of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with EGFR Combined With P53 Gene Mutation Di Lu, Yueyong Li, Ju Liao, Wenxian Lin, Xiuli Mao, Xinxin Wei, Xiaohong Qin Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
A Meta-analysis of Intensive and Standard Antihypertensive Safety in Elderly Hypertensive Patients Chao Fang, Nuan Xiao, Jiannan Wu, Yuanxin Tian, Hongmei Zhao, Simin Ren Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
The Influence of Aerobic Exercise on Hippocampal Glial Cells and Inflammatory Factor Expression in the Aging Process of Rats Yan Song, Caini Pei Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Development of Low-Carbon Finance Helps the Construction of China's Low-Carbon Financial Legal System Mengmeng Cao, Zheng Liu, Jiahui Liu, Yining Chen, Shiyu Zhang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Data-driven, Digital Transformation and Enterprise Total Factor Productivity — Empirical Evidence from A-share Listed Companies in China Ming Chen, Zhifan Wang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Research on Quality Management in the Evaluation of University Construction Project Effectiveness Jiaojiao Chen, Hu Yao, Chunyu Yan Modern Economics & Management Forum
A Study on the Fusion and Development of the Digital Music Industry with Blockchain Technology Shenghan Lai, Weiying Li, Yihong Xie, Huanni Chen Modern Economics & Management Forum
Research on the Construction Method of Knowledge Base of Automatic Question Answering System for Labor Law Dehong Tan Modern Economics & Management Forum
Can Managers' Short-Sightedness Be Reversed Through Close and Clean Business-government Relationships? Xiaojiao Guo, Qian Liu, Laiqiang Feng Modern Economics & Management Forum
Farm Household Differentiation, Willingness to Enter the Market with Collective Management Construction Land and Choice Preference — Based on 1030 Farm Household Questionnaires in Jiangsu Province Yulu Zhang, Ziqi Peng, Xiaodan Zhang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Tibetan in Painting: The Embodiment of the Idea of Impermanence in the Animation "The Return of the Great Sage" Yang Yuan, Jingqi Qiu Arts Studies and Criticism
The Role of Color Psychology in Interaction Design Wenbo Zhang, Mengyao Wang, Jiahui Zhang, Yiyi Feng, Chenxuan Wang Arts Studies and Criticism
Navigating the Future Landscape: Probing the Mechanism and Feeding Model of AI within Theatrical Arts Hua Feng Arts Studies and Criticism
针对危地马拉翡翠的营销建议分析 刘婉 Economics
财会专业“财务管理”课程思政教学改革探析 田琳 Economics
陕西制造业高质量发展的提升路径 周媛媛 Economics
非物质文化遗产传承与发展一体化平台建设 杨函, 谢欣, 卓玛雁玥, 徐乐萍, 于丞今 Economics
新时代跨境电商人才“法治”意识培养探究 汪琼 Economics
小组工作介入农村电商技能培训研究 ——以都匀市 d 村为例 万佳艳, 王珊珊 Economics
甘孜州及近邻地区映震能力情况分析 郎韵宏, 王力, 曾程, 方东泰, 薛莲 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
新时期健康体检环境消毒管理的重点与实践 贾伟, 盛英文, 徐冰, 孙碧红, 李定辰, 丁巾玲 Basic Medical Theory Research
对1例心肌致密化不全患儿围手术期的护理——基于二元干预模式 符惠丽, 符香云, 洪蕾, 李闰梅, 任瑞瑞, 陈玉柳 Basic Medical Theory Research
Research on Anatomical Types and Variations of Lung Segment Bronchi Based on Artificial Intelligence 3D Reconstruction Technology Gaofeng Qiao, Yunzeng Zhang, Changming Shen, Xiaofeng Li, Yuling Pan Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Construction Practice of Medical Device Product Life Cycle Management Platform Yueming Yang, Li Zhao, Weigang Zhu, Jicheng Quan, Yang Tang, Shengle Geng, Ming Zhong, Huiliang Wang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Rare and Dangerous Complication of Rhabdomyolysis in Critically Ill Patients: a Case Study Lin Shan, Meng Fan, Zheheng Bao Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Intrinsic Mechanisms of Facial Expression Recognition Defects in Children with Autism Dawei Guo, Zhangna Qiu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Research on the Anti-Tumor Mechanism of Artocarpus Lingnanensis Lectin Lu Li, Wenya Chen, Xiangling Li, Ben Chen Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Effect of Fixed Position on Critical Performance of Aortic Valve in Vitro Testing Jianjun Sun, Wenbo Lu, Qing Zhang, Xinxia Guo, Ning Ma, Lili Liu, Lei Zhang, Jing Yang Advanced Journal of Nursing
ECG Interpretation and Clinical Application in Cardiology Nursing Practice Shasha Liu, Xiaorong Yang Advanced Journal of Nursing
Empirical exploration and research on informationization teaching of English in vocational colleges Jingwei ZHU, Wei LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The exploration on the path of foreign language talent cultivation from the perspective of rural revitalization --a case study of Chengjiang Fossil Site History Museum Xin NING, Mei ZUO, Xiaoyan MO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The exploration on the path of foreign language talent cultivation from the perspective of rural revitalization --a case study of Chengjiang Fossil Site History Museum Xin NING, Mei ZUO, Xiaoyan MO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An empirical study of production-oriented approach in college oral English teaching Xiaoyan MO, Yan LIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Study on the current situation, issues, and strategies of integrating excellent traditional Chinese culture into children's playgrounds Mengyue HUANG, Junnan ZHAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Practical exploration of bilingual teaching in programming courses Yandan XUE, Gongmei LI, Yanbin BU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An equivalent infinitesimal substitution problem of indeterminate limit from a literature and its correction Quanfeng QIU, Xuemei CHEN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Innovative thinking and exploration of teaching evaluation in colleges under the background of intelligent education Liyan ZHAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Factors influencing the health literacy among undergraduates in China : a review Pengying YUE, Suppiah NACHIAPPAN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on specific implementation path of digital empowerment in college English teaching in local private universities Xiaosa WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the cultivation of "double-qualified" professional undergraduate teachers under the background of the new era Zhuyu WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Discussion on the challenges and countermeasures of artificial intelligence enabling ideological and political education in colleges and universities Cheng CHEN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Improving the Management and Follow-up of Atopic Dermatitis: A Delphi Process Report of Consensus between Hospital Dermatologists and Pharmacists P. Herranz-Pinto, I. Figueras Nart, E. Monte-Boquet, B. Tortajada Goitia Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
产教融合下高职电商专业校企协同育人研究 左佳 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
打造“红岩先锋”变革型组织的历史智慧 李聪慧 Project Engineering
瞪羚企业价值评估研究综述 黄健, 李礼 Project Engineering
智慧税务下纳税信用体系构建——以双鸭山为例 窦晓飞 Economics
我国油气行业高质量发展现状、问题与对策 孙雨薇 Economics
区块链背景下中小企业财务共享服务优化研究 祁雨函 Economics
企业数字化程度、融资约束与创新能力 王铭 Economics
精神病患者暴力行为识别方法研究综述 王涛, 熊珍珍, 田凤霞, 曹文韬, 艾伟 Basic Medical Theory Research
地塞米松植入剂(Ozurdex)联合康柏西普(Conbercept) ——治疗视网膜中央静脉阻塞继发黄斑水肿的临床研究 刘腾, 段直光 Basic Medical Theory Research
韭菜收割打包机的设计与分析 李志涛, 张建锐, 龚美杰, 寇鹏强, 王佳, 林朝玺 Agricultural Science
燕麦收割打捆一体机 徐光强, 宋凯苇, 刘震平, 边建潇 Agricultural Science
高职院校市域产教联合体评价体系研究 张菲菲 Journal of International Education Forum
实训基地管理与学生主体参与的契合模式研究——以我校医疗器械开放性实训基地为例 翁灿烁, 金浩宇, 刘晓英 Journal of International Education Forum
基于云班课的C语言BOPPPS教学模式设计研究 赵彩 Journal of International Education Forum
Measurement of Ecosystem Service Value in the Yellow River Basin under the Background of High-quality Development Yuanxiu Tang, Enze Li Modern Economics & Management Forum
U.S. Semi-Conductor Policy: The Limits of Alliance and Sanction Xiaohan Huang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Comparative Study on the Development of Ice and Snow Tourism Industry in China and Spain Renqun Sun, Xiangqian Zhang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Strategies for Chinese Enterprises to Overcome Investment Obstacles in Kazakhstan in the New Era Lingwei Meng, Yongmei Cai Modern Economics & Management Forum
The Relationship Study between Ideological and Political Education of Higher Vocational Students and Students’ Mental Health Xinyue QI, Qiongtian ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
In-depth exploration of traditional cultural elements in the course "Stone Culture and Gem and Jade Appreciation" Mimi YANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Integration of craftsman spirit of great powers into the practical classroom teaching of computer network foundation Ling XIN, Xiaofeng XIE, Xiang LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The resources related to the CPC's heritage of the "Little Long March" are used to raise students' awareness of courses on political philosophy teaching in colleges and universities Jihua PAN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the reform of teaching content and methods for the 'online store customer service' course aimed at the ASEAN market in cross-border e-commerce Guanlin LIU, Pinlong LIANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the construction of ideological and political education teaching evaluation system in university courses--taking public finance as an example Xi FENG, Na ZHANG, Jichen LI, Jiale NAN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Educational environment and college students: an investigation of scientific literacy of early childhood education students in two Chinese normal universities Yifan LI, Yanhui LIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on cultivating applied foreign language talents under the background of the Belt and Road Jianing NIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An exploration of integrating the dual collegiate system into the English public speaking activity for non-governmental college students—taking the dark horse speaker at Chongqing College of Mobile Communication as an example Qinfei YANG, Maolin YANG, Sai ZHAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploring the possibility of promoting red books through Chinese-English red book companion reading Min CHEN, Jingjie DANG, Liuxian QIN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Conveyor-Based Earthmoving Machine for Deep, Top-Down Excavations Haibin Li Journal of Building Technology
Optimal Load Factors for Seismic Design of Buildings Juan Bojórquez Mora, Sonia E. Ruiz Gómez Journal of Building Technology
Strategies for training college media students' ability to tell Chinese stories in English Wei CAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Comparison and inspiration of the selection system for primary school pre service teachers in China, Japan, and South Korea Jun LYU, Xinxiu JIANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the countermeasures for the construction of general education courses in local ordinary colleges and universities in the new era Yan ZENG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the evolution and protection of street and lane names in Hangzhou in the process of urban development and renewal Yan ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
SPOC blended teaching reform and practice based on OBE concept Daiwen WU, Yawen YANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration and dissemination of traditional Chinese Shaoxing Opera IP in mass media Weiya LIANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the integrated model of practical teaching "apprenticeship, internship and research" for language education majors in the context of teacher education accreditation Caifeng SONG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on "curriculum-certificate integration" teaching case of multi-axis programming and processing technology based on 1+x certificate system Zongxiang WENG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Graduate psychological safety study Helin WEI, Jiawen LIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Reflections on the network moral education of college students in the new era Jia OU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Multiple concurrent causal relationships and multiple paths analysis of the construction of first class undergraduate majors in local universities under the background of the Double Ten Thousand Plan - based on the QCA analysis of first class undergraduate majors in local universities in Liaoning province Lei ZHANG, Yanjie WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Analysis of the application of Chinese excellent traditional culture in primary school English teaching activities from the perspective of new curriculum standards Youyan ZHAO, Lin SUN, Jing LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the construction of English "eco-classroom" in primary schools under the perspective of ecological linguistics Qiyun ZHENG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
MLY企业环境会计信息披露质量评价体系构建——基于PSR-熵权法 段炜华, 李晓悦, 葛建龙 Economics
购买商业养老保险提高了居民的主观幸福感吗?——基于CGSS2021的实证研究 陈茜睿 Economics
智能金融服务中的优势和局限性分析——基于AI智能算法技术 段宇慧, 何雨阳, 姚唯杰, 郭文杰 Economics
旅游体验视角下的红色旅游转型升级研究——以“梁家河”为中心 王子怡, 王静逸, 陈媛媛, 谭思雨, 刘美君 Economics
乡村特色产业链主企业的合作模式创新与优化 李守亳, 朱海燕 Economics
乡村振兴下电子商务与农村经济融合发展研究 朱海燕, 李守亳 Economics
高校数字化转型背景下预算绩效管理问题研究 白玲, 李缃珍 Economics
H集团冷链物流成本控制研究 刘欣 Economics
连锁企业绩效考核对企业战略实现的影响 蒋小龙 Economics
工业互联网平台赋能企业数字化跃迁:述评与展望 曾舒 Economics
乡村振兴背景下农村绿色信贷发展探讨——基于湖北省汉川市的实践 秦天, 孔婉婷, 李欣芮, 刘逸恒, 罗嘉旭, 池成 Economics
物流经济管理模式及其战略发展决策研究 杨帆 Economics
新能源汽车产业服务创新发展现状与对策研究 王玻, 狄欢, 杜玉倩 Economics
我国推行垃圾分类教育面临的困境及对策 蒋宇航, 赵云双 Ecological Environment and Protection
全自动固相萃取——超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定地表水中头孢匹罗的不确定度评定 何媛媛, 李双双, 杨紫薇, 王晨希 Ecological Environment and Protection
藏药唐古特青兰抗运动疲劳研究 薛强, 武晋磊 Basic Medical Theory Research
多形性胶质母细胞瘤DAXX表达及临床意义研究 赵小云, 曹燕, 薛生山 Basic Medical Theory Research
“交通-通信-能源”三网融合关键技术研究 张鼎霖, 朱熙豪, 汪内利, 倪双静 Building Development
现代农业背景下农村生态文明建设路径研究——以沧州市为例 张晓芬, 李素丽, 李娜 Agricultural Science
成熟度对烟叶质量及感官风格的影响研究 段正卫, 娄方能, 高强, 易凯, 严静 Agricultural Science
山地果园生产主要问题及未来发展方向的调研 黄源, 胡国平, 熊棣文, 寇琳羚, 熊长春, 熊伟, 孔文斌 Agricultural Science
乡村振兴视角下的农文旅融合发展——基于大理市古生村的研究 娄同, 郑应亭 Agricultural Science
《许渊冲经典诗译赏析》课程建设与教学探索 唐凤玲 Journal of International Education Forum
一对一数字化学习下留守儿童计算机学习研究 张李娜 Advances in Computer and Autonomous Intelligence Research
双碳目标达成与移动通信基站节能减排的探索 马玉英, 吕岩, 任现坤 Advances in Computer and Autonomous Intelligence Research
程序设计能力课程群持续改进探索 刘立媛, 王静, 刘悦 Advances in Computer and Autonomous Intelligence Research
基于fsQCA的全过程工程咨询试点实施路径分析 张国兴, 马静, 许彬, 张浩楠 Project Engineering
“互联网+”时代高校意识形态安全问题及对策研究 姚志琴, 奚曦 Project Engineering
美育基地在大学生创新能力培养中的应用 李彩月, 李雅轩, 李彤, 叶筱琪 Modern Education Forum
浅析高校少数民族学生管理重难点及对策 肖莉 Modern Education Forum
PDCA模式下“三进”校园活动的有效组织策略 孔帆, 胡茯 Modern Education Forum
京津冀地区低碳协同创新发展驱动机制研究 陈艳霞, 高雅斌, 杜琳, 陈潮 Engineering and Management Science
房屋建筑学课程思政教学探索与实践 胡彪, 黄晓旭, 蒋嘉嘉 Educational Research
新背景下构建无机材料课程群的思考与实践 岳群峰, 张凤, 吴君, 张旭 Educational Research
Research on the Training Path of Business Etiquette for English Majors Yuxiu Yu Modern Economics & Management Forum
Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of the Metaverse — Taking Elderly Care as an Example Tongfei Xu, Yunru Huang, Wenbo Zhang, Caihong Ma Modern Economics & Management Forum
Analysis of Rainfall Characteristics Caused by Urban Geological Disasters: Evidence from Wuhan Ming Li, Linyi Li Architecture Engineering and Science
Research on "Curriculum-Certificate Integration" Teaching Case of CNC Machining Technology and Programming Based on 1+X Certificate System Zongxiang Weng Journal of Higher Education Research
The Exploration and Practice Path of Ecological Civilization Construction under the Background of "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" Hu Yao, Chunyu Yan, Jiaojiao Chen Modern Economics & Management Forum
Path analysis of integrating excellent traditional Chinese culture into the art education curriculum of colleges and universities Jiacai LIAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The design strategies of the O-AMAS model for effective teaching of English major courses Min NIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration of teaching reform and innovation in the "Three Constitutions" course of environmental art and design in higher vocational education Jing SHAO, Hongmei CHEN* Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the development issues and countermeasures of the China higher education foundation Yuqiong FAN, Li LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research and practice of credit-based cross-school study models for Japanese language majors Ping YAN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Practice and reflection on online and offline blended teaching of cross-school study in building and sharing news English listening and speaking courses Chang LIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the development and application of loose-leaf textbooks for soil mechanics Sheng ZHANG, Fan LUO, Jian LIANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research and application of the talent training mechanism in the integration of industry and education in private colleges under the new situation Hongwei YANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Curriculum reform and innovation for CNC lathe and milling processing certificate under the "1+X" certification system Yuming LIANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Improvement path under the dilemma of cultivating foreign-related rule of law talents in local colleges and universities Xinglyu PIAO, Xinyan YANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on strategies for developing intercultural communicative competence for English majors Yumei HUANG, Yan WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The practice on the construction of off-campus practical teaching base in applied undergraduate colleges - taking the practical base of industrial robot as an example Zhijun YE, Lei SONG, Siqi XIONG, Feixin CHEN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An analysis of eco-translation from the perspective of culturally-loaded words Dandan WEI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on virtual electronic experimental teaching of theoretical mechanics in engineering departments Lingling CHEN, Zhiyuan WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the cultivation mode of foreign-related rule of law talents in local colleges and universities Xinyan YANG, Xinglyu PIAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A survey of online learning engagement of local normal college students in the digital age Rui ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The Effects of Prescription for Restoring Kidney Function on Chronic Kidney Failure (Renal Deficiency with Blood Stasis and Turbidity) and Its Impact on Renal Function Qiaoqiao Yuan, Zuling Gao, Haijun Yang, Feng Dai, Bo Zou Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Relationship Between Genetic Prediction of Diabetes and Coronary Atherosclerosis: A Two-Sample Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Study Xiaoying Guo, Biaoliang Wu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Application Research of Sodium Hyaluronate in Endoscopic Submucosal Tunnel Resection (STER) for Esophageal Cancer Anfu Zhou, Yan Tan, Yangqing Jiang, Yan Wang, Jing Tang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Research on Digital Empowerment of Xinfan Palm Weaving Technique Lei Mei, Shao Li, Na Tang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Analysis of the Guide to Excellence in the Conduct of Clinical Trials in Hospital Pharmacy Pilar Suñé-Martín, José Manuel Carretero-Abascal, Cristina González-Pérez Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
Integrating Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine to Treat Childhood Asthma Kangxiong Zhao, Guocheng Zhang Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
Research on the current situation and problems of informatization teaching in higher vocational English Wei LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on teaching reform of logistics talent training mode under the background of digital economy Qing SHI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A study of Tang poetry translation from the perspective of cognitive poetics Yujie XU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The exploration and practice research of curriculum ideology and politics in computer network courses Tianquan LIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Optimization strategies for informatization teaching of higher vocational English Wei LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Work integrated learning in China higher vocational education: a discussion on industry education integration models Jiaojiao WANG, Yunhua ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the practice of teaching mode on the courses about Chinese national conditions and culture for international students in China Ying LI, Wenli CHEN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
次氯酸钠发生器工程应用中盐耗及成本的研究 陈守应, 陈豪, 龚曲靖, 孙财远 Building Technology Research
教学与科研耦合视角下本科院校教学质量评价研究 谭德明, 吴大维 Journal of International Education Forum
高职师德师风与中华文化传承创新策略研究 彭云, 刘赛英 Journal of International Education Forum
国际三大教育体系视域下幼儿园环境创设探析 林俊杰, 罗梦欣 Journal of International Education Forum
开放融合:高职学前教育专业课程改革思考 林青, 谢耀华, 邓伟 Early Childhood Education Science
民族地区幼儿园语言游戏开展现状探究——以通海县兴蒙乡为例 肖芊, 唐梦迪, 农金蒙, 杨雄燕, 张成军 Early Childhood Education Science
幼儿教师成为研究者的分析---基于逻辑可能、价值旨归与实现路径的探讨 陈璐, 张军晓 Early Childhood Education Science
The urban environmental system perspective on socio-environmental risks of urban flooding Ariadne Farias, Francisco Mendonça Region - Water Conservancy
乡村振兴背景下中越边境休闲农业发展调研报告 陈丁琦, 覃智 Agricultural Science
5种杀菌剂对皂荚枯萎病的防治试验 樊晓亮, 许子怡, 崔华蕾 Agricultural Science
基于物联网在滴灌模式下智能灌溉控制研究 温艳华, 马恢, 张嘉英, 李鹏飞, 籍立杰 Agricultural Science
义务教育阶段收费管理偏差现状的回归分析 陈星宇 Journal of International Education Forum
高等数学课程中概念的文化素养思政探索 刘子睿, 姜珊珊, 赵丽娜, 常延贞 Journal of International Education Forum
基于超星学习通的混合式学习空间建构——在《食品营养生物学》中的实践与思考 张巧智, 张卫斌, 韩菲菲, 王彦波, 傅玲琳 Journal of International Education Forum
大学生心理健康教育混合式教学模式研究——基于OBE教育理念 孙慧 Journal of International Education Forum
高校艺体类大学生思想政治教育现状与问题研究 戴金来 Journal of International Education Forum
大学生心理健康教育课程评价体系构建研究——基于CIPP模式 田静 Journal of International Education Forum
高职工匠型技术技能人才培养模式的探究——基于技能大赛视域下中药学专业 李璐, 孙立艳, 张馨方, 郑瑾, 傅红 Journal of International Education Forum
OBE模式下青少年社会工作实务课程改革探索 李林子 Journal of International Education Forum
Clinical Characteristics Analysis of Hospitalized Patients Infected with the Omicron Variant of the Novel Coronavirus Chao Rui, Liyun Chen, Hui He, Fen Huang, Zhi Zhang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Determination of the Probability Distribution of Concrete Mixing Components Mariana Suárez Pereira, Fiamma Dubraska Peña Fabiani Journal of Building Technology
Application of Recycled Asphalt Pavement Aggregate in Rigid Pavement Dulce Valeria Guzmán Ortiz, Juan Bosco Hernández Zaragoza, Teresa López Lara, Jaime Moisés Horta Rangel, Diego Alberto Giraldo Posada Journal of Building Technology
Research and Design of a Novel Hygiene Protection Handrail Based on Pyroelectric Infrared Sensing Xiang Zhang, Suping Cui, Name Zeren, Caiyi Liang, Xinyan Wang Journal of Building Technology
Characteristics and Factors Associated with Mortality Due to Rare Diseases in Chile, 2002 - 2017 Jahir Andrés Avila, Julio César Martínez Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
Traveller's Dengue: Tropical Diseases Outside the Tropics in Bolivia Juan Sergio Mollinedo Pérez, Zoraida Aymara Mollinedo, Wilson Julio Gironda, Rene Edmundo Mollinedo Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
Photogrammetry: How to Create Low-cost, Realistic, and Easy to Operate 3D Models for Medical Teaching and Diagnosis Alonso Saharahui de Jesús-Luis, Sergio Ordóñez-Velázquez, Diego Pineda-Martínez, Brian Brenes-Solano, Jessica González-Fernández Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
Research on Industry-Education Integration Training of Practical Innovation Talents in "New Engineering" — A Case Study of Materials Science and Engineering Major Haonan Zhou, Ting Kuang, Haixing Liu, Xing Ma Journal of Higher Education Research
The influence of proactive personality on entrepreneurial intentions among college students: a moderated mediation effect Meng FENG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The reform and practice of 3D printing courses guided by design thinking Zhanqiang MA Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research and practice of multi-level project-based teaching mode -- taking the fashion and apparel design programme as an example Yan MA, Rubin HOU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the development of sports culture construction in Hainan universities Hongguo GUAN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the reform of mathematics teaching in the new form of ideological and political education in the curriculum Xiaoyan LI, Yuli ZHANG, Bingyuan XU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Exploration of the teaching mode of engineering training combining virtual and reality Mengli LI, Yuexia LYU, Ming ZHANG, Mingdong YI, Peng ZHANG, Zhi LI, Juan GE Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Development of post-editing skills in machine translation Qianqian SHI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Reform and practice of ideological and political teaching in the course of processing and storage of forage crops Hongmei  SHANG, Yu  TIAN, Bo  XU, Haizhu  ZHOU, Nanyi  ZHANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
The tutor team construction in the "honeycomb model" of professional degrees training for postgraduate Li SUN, Yansheng SONG, Wei WANG, Qiao JIN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Design principles and best practices for software digital learning materials Yaohua YANG, Liqin AI, Jiaojiao ZHAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Integration of online and offline: an all-round education mode with curriculum ideology and politics elements Yonggang GUO, Na LU, Lin WANG, Kai WANG Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on the construction of practical training facilities for tourism-related majors in the context of digital transformation Zhenghua LIU Region - Educational Research and Reviews
基于矛盾法则的家庭幸福方法论探析 罗青 Early Childhood Education Science
早教课程设置与实施现状的调查研究──以湖南省郴州市为例 邓伟, 邓梅芳, 林青 Early Childhood Education Science
Research on Information Transmission and Cultural Communication of Emoticon in the Online Social Networking Context--Taking Cantonese Emoticon Design of Guang Fu Culture as an Example ya wen Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research and Exploration on the Integration of Ideological and Political Education in Multimedia Technology Courses Xinliang Li Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Multiple Concurrent Causal Relationships and Multiple Paths Analysis of the Construction of First Class Undergraduate Majors in Local Universities under the Background of the "Double Ten-Thousand Plan"—— Based on the QCA Analysis of First-class Undergraduate Majors in Local Universities in Liaoning Province Zheng Han, Lei Zhang, Yang Liu, Qijing Guan, Yanjie Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
An Analysis of the Structural Layout and Artistic Conception Creation of Contemporary Erhu Performance Art Lian Zhou Region - Educational Research and Reviews
BOPPPS教学模型在航空气象课程中的应用探索 徐小玉 Modern Education Forum
从生态翻译学看安徽楚文化博物馆文本翻译 张浮凌 Project Engineering
YOLO识别和指数平滑算法的浮标式水域监测系统 梁路晞, 史建洋, 刘舟, 李奇 Advances in Computer and Autonomous Intelligence Research
新时代教改背景下课程思政教学探索与实践——以《市场营销学》课程为例 戢芳 Journal of International Education Forum
应用型本科院校产教融合共同体模型构建 崔鹏飞, 李赫一, 邵晓静 Journal of International Education Forum
Experience in Multidisciplinary Treatment of Infectious Abortion and Severe Sepsis after Cervical Cerclage Feng Zhang, Bo Fan, Chengju Zhang, Qiao Jing, Jiaping Li Advanced Journal of Nursing
Construction and Implementation Effect Observation of Goal Management in Ward Nursing Management Baoxian Wang, Lixia Chen, Liyan Zhang, Jinheng Liu, Honglu Xin, Shaomei Cui Advanced Journal of Nursing
Promoting the Development of Conservation Engineering Technology for Scarce Medicinal Plants to Support Yunnan in Winning the "Battle for Biodiversity" Pei Zhang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Histological and Clinical Evidence of Soft Tissue Regeneration from a Porcine Collagen Matrix - Case Report Cristina Sanzana-Luengo, Soledad Acuña, Carlos Godoy, Javier Basualdo Allende Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research
A survey on the current situation of aesthetic education curriculum in middle and primary schools and suggestions for countermeasures Lei NIE Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A review of the value role of civic politics in sports courses of private universities, the political trend and the construction path Ji CHEN Region - Educational Research and Reviews
种草式营销对消费者购买意愿的影响研究 戢芳, 陈逸飞, 杨景, 汪佳诺, 俞嘉欣, 张静, 杨宇萱 Economics
中西金钱观探析及大学生健康金钱观的培育研究 林可宁, 王雪, 郭芯, 倪娜 Economics
西方金钱观对中国大学生消费观念的影响 牛妙歌, 李琪, 姜艳, 郭金英 Economics
中药青风藤杂交育种实验研究 何琴, 杨渊 Agricultural Science
四川现代农业科技创新存在的问题及策略探讨 程明广, 方杰 Agricultural Science
网络视域下高校外语专业学生思想独特性研究 冯萌 Journal of International Education Forum
新时代高校来华留学生文化育人建设研究 黄宇, 段伟杰, 罗胜杰 Journal of International Education Forum
“新文科”背景下翻译专业校企协同育人研究 邹红 Journal of International Education Forum
高校思想政治教育视域下大学生志愿服务研析 范玉宏, 范栋林 Journal of International Education Forum
“双创”教育与高校辅导员思政育人实践探究 崔浩 Journal of International Education Forum
职业技术人才培养思政育人机制探究 汪颖 Project Engineering
荀子“隆礼重法”思想的当代意义——当代大学生思想政治教育的启示研究 杨志梅, 王艳荣, 李佳璐 Project Engineering
非物质文化遗产音乐项目的创新传承研究 李常乐, 栾博强 Project Engineering
基于数据挖掘的学前儿童行为预测 张敏, 赵琼, 王沛媛, 严梦肖 Advances in Computer and Autonomous Intelligence Research
高等教育管理信息化新发展:走向智慧管理 雷波, 万展豪, 李啟祥 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
数字经济时代企业供应链审计的现状和模式 凌云志 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
中国钢贸企业未来数字化转型升级可行之路 崔建兵 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
重新思考大语言模型中的调优与对齐 文木源 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
基于数字技术治理推动农村电商业发展研究 隋天行 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
中国三线城市国有企业数字化转型发展对策 俞丁凌 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
浅谈银川智慧城市建设经验 李天进 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
数字化背景下企业财务监督体系的构建 李建明 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
数字金融支付模式下的大学生消费行为研究 郭依婷 Digital Economy and Information Technology Application Research
基于认知风格的社会工作实践教学策略探索——以高职学生为例 李林子 Modern Education Forum
幼儿园新入职教师专业发展探析——基于学习共同体 罗梦欣, 林俊杰 Modern Education Forum
高中生物学教学中渗透食品安全教育的研究 刘莉琳, 吴红卫, 彭传智, 肖云丽, 占剑峰 Educational Research
Revolutionizing Academic English Writing through AI-Powered Pedagogy: Practical Exploration of Teaching Process and Assessment Yifan Dong Journal of Higher Education Research
后疫情时代英语翻译专业大学生就业研究 李鸿稳, 王南, 侴嘉颖, 孙睿晗, 刘云琦, 龚艺 Educational Research
思想政治工作中的青年奋斗精神培育机制研究 高伟涛, 李斌, 齐啸 Educational Research
反刍教育联合激励心理的临床与教学应用 ——浅谈其在 OPMDs 患者和住培等带教中的实践 何虹, 许静怡, 孙铭婕, 马旭东, 余文萍, 周永梅 Educational Research
读后续写对高中生英语写作自我效能感的影响研究 张梦文, 王继玲, 卢丽, 王丽 Modern Education Forum
新时代艺体类大学生思政教育现状及对策研究 戴金来 Modern Education Forum
Efficacy of Ginger Moxibustion in Management of Local Swelling and Pain at Injection Sites of COVID-19 Vaccines Jianyue Weng, Wei Li Advanced Journal of Nursing
Analysis of Preoperative Psychological Characteristics of Patients with Enterostomy Jing Fang, Chun Yu, Xiaocui Zou, Tingting Yuan, Jing Zhang Advanced Journal of Nursing
The Realistic Enlightenment of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture in Labor Education Tianwei Han Journal of Higher Education Research
The Effect of Participatory Teaching Method Combined with Virtual Simulation System in Ultrasonic Imaging Teaching Meng Ao, Yun Zhang Journal of Higher Education Research
Research on Visual Design of Railway 3D Structure Model Based on BIM Xiaogang Wang Architecture Engineering and Science
全身系统关联性的口腔主要罕见病遗传病 孙铭婕, 许静怡, 何虹, 余文萍, 周永梅 Basic Medical Theory Research
41例脑血管畸形破裂出血的法医学鉴定 于海胜, 蔡灵卿, 张可丽, 李萱 Basic Medical Theory Research
长凝大蒜规范化种植与管理技术要点 刘昕颐 Agricultural Science
基于多属性决策-FCEM 耦合模型的LNG储罐泄漏风险分析 周德红, 彭诗雨 Journal of Safety Science and Engineering
磷矿山地下开采方法研究 徐孟超, 李小双, 王佳文, 王孟来, 李树建 Journal of Safety Science and Engineering
医学类高等职业学校“体医结合”教育模式探究 李朝 Journal of International Education Forum
安全工程创新创业人才培养模式的探讨----结合“课程引导、兴趣驱动”背景进行说明 刘国明, 宋思远, 刘音 Journal of International Education Forum
基于毛纽扣的Ka频段双极化相控阵雷达天线 王彪, 朱贵德, 蓝海 Advances in Computer and Autonomous Intelligence Research
Application of Multi-participatory Health Education Model in the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Colleges Xiaoyan Mao, Xiuying Wang, Youlong Zhou Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Research on the reform of civic science teaching in music course under the concept of OBE talent cultivation Lin ZHAO Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Changes in vegetation structure and hydrological function in response to rangeland rest Raúl E Tácuna, Lucrecia  Aguirre, Enrique R Flores Region - Water Conservancy
Effects associated by the change of cauce río San Lorenzo, Carmen de Viboral Antioquia Jorge Wilson Naranjo Cardona, Yimmy  Montoya Moreno Region - Water Conservancy
Groundwater quality for agricultural use in Zacoalco de Torres and Autlan de Navarro, Mexico Oscar Raúl  Mancilla-Villa, Blanca Noemy  Anzaldo-Cortes, Rubén Darío  Guevara Gutiérrez, Omar Hernández-Vargas, Carlos  Palomera-García, Yerena  Figueroa-González, Héctor Manuel  Ortega-Escobar, Héctor  Flores-Magdaleno, Álvaro  Can-Chulim, Elia   Cruz-Crespo, Edgar Iván  Sánchez-Bern al , José Luis  Olguín-López, Isabel  Mendoza-Saldivar Region - Water Conservancy
Hydroecological approach for an experimental well field in the Yucatan karst C.E Zetina Moguel, R.A. González Herrera, I.D. Barceló Quintal Region - Water Conservancy
Geotechnical Zoning of the Soils of the City of Valledupar Using a GIS Olga Vanessa Palacio Pacheco, Gustavo Cadena Carrillo, Eberto Rafael Ortega Sinning, Angélica Patricia Vanegas Padilla Journal of Building Technology
Geotechnical Zoning for the Construction of an Irrigation District in the Department of Atlántico - Colombia Eberto Rafael Ortega Sinning, Angélica Patricia Vanegas Padilla Journal of Building Technology
Integrating Environmental Phenomena in the Initial Architecture Studio: Reflections on Modeling of Convective Currents in Living Spaces Ricardo Martinez, David Cabrera, Diego Vasco Journal of Building Technology
水利水电施工技术中的灌浆施工应用研究 陈远禄 Hydropower and Water Resources
基于水利工程设计管理的探索 刘海燕 Hydropower and Water Resources
分析泵站水泵的运行管理与日常维护措施 田军 Hydropower and Water Resources
基于节水激励的灌渠效率用水提升研究 余芳 Hydropower and Water Resources
标准化文明示范工地建设与管理——以车门水库为例 林志强 Hydropower and Water Resources
高寒地区水利工程混凝土抗裂性分析研究 陈智渊 Hydropower and Water Resources
节水灌溉技术对农业灌溉效率的影响 李芳, 马萍 Hydropower and Water Resources
对中小型水利水电工程施工质量控制的几点看法 王懿 Hydropower and Water Resources
水利水电施工导流及围堰技术分析 郝拴强 Hydropower and Water Resources
电力系统配电自动化及其故障处理 叶小波 Hydropower and Water Resources
水利工程建设施工安全管理的探讨 陈正华 Hydropower and Water Resources
信息技术在水文勘测工作中的应用 王兵 Hydropower and Water Resources
水利工程堤坝防渗加固施工技术分析 张琼 Hydropower and Water Resources
水利工程中水闸的运行管理及日常维护研究 奚宏 Hydropower and Water Resources
水利水电施工过程中边坡开挖支护技术探讨 刘海涛, 周宇浩 Hydropower and Water Resources
探析农田水利灌溉渠道工程的运行维护与管理 陈正华, 刘文坡, 张洪燕 Hydropower and Water Resources
论水利隧道灌浆施工及质量控制 季林 Hydropower and Water Resources
农田水利工程中节水灌溉技术分析 刘先龙 Hydropower and Water Resources
电气工程的电气安装和调试架构分析 白何 Hydropower and Water Resources
发电厂汽轮机常见故障与节能降耗分析 宋金锐 Hydropower and Water Resources
美国协作式写作项目教学理论及其案例探究 祁小荣 Journal of International Education Forum
CBL联合思维导图 ——在OPMDs患者依从性和住培带教中的运用 何虹, 孙铭婕, 许静怡, 余文萍, 黄轶峰 Journal of International Education Forum
深圳市工业碳排放现状及驱动因素研究 叶斌, 梁旭阳, 宋亚植 Ecological Environment and Protection
镇江市抗生素生产、使用和污染情况简介 李双双, 何媛媛, 杨紫薇 Ecological Environment and Protection
Action-oriented Practice and Students' Vocational Competence Development in Higher Vocational Education Kaijin Sun Journal of Higher Education Research
Planning of areas of influence of reservoirs. Proposal from land carrying capacity Nataly Montoya-Restrepo, Sandra Yanneth Ríos-Gallego, Joaquín Guillermo Hincapié-Pérez Region - Water Conservancy
交通激励下天水古木结构的动力响应及安全评估 王鑫, 孟昭博 Building Development
高校大学生管理工作存在的问题及解决措施 周娟 Journal of International Education Forum
伽玛函数在概率论与数理统计教学中的应用 梁静, 潘娟娟 Educational Research
“三全育人”视域下课程思政案例设计——以《概率论与数理统计》为例 汪慧 Educational Research
高职学生创新创业教育实践探究——以专业社团为载体 任家辉, 刘象赢, 王钰涵 Educational Research
信息类专业应用型人才培养模式研究与实践 宋涛, 王建旭, 汤斌, 吴德操, 龙邹荣 Educational Research
Differences on financial performance and life satisfaction in genders and university types of Chinese college students Mingshuang ZHUGE, Jie LI Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Teaching Strategies of Senior High School English Writing Based on Promoting Writing with Reading Wanqing Liu Journal of Higher Education Research
高校艺体类大学生思想政治教育的问题与对策研究 戴金来, 张德贤 Educational Research
《固体物理学》教学中 Materials Studio 的应用 肖文志, 文大东, 贺君, 段伟杰, 何婷, 肖刚, 易洲 Educational Research
高职食品专业创新创业教育体系的创设研究 林创业, 陈春艳, 拓妮妮, 马念 Educational Research
高考日语志愿者联盟的构建与运行研究 韦辣, 徐京麟, 赖学慧, 莫书葆, 曾文华 Educational Research
生产运营管理课程思政实施及评价体系研究 赵越 Educational Research
任务驱动教学法在专业必修课程中应用探讨——以《矿井通风与除尘》课程为例 宋平, 庞新坤 Educational Research
基于气象服务助力乡村振兴的案例课程开发 吴天明, 姜辅嫄, 莫凡, 唐鹤云, 吴帆, 卢茜茜 Educational Research
“建党精神”融入高职学生职业素养提升路径研究 豆小文 Educational Research
Experimental and Analytical Study on the Force-carrying Process of the Sand-collecting Shovel Zhenxing Wang Architecture Engineering and Science
A Research on the Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling Based on Scenario Deduction Weiguo Liu, Xuyin Wang Architecture Engineering and Science
Design and Implementation of Digital Twin Data Engine Lei Wang, Ning Lei, Tao Peng, Xiaona Zhang, Dehui Zhang, Pin Li Architecture Engineering and Science
里禾水库水质PH值异常研究及点位设置分析 陈来山, 陈冬华, 朱盼盼, 杨开贵 Ecological Environment and Protection
全自动固相萃取-高效液相色谱法测定水中6种头孢抗生素 李双双, 何媛媛, 王晨希 Ecological Environment and Protection
共享经济下餐饮企业经营管理模式创新研究 邓湘婷, 王兵 Economics
CIPP模式在应用型大学课程思政评价中的实践与探索 庄静, 吴蔡昊 Educational Research
基于思政融合的高职院校有效课堂建设——以“皮肤生理学”为例 朱华强, 曾平莉, 金小平, 周含贝 Educational Research
三全育人理念下高校“33·525”心理育人模式构建 常荣 Educational Research
浅析产教融合视域下高职英语教师教学能力 芦瑶 Educational Research
新文科背景下高校经管专业人才培养模式研究 解茹玉 Educational Research
论混合式培训模式在气象培训中的应用 姜辅嫄, 吴天明, 龙锦标, 唐鹤云 Educational Research
Multimodality Molecular Imaging of Stem Cells Therapy of Myocardial Infarction Ligong Xu, Zhenwei Li, Shuang Wu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Structural Overview of Angiographic Catheter and Guiding Catheter Commonly Used in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Wei Yu, Ping Wang, Dun Wang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
基于“三全育人”理念的课程思政教育机制研究 扈彩霞 Journal of International Education Forum
高校通识教育中戏剧作品的剧本朗读与片段排演—— 以《雷雨》为例 谢奇吾 Journal of International Education Forum
课程思政视阈下高职英语教师团队建设研究 华琴 Journal of International Education Forum
红色文化融入大学计算机基础课程的改革实践 程丽玲, 谭军 Journal of International Education Forum
区域义务教育质量影响因素指标框架构建研究 陈婧钰 Journal of International Education Forum
肠道微生态与甲状腺癌发生关系的研究进展 张一维, 刘亚航, 郭瑞芳 Basic Medical Theory Research
功能数字人的人体机能学实验新体系 刘宣宣, 王觉进, 陈艾东 Basic Medical Theory Research
冠心病猝死的法医病理学研究 于海胜 Basic Medical Theory Research
微小RNA与甲状腺乳头状癌的研究进展 白云峰, 徐博伟, 陈建立 Basic Medical Theory Research
干细胞联合中药方剂治疗心肌梗死的研究进展 许立功, 李振伟, 吴爽 Frontiers of Chinese Medicine Research
产教融合型服装专业教学模式探索 范远东, 唐雪斌, 张华 Educational Research
材料工艺与模型制作课程教改研究与实践 黄双君 Educational Research
基于持续改进的新时代高等土力学教学改革 余翔, 王钰轲, 刘聪宇 Educational Research
《网球》课程思政教学设计与实践研究 詹崇将, 汤兆驰, 刘创, 曹礼 Educational Research
工程教育背景下机械课程思政建设的教学思考——以《机电传动控制》课程为例 于立娟, 李国发, 杨旭, 张世忠, 罗巍 Educational Research
虚拟仿真实验教学平台在法医学课程中的建设 徐敏娜 Educational Research
大学生社团活动的育人价值与实践研究 盛家颖 Educational Research
关于不定积分分部积分法的教学探讨 马艳丽, 潘娟娟 Educational Research
《大学物理》课程教学改革初探——以工程教育专业认证为例 容青艳, 肖文志, 肖刚, 徐海清, 戴雄英 Educational Research
关于“互联网+”背景下高师钢琴专业教学的思考 李佳 Educational Research
基于双减政策的农村留守儿童暑期培训的探索 廖琳, 易晋凡, 姚腾飞 Educational Research
数智经济时代新商科人才培养模式探索与实践——以云财务产业学院为例 解茹玉 Educational Research
基于OBE的《机器人系统设计与应用》示范课程建设 贾晓丽, 彭鹤, 张乾龙, 李国珍 Engineering and Management Science
《机械制造工程学》线上线下混合式课程建设 贾晓丽 Engineering and Management Science
中药干预糖酵解抑制消化道肿瘤增殖作用进展 秦雨, 王猛, 张云杰 Frontiers of Chinese Medicine Research
Study on the Causes of Highway Pavement Cracks in Desert Environment Quanxin Chang, Yongxiang Wu, Honggang Wang, Songshan Fan Architecture Engineering and Science
《米拉热巴道歌》生态审美研究 才让南杰 Ecological Environment and Protection
居民对社区电商接受度的研究 刘丽娜, 李世龙, 霍吉阿西木•阿卜拉 Economics
基于层次分析法的三清高速公路PPP项目风险 于文聚, 曹雪芹, 吴晓松 Economics
浙江金融营商环境对外商投资的影响研究 虞慧, 周蕾, 杨留华 Economics
财务共享对小企业的影响 王玉亭 Economics
抖音的盈利模式及发展策略探索 谢东闻, 郑璧皎, 邓曼, 林伊桐, 贝雨静 Economics
PLC在典型生产机械电气控制系统中的应用 金健, 杨航, 陈雪蕊 Engineering and Management Science
Matlab软件在“微纳光子学”课程教学中的应用 程书博, 刘孟思, 田永红, 陈善俊 Modern Education Forum
基于翻转课堂的混合式日语教学实践研究——以“高级日语1”为例 罗雯 Modern Education Forum
“五育融合”理念下高校第二课堂育人实践创新 范军 Modern Education Forum
“三全育人”视域下高职院校文化育人的创新路径研究——以杭州科技职业技术学院为例 季忆 Modern Education Forum
“高本衔接”工业节能技术专业人才培养实践 李春丽 Modern Education Forum
以BAG法为引领的智慧康养专业课程体系开发 李晶, 宋珺璐 Modern Education Forum
基于虚拟仿真技术的微生物实验课程改革实践 张小华, 操庆国, 杨雷亮, 田文志, 陈修国 Modern Education Forum
屋面光伏板风荷载的数值模拟 胡启煜, 周颖, 王雅南 Engineering and Management Science
Principle of International Factor Cooperation and China's Direct Investment in SCO Countries Lei Shen Modern Economics & Management Forum
On the Issue of Common Prosperity in the New Era and New Situation Guangzhe Li Modern Economics & Management Forum
新时代独立学院建立健全立德树人机制的探索 陈燕 Educational Research
职业教育产教融合型企业培育路径探析 项忠 Educational Research
基于案例教学的管理会计课程思政教学设计 谢东闻 Educational Research
公关人才培养:环境变迁与多元主体应对 吴建勋 Educational Research
《四世同堂》中“只要”条件句句法及分布研究 陈文真 Educational Research
医学院校课程思政教学探究与实践——以生物化学与分子生物学为例 裴丽丽, 闫芳 Educational Research
高校外语专业课程思政建设的困境与出路 卢珊珊 Educational Research
高校教育质量持续改进的探析 余翔, 李明昊, 赵小华 Educational Research
生产实习过程中的课程思政教学改革实践 朱霄霄, 刘书海, 贾晓丽, 顾继俊 Journal of International Education Forum
知识图谱视角下中国计算思维研究现状及展望 石定埔, 周锦程, 杨朵, 陈小红 Journal of International Education Forum
浅析英汉反义疑问句的异同及原因 陈文真 Journal of International Education Forum
高中生数学问题意识相关因素调查与分析 赵国威, 彭乃霞, 张力 Journal of International Education Forum
在大学生中深入开展“四史”学习教育研究 韩雪丽, 秦昌盛, 孙金香 Journal of International Education Forum
高校会计学专业课程思政教学实践探索 陈舒, 严久欣 Journal of International Education Forum
瑞士幼儿托育现状及对我国的借鉴启示 刘骞, 仇莉桦, 蒋溯, 陆一佳, 次晓芳 Journal of International Education Forum
SPOC教改理论的教学实践——以“影视作品赏析课程”为例 崔燕 Journal of International Education Forum
“软件技术基础”课程思政案例建设与教学实践 耿道渠, 胡向东, 徐洋 Journal of International Education Forum
铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的路径探析——以马克思主义基本原理课为例 刘凯 Journal of International Education Forum
课程思政视域下《民间文学》教学改革探索——以《蒙古民间文学概论》为例 乌云 Journal of International Education Forum
少数民族地区高校提高医学生就业能力研究 陈燕 Journal of International Education Forum
基于“岗课赛证”融通的人才培养模式的探索 卢文, 杨航, 金健 Journal of International Education Forum
乡村振兴视角下“双创”教育课程体系构建研究——以高职院校为例 张香芹, 张胜军 Educational Research
公安院校兵道(短兵)课程开展现状与策略研究 钟艳 Educational Research
法律硕士研究生“双导师制”培养模式的优化 胡瀚 Educational Research
基于一流课程的教学创新改革研究与实践 杨增增, 郑秀梅, 宁作君 Educational Research
基于OBE理念的常微分方程课程教学改革 张盟盟, 孙银春, 薛晓娟 Educational Research
百万扩招背景下职业生涯规划差异性教育研究 陈璐, 杨倩颖, 夏月梅, 马云燕 Educational Research
On the Reform of Ideological and Political Education in Major of International Chinese Education Yanyan Jiang, Bin Liu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Aesthetic Art in Films — Taking "The Battle at Lake Changjin" as an Example Yiyang Li Arts Studies and Criticism
Research on the Localized Catholicism Game Anthropology in the Border Between Yunnan and Tibet — Taking the Funeral Ceremony of Tibetan Catholics in Cizhong Village in Northwest Yunnan as an Example Li Jia, Junling Ma Arts Studies and Criticism
数字资本主义企业人力资源管理分析与批判 刘雯蓓, 杨又 Economics
四川省农产品冷链物流分析与对策 苗佳瑜, 杜珊珊, 张子麦, 苏甘雅 Economics
数字人民币发行对货币政策传导的影响 苟君雅, 郭子畅, 吴雨芯, 沈佳怡 Economics
区块链驱动湛江数字经济高质量发展路径研究 姚丽 Economics
中国农村公共物品供给与管护困境及策略研究 尹永程, 朱佳, 佘昊明, 司东辉, 于滨铜 Economics
视觉分拣教学实验台的设计 彭鹤, 李静宇, 王一航, 张乾龙, 黄开端 Educational Research
虚拟仿真技术在机制类课程中的应用 向玉春 Educational Research
基于课程思政与实践能力培养的改革探索---以《继电保护运行与调试》课程实践教学为例 张亚妮, 侯德明 Educational Research
立德树人视域下劳动教育的价值意蕴与实践路径 杜文岭, 王影慧 Educational Research
基于1+X证书制度“课证融合”教学改革实践研究——以广东岭南职业技术学院《数控加工工艺与编程》课程为例 翁宗祥 Educational Research
浅析新时代独立学院心理健康教育育人的对策 陈露 Educational Research
广西民办高校金融专业学生创新能力培养模式——“互联网+教育”背景下的探索与实践 戴鹏 Educational Research
情境沉浸项目式教学生态系统构建与实践 李玉梅 Educational Research
计算机类专业校企共建实践教学基地的研究 刘平, 王丽红, 韩雪 Educational Research
会计继续教育精准定位框架设计研究 王勇, 区乐怡 Educational Research
新媒体视域下大学生使用"夸夸群"的心理探析 郁雪颖 Educational Research
高校大学生形象管理项目研究 胡林丽, 林丽琼, 陈晓彤, 刘晓柳, 张思敏 Educational Research
定向师范生职业生涯规划课程混合式教学改革 钟超荣, 罗锂 Educational Research
高校网络思想政治教育实践路径探析——以网络文化育人工作室为例 王雷, 祝晓璇 Educational Research
基于专业认证的“食品优化设计”教学探索 李松林, 陈晓明 Educational Research
专升本专业课教学:困境、改革——以《中级财务会计》课程教学为例 覃月明 Educational Research
高职院校辅导员与专业教师协同育人模式研究 侯德明, 张亚妮 Educational Research
四川智慧农业发展面临的问题及对策探讨 程明广, 方杰 Agricultural Science
ABA对低温胁迫下黄芪幼苗氧化酶活性影响 孔婉莹, 崔莹, 洪瑜, 李慧, 李静辉 Agricultural Science
热胁迫下大岩桐花的转录组分析 罗正健, 李晓燕 Agricultural Science
智慧产业园区公共艺术规划实践探索 尹仕美 Building Development
基于序列信息的血红素配体结合残基识别 李彩艳, 马勇, 张慧敏, 姚可, 丁海麦 Basic Medical Theory Research
2例冠状动脉粥造影+支架植入术分析 贾林, 张金平, 张春江, 杨锐, 杨晓萍 Basic Medical Theory Research
菊花护肤功效及其在化妆品中的应用研究进展 刘慧雅, 黄子锋, 胡智仁, 李志美, 王凤兰 Agricultural Science
基于专创融合的课程项目化教学体系重构研究——以工业工程专业信息化类课程为例 董莺, 邱胜海, 王云霞, 王为民, 马银忠 Modern Education Forum
科教融合视角下“材料测试技术”课程教学探索——以扫描电子显微镜为例 王泰林, 张加艳, 沈建兴 Modern Education Forum
爱国主义教育指导下的跨文化交流情境模拟 张袁媛, 李小娜, 文均 Modern Education Forum
后疫情时代天津文旅产品满意度提升对策研究 姚君虹, 刘顺伶 Modern Education Forum
智慧党建引领下学生社区“一站式”服务管理路径研究 朱勤, 赵远远, 章剑峰 Modern Education Forum
高职学前教育专业岗位实习全程质量分析——以北京社会管理职业学院为例 李姗 Modern Education Forum
高职院校入党积极分子量化考核体系探究——以杭州科技职业技术学院商务管理学院为例 范金妹 Modern Education Forum
穿越珲乌高速公路的动物物种调查 赵彦博, 孙明阳 Engineering and Management Science
Analysis of the Effect of Nursing Intervention on Clinical Indicators and Psychological State of Patients with Autoimmune Hepatitis Xuan Wang, Yanchao Zhao, Xuan Wu, Heyuan Zhang Advanced Journal of Nursing
On Auditory Narratology in The Ivory Acrobat Rui Zhang Arts Studies and Criticism
Construction of Urban Landscape in Films by Ning Hao Suzhen Bai, Wenwen Pang Arts Studies and Criticism
Design Features and Creative Ideas for Short Videos in Multimedia Picture Books Han Hao, Jinyao Liu Arts Studies and Criticism
The Application of Chinese Traditional Patterns in the Design of Tourist Literature Yue Zhang Arts Studies and Criticism
The Positive Role of Competitive Consciousness in the Teaching Process of Energy and Power Engineering Specialty Chaoyang Lu, Yanyan Jing, Danping Jiang, Yang Zhang, Zhiping Zhang, Yameng Li Journal of Higher Education Research
An Analysis on Overpassivization in the Process of Acquiring Ergative Verbs and Their Syntax Liping Zhou Journal of Higher Education Research
A Study on the Integration of Ideological and Political Elements in "English Speech and Debate" Li Dai, Jun Guo Journal of Higher Education Research
Research on the Employment of College Graduates under the Background of the Normalization of the Epidemic — Taking School of Education of Zhaoqing University as an Example Ruihong Lei, Xiangyu Che Journal of Higher Education Research
脱贫攻坚成果与乡村振兴有效衔接——基于充分发挥财政保障作用的几点思考 周青浮 Agricultural Science
乡村振兴背景下桂北苗瑶民居保护与开发研究 蒙良柱 Building Development
一种检测心肌肌钙蛋白I的化学发光技术的应用 姚思远, 张骞, 吴吻慧, 吴璧纯, 曹亦菲 Basic Medical Theory Research
寄生虫和肠道微生物的群落作用 马茜., 徐文., 田甜., 汪洋. Basic Medical Theory Research
新形势下地质矿产勘查及找矿技术的分析 马凯 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
老挝沙耶武里地区成矿地质条件与远景探讨 戴昱, 钟锋运, 唐专红 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
中学生物理学业质量智能评价平台体系研究 史艺, 孙宇伽 Journal of International Education Forum
本土化情境下的社会工作专业课程思政建设 魏智慧, 张钰 Journal of International Education Forum
专业认证驱动电子信息工程专业实践教学改革 王娟, 刘雅举, 李娜, 王楠 Journal of International Education Forum
公共云计算的高校外语专业自学模式研究 刘建, 尹航, 丁思允 Journal of International Education Forum
应用型高校创新创业与区域经济协同发展研究 莫丹萍 Journal of International Education Forum
民办高校包装设计实践课程助力乡村产业振兴 程月 Journal of International Education Forum
以赛促教提升高职教师教学能力路径探究 蒋芃 Journal of International Education Forum
TSCA在综合商务英语写作课的实践研究 何芷筠 Journal of International Education Forum
基于iSmart平台的高职英语课程教学设计研究 王笑如 Journal of International Education Forum
多维度融合实践中心建设模式构建与实施评价——以民办高校为例 宋平, 范香 Journal of International Education Forum
新时代关于思想政治教育重要论述的时代价值 徐畅 Journal of International Education Forum
车辆空调与制冷装置课程思政的建设研究与实践 刘晶, 巨子琪 Journal of International Education Forum
浅析职业本科应用型课程建设研究——以《CAM软件及其应用》课程为例 陈亚茹, 袁秋, 刘先培 Journal of International Education Forum
数智时代会计学科专业重构研究 郭军 Modern Education Forum
工科材料类专业固体物理课程教改构思与实践 石锋, 张灵翠, 徐越, 沈燕, 赵金博 Modern Education Forum
数学教育类硕士研究生实践教学问题及对策研究 谭伟, 杨奋林 Modern Education Forum
新冠疫情期间高等数学课程线上教学实践探索 郭婷, 张芳, 王峰, 俞亚娟, 马茹梦 Modern Education Forum
中华优秀传统文化融入高校思政教育研究——以大连外国语大学为例 宋丽丽, 张傅博, 李乐琪 Modern Education Forum
智控专业人才培养研究与实践——基于“高职+技师”职技融通 何琪, 俞维维, 徐鹏 Modern Education Forum
高职院校新进青年博士教师发展困境与应对策略 葛林 Modern Education Forum
“4R”模式下高校应对新冠病毒肺炎疫情机制研究 唐鑫 Modern Education Forum
徐州“两汉文化”资源融入思政课堂路径研究 崔浩 Modern Education Forum
新冠疫情时期高校辅导员思政教育探析 高峻, 吴国清 Modern Education Forum
新工科视域下多层次教师培训体系探索 乌岚, 牛宽 Educational Research
职前职后教育一体化面临的问题与挑战——以拉萨市中学英语教师为例 泽巴足, 李伟超 Educational Research
基于OBE的高校课堂教学模式实践创新 上敏 Educational Research
Analysis of Risk Factors Associated with Parkinson's Disease in Li Region in Hainan Area of China Shuge Wang, Xinyao Sun, Cui Chen, Chenyu Yang, Wujian Xie, Na Lu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
The Cracking Paths to Prevent Population out of Poverty from Returning to Poverty under the Strategy of Rural Revitalization — Take the Yunfu City of Guangdong Province as an Example Yongxu Zheng, Peilin Chen, Qianyao Chen, Ziting Chen Modern Economics & Management Forum
Integrated Development of Rural Revitalization and Local Urbanization — Taking Sizhou Village in Wuzhou City as an Example Fei Lei, Jiusen Luo Modern Economics & Management Forum
民用机场沥青混凝土道面设计概述 王晨旭, 孙一特, 赵赛男, 支艺桦, 李天龙, 魏源 Engineering Technology Development
外国文学课程教学模式改革研究 朝鲁孟其木格, 乌吉斯古楞 Educational Research
产教融合下智慧物流复合型人才培养模式研究 吴俊红 Educational Research
《体育测量与评价》课程教学思考与探索 梁妍, 张雪琳 Educational Research
新工科背景下《食品化学》教改及课程建设研究 乌云达来, 于靖和, 杨晓凤, 刘明超, 何宇星 Educational Research
新工科背景下土木工程专业英语教学改革探索 何文昌, 庞雪飞, 王关皓, 何凌峰, 刘婵 Educational Research
互联网背景下美育课程网络教学模式研究 廖雯昕 Educational Research
发展学生自主学习能力混合教学模式研究 王玉亭 Educational Research
对外汉语教学中文化教学的重构 蒋淞宇, 赵杨洋 Educational Research
“互联网+“视觉传达设计专业人才培养探究 陈红 Educational Research
MOOC下混合教学模式探索与实践——以结构力学课程为例 王鑫, 杜长虹, 李灵君 Educational Research
保险学专业创新型人才培养的实践与探索 张建深 Educational Research
新时期网络平台对大学生思想教育对策研究 王兰 Educational Research
生态安全下衡阳县建设开发适宜性评价 罗改改, 陆禹 Ecological Environment and Protection
加强佳木斯市产业人才队伍培养建设研究 张瑜 Economics
新媒体时代下宠物消费的商业模式创新 李玉琳, 陈冰颖, 侯欣草, 叶敏 Economics
后疫情中国与东南亚国家贸易格局分析 黄昱馨, 冯潇 Economics
金融支持宿迁市企业产业链发展研究——以白酒业为例 余杭, 王凯 Economics
青年电商直播大赛营销策略研究 唐明丽 Economics
整体思维下产业融合发展乡村经济的路径探索——以五华县为例 刘焯辉, 叶佳怡, 刘丽娴, 陈盈, 林晓龙, 吴艳红 Economics
锰氧化法在降解水体中天然有机物的应用 谢晶妮 Engineering and Management Science
生物可降解聚乳酸的合成及其应用研究进展 王如平, 王光硕 Engineering and Management Science
软件工程项目质量管理体系构建研究 靳同欣, 成岳鹏 Engineering and Management Science
区块链技术在招标投标中的应用与对策 吴静, 张森, 刘洪波 Engineering and Management Science
原生家庭对大学生心理健康的影响 陈红英 Modern Education Forum
人工智能课程思政改革实例研究与实践 邱娜, 牟威霖, 肖明伟 Modern Education Forum
民航专业英语课程思政教学改革与实践 柳倩, 刘岩松, 王娜 Modern Education Forum
学生发展需求视角下专业课教学体系设计探讨 张灵翠, 石锋, 刘金海, 徐越 Modern Education Forum
应用型本科院校自主创新能力提升的对策研究 刘畅, 刘爽, 赵云双 Modern Education Forum
课程思政教学在“模具CAD”课程中的实践 李玲芳 Modern Education Forum
高等院校“项目工作室”教学改革创新研究——以环境设计专业为例 崔龙雨 Modern Education Forum
残障大学生微信交往现状调研报告 杨少波 Modern Education Forum
职业本科教育新型教材建设路径研究 赵婷, 易泱, 向敏洁, 李建明 Modern Education Forum
高职旅游专业课程思政建设思考 颜廷利 Modern Education Forum
类型教育视角下职业教育非直播在线教学策略 杨英歌, 谢永朋 Modern Education Forum
优秀中华文化融入高职艺术设计课程现状研究 彭云, 刘赛英 Modern Education Forum
浅析民办高校就业指导“联动化”体系建设 张光宇, 孟祥怡 Modern Education Forum
选择关键词对“模拟电子技术”课程学习的影响 李毅 Modern Education Forum
幼儿园社会领域教学教师共同体构建研究 陈笑颜 Modern Education Forum
基于网络平台下的外语口语学习模式研究 李傲雪, 黎刚 Modern Education Forum
跨文化视域下短视频传播研究——以中国在葡留学生群体为例 江辰昊, 马显茹 Modern Education Forum
荆州博物馆口译志愿服务实践与研究 王苑菲, 余丽明, 安汝琴, 孙文腾, 王燕燕, 韩翠萍 Modern Education Forum
“双创”背景下大学生创新创业意识的培养研究——以“光点平台”为载体 周婉怡, 陈莎 Modern Education Forum
“课程思政”融入测量液体粘滞系数实验教学思考 夏钰琦, 朱泽豪, 丁子俊, 陈桥, 戴雄英 Modern Education Forum
跨文化交际视域下中国文化传播策略研究 陈垚淼, 潘晓梅 Modern Education Forum
高职院校学生跨文化交际能力提升策略研究 廖薇, 潘晓梅 Modern Education Forum
Analysis of Myopia Related Factors of School-age Children in Shuangyashan City Ruishan Li, Jintao Yang, Jianing Pan, Zhongxiu Deng, Benjie Wang, Ning Du Advanced Journal of Nursing
SWOT Analysis of the Regional Economic Development of Western Part of Guangdong Province — Take Zhanjiang City as a Case Study Rui Zhang, Xinwen Zhong Modern Economics & Management Forum
Research on Fault Location Method of Track Circuit Compensation Capacitor Based on Probabilistic Neural Network Yichen Li, Zhiqiang Rao, Ziyi Li, Lu Ding Architecture Engineering and Science
Thinking about Healing Landscape Design from Environmental Psychology Perspective Quying Wang, Julia Nerantzia Tzortzi Architecture Engineering and Science
Research on the Training Mechanism of the New Generation Shouldering the Great Responsibility of National Rejuvenation — Taking Guangxi Eco-engineering Vocational & Technical College as an Example Leixian Li Journal of Higher Education Research
Intervention Study of Group Based Psychological Counseling Based on Horticulture on Interpersonal Relationship Disturbance of Vocational College Students Mingying Chen, Hongyu Luo Journal of Higher Education Research
Three-stage blended Chinese Teaching Online and Offline for International Students: A Case Study on Chinese Teaching for International Students in S University Yanbo Wu, Junling Wang Journal of Higher Education Research
后现代主义思想下我国平面设计的创新 暴秋实 Journal of International Education Forum
校史文化在研究生思想政治工作中的价值研究——以东北财经大学为例 幸荣伟 Journal of International Education Forum
《新媒体营销》课程思政教学改革探索 严旭 Journal of International Education Forum
全域旅游背景下吉林省智慧旅游发展对策 闫婷玉, 李俊 Economics
县域经济理论下的社区治理问题实践研究——以安徽省无为市为例 吴向龙 Economics
跨文化交际礼仪问题及高校英语人文教育研究 吴慧兰 Educational Research
大学生家风教育现状及对策研究 程俊 Educational Research
“以学生为中心”-《地质学基础》 马凯 Educational Research
高校开展“三联三进一交友”的实践分析——以西藏大学为例 王方钊 Educational Research
新形势下大学生就业指导与思想教育融合探究 李苗 Educational Research
基于数学模型的水资源污染排放预测 努恩吉雅, 包高娃, 李珊珊 Educational Research
双元制职业教育标准化路径探索与实践 贾瑞, 冯利民 Educational Research
传统木版年画艺术引入高校美术教育的探讨 姚睿, 彭代森 Educational Research
医学人类学课程改革案例教学实践探索 张礼英, 刘广青, 李海英 Educational Research
新时代民办高校师德师风建设问题及对策研究 吕淑云, 曹孟焦 Educational Research
文化产业策划实务课程教学改革探析 杨春艳 Educational Research
鄂尔多斯学校体育资源整体优化研究 张永江, 龚宸萱 Educational Research
舞龙课程思想政治的现状与实践思考——以黄山学院为例 李谋涛 Educational Research
基于OBE理念的工程图学课程教学改革 朱霄霄, 肖华平, 刘书海, 赵宏林 Educational Research
壤巴拉文化融入中小学思想政治教育研究 李思佳 Educational Research
概率论与数理统计课程挖掘思政元素的教学实践 褚青涛, 王彦 Educational Research
“三全育人”视域下辅导员能力需求探究 李爽 Educational Research
肇庆市旅游气候舒适度的时空变化特征分析 何蕴林, 吴松杰, 林翰英 Ecological Environment and Protection
农村生活垃圾分类管理的问题与对策研究 方伟娜, 张书, 尹晓静 Ecological Environment and Protection
多元共治:生活垃圾分类治理的有效提升策略 赵曼莉 Ecological Environment and Protection
“孕期陪伴”对提高助产专业课程学习效果研究 潘爱萍, 陈丹丹, 唐丽娟 Basic Medical Theory Research
论影响现代肉牛冻精改良受胎率的因素及对策 周启武, 杨国琴, 左家学, 张春利, 苏有梅 Agricultural Science
应用型高校新商科人才培养模式探索与实践 解茹玉, 刘静 Modern Education Forum
中小城镇农村社区教育与地方文化建设研究——以江苏省兴化市沙沟镇为例 付志荣 Modern Education Forum
激发高校学生学习主动性的教学改革探析 李祥, 赵文丽, 关若冰, 安世恒 Modern Education Forum
“电子技术实验”课程思政探索与实践 涂丽平, 于翔 Modern Education Forum
管理类专业实践教学体系建设困境与改革探索 袁微, 梅小康, 陶柳青 Modern Education Forum
探索“五育”融合背景下的课程思政之魂 李颖 Modern Education Forum
教育学课程思政建设的教学改革路径 凌娜 Modern Education Forum
“老年照护”微课程教学模式应用研究 马琼, 崔萱, 苗瑞青 Modern Education Forum
OBE理念下校企协同育人培养模式探索与实践 徐娟, 陈龙, 卢东亮 Modern Education Forum
类型教育视角下现代职业教育体系的构建策略 杨英歌, 史先振, 王娟 Modern Education Forum
1+X证书制度实施的现实问题与推进策略 杨晨 Modern Education Forum
高职院校社会扩招生在线英语教学探索——基于“产出导向法” 刘燕 Modern Education Forum
汉语负迁移对西班牙语学习的影响及对策研究 李俊瑶, 李龙翔 Modern Education Forum
县域职业教育德育体系建设探讨 刘忠彬, 刘波, 王艳光, 王海彪 Modern Education Forum
Control of Reinforcement Concrete in Pile Caps over Steel Piles – Case Study R. Boni, P. Helene Journal of Building Technology
垃圾分类现状及对策的有效研究 彭慧, 张司涵, 蒋丽君 Ecological Environment and Protection
农村生活垃圾分类治理问题及路径探析——以晋中TG区为例 刘晓雯 Ecological Environment and Protection
三全育人视域下的就业指导体系探索 白肖杰, 李淑华 Educational Research
高职学生学习参与度问卷前测分析 刘帅帅 Educational Research
网络视域下高校大学生党员教育研究 宋嫒薇 Educational Research
动物免疫学课程多元化教学模式的改革与探索 黄颖 Educational Research
产教融合背景生物制药专业人才培养机制研究 孙科 Educational Research
新时代地方师范院校教师提升信息素养的路径 尹小凤 Educational Research
“互联网”+背景下市场营销学课程教学改革探究 肖欢 Educational Research
公共基础课线上线下混合式教学思考 郭煜 Educational Research
高职《口腔修复学》信息化教学改革研究的实践 刘倩, 虎志辉, 张晓刚, 张文娜, 周晋平 Educational Research
职业院校学前教育舞蹈课“本土化”教学改革 杨恩慈, 高蕊 Educational Research
新媒体时代高校突发事件应急机制及路径研究 范华莉 Educational Research
新媒体时代高职学生主流意识形态认同培育 袁永逸 Educational Research
促进自主学习的课程考核方式的实践 雷芳, 余翔, 刘乔寿, 谢良波 Educational Research
跨文化思维下的高校英语翻译技巧创新 刘志伟, 杨静 Educational Research
新时代背景下高职院校劳动教育体系构建思路 沈冠娟 Educational Research
“一带一路”下的高职师资队伍国际化建设研究 甘慕仪 Educational Research
高职院校法治教育的挑战与对策研究——以洛阳科技职业学院为例 曹文杰, 胡翔 Educational Research
高职“课程思政”与“课程双创”融合路径研究 张爱芳, 王冰, 张甲立 Educational Research
高校推进课程思政建设的机制研究——基于西方经济学课程探讨 王静 Educational Research
新基建背景下智慧社区建设方向的效益分析 李梦媛, 胥林梦, 张雪冰 Building Development
珲乌高速公路沿线降噪景观参数化设计 赵彦博, 孙明阳 Engineering and Management Science
现代信息技术下的高校教学精准督导 付华, 刘金方, 封筠, 陈祥军, 何国青, 王英辉 Modern Education Forum
OBE理念下的混合式教学创新与实践研究——以“应用写作”课程为例 艾艳红 Modern Education Forum
民办高校学生自主学习问题剖析 李晓波, 杨春红 Modern Education Forum
“客户关系管理”课程教学改革研究——基于自主学习能力的培养 李晓楠 Modern Education Forum
“采油工程”课程教学中培养学生的创新思维探讨 罗天雨, 张鸿宇, 郑一尘, 黄映娇 Modern Education Forum
“光伏电池原理与工艺”课程改革探索 杜文汉, 代兰花, 徐伟龙, 肖进, 郑敏, 杨帆, 杨坚 Modern Education Forum
基于BOPPPS的线上线下混合教学模式实践——以“市场营销学”为例 黄志璿, 许思源, 李荔, 叶敏, 邹远洋 Modern Education Forum
民办高校学生党建规范化建设的探索与实践 李禹锌 Modern Education Forum
基于“互联网+”的“材料性能学”教学改革与实践 蒋晓军, 付华, 吴红亚, 王志, 秦胜建 Modern Education Forum
新工科背景下嵌入式系统教学改革与探讨 吕勇, 余雷, 黄克亚 Modern Education Forum
新工科背景下大学生创新创业培养模式探索 蒋晓燕, 张信华, 代兰花, 卞维柏 Modern Education Forum
计算机类通识课程思政元素融合实践与探索——以“数据可视化分析”为例 刘丹, 万博文, 陈倩, 袁紫月 Modern Education Forum
IP视角下高校创新创业教育模式重构研究 张光宇, 杨婧一 Modern Education Forum
基于PBL教学法的产品设计课程实践教学研究——以材料与生产工艺课程为例 刘玙佳 Modern Education Forum
幼儿舞蹈教育对促进幼儿素质教育的影响探讨 赵美佳 Modern Education Forum
“4+0”应用型本科实践教学团队建设困难与举措 吕文超, 陈培红 Modern Education Forum
新时期基层党建信息化建设研究 李颖 Modern Education Forum
民办职业本科高校科研育人途径研究 龙思宇 Modern Education Forum
职业院校扩招现状、问题及对策——基于文献梳理的视角 刘帅帅 Modern Education Forum
伟大建党精神对高校辅导员的启示 高峻, 吴国清 Modern Education Forum
基于技能竞赛的“平法识图”课程教学改革研究 袁开军, 齐道正, 陈惠惠 Modern Education Forum
新时代高职院校劳动教育的价值和实践路径 朱勤, 赵远远 Modern Education Forum
学生线上学习满意度及影响因素的调查与分析 何思桥, 李红芳 Modern Education Forum
党史教育视域下长征精神融入高职思政课研究 贾凌云 Modern Education Forum
新媒体语境下辅导员网络思政能力提升探析 王超慧 Modern Education Forum
MTI西班牙语口译学位论文选题研究——以吉林外国语大学为例 岳慧博, 李龙翔 Modern Education Forum
汉语母语负迁移对西班牙语学习的影响 姜韩雨, 李龙翔 Modern Education Forum
景宁野生莼菜种质资源现状与保护对策 徐洪峰, 陈在荣, 吴耀成, 何小明, 沈岳盐 Commerce
Research on the Reform of Teaching Model to Improve the Effectiveness of Physical Education Courses from the Perspective of OBE Li Cao, Chongjiang Zhan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
新工科背景下工程管理专业教学改革探索 雷鸣, 王丹丹, 张继承, 刘泞玮 Modern Education Forum
“动物遗传学”实验课在线教学的思考 王春秀, 孙桂荣 Modern Education Forum
高校“课程思政”的核心要义与实践路径探索 张加艳, 沈建兴, 刘树江 Modern Education Forum
三全育人视域下应用型高校劳动教育路径研究 艾昕 Modern Education Forum
以学科竞赛为载体的应用型人才培养研究 关小艳 Modern Education Forum
教资考证背景下师范类专业实践教学改革研究 杨家兴 Modern Education Forum
基于智慧树平台的BOPPPS教学模式探析——以“市场营销学”课程为例 黄志璿, 杨伟宁, 李荔, 叶敏, 陈新武 Modern Education Forum
高校创业教育与思政教育功能耦合及优化路径 冯萌 Modern Education Forum
大学物理教学中的新思考——以“电势”为例 肖虹, 杨景景, 姚茵, 秦赛 Modern Education Forum
应用型高校“管理信息系统”教学改革研究——以宿州学院为例 王坤, 胡发刚 Modern Education Forum
本科高校管理学类专业实践教学体系优化研究 袁微, 周庆, 陶柳青 Modern Education Forum
基于雨课堂的混合式教学模式创新应用研究 刘家慧, 路光秋, 王海芹 Modern Education Forum
国内外农民职业教育政策对比研究 张艺馨 Modern Education Forum
双高视域下高职院校教学督导工作转变性研究 何思桥 Modern Education Forum
关于职业教育集团化办学的若干思考 陈若思 Modern Education Forum
生物医药类人才培养教学模式的创新与实践 李陇梅, 闫东科, 李雪, 徐宏超, 王永苓, 钱兰芳 Modern Education Forum
国内外医师职业精神测评的研究进展 陈灵 Modern Education Forum
中高职“3+2”对口贯通分段培养路径研究 杨兵 Modern Education Forum
应用型本科院校创新创业课程体系构建分析 王尧 Modern Education Forum
高职院校学生企业化管理模式探索——以阿里钉钉平台为例 张瑶 Modern Education Forum
高职旅游专业课程思政体系构建研究 颜廷利 Modern Education Forum
“电机与电气控制”课程思政改革探索 吴晰源 Modern Education Forum
基于OBE理念和XR技术的高职英语金课建设——以“商务沟通”课程为例 潘晓梅 Modern Education Forum
“直播电商”校本综合实践课程开发实践研究 李炫锦 Modern Education Forum
传统教学与新体系教学课堂实战对比研究——以公共艺术选修课“音乐鉴赏”为例 张鑫叶 Modern Education Forum
后疫情时代大学生创业意向实证研究 黄展豪, 卞兴月, 余翠兰, 区芷君, 张成龙 Modern Education Forum
信息技术与高职数学深度融合研究 周克娟 Modern Education Forum
幼儿园“区域游戏后”教师指导策略探究 张之尧 Modern Education Forum
大思政元素融入幼儿园教育的价值探讨 吕妍, 王颖 Modern Education Forum
中职院校思想政治课程教学改革探究 刘忠彬, 马占稳, 刘波, 贾联合 Modern Education Forum
Research on Innovation and Development of Chinese Traditional Silver Jewelry Products under Service Design Thinking Wei Yu Arts Studies and Criticism
Theatrical Aesthetics of Solo Performance and Its Social Functions — Take the Example of Tim Miller's Glory Box Min Zhang Arts Studies and Criticism
Exploring the Career Progression of Dancers — Based on the Inspirational Careers of Dai Ailian and Choi Seunghee Xun Lan Arts Studies and Criticism
Research Status of Early Warning of Loess Landslides Based on Water-Suction Stress-Local Stability Factor Hai Shao, Zhiqiang Yin Architecture Engineering and Science
On Ferroelectric Phenomenon in Free-standing Poly (Dibenzo-crown Ether) Films Shuai Zhu Architecture Engineering and Science
Research on Preparation and Properties of Interfacial Sintering Agent for Piezoelectric Ceramics Fanghui Yang, Shifeng Huang, Xiaofang Zhang, Chi Zhang Architecture Engineering and Science
Meta-analysis of Clinical Efficacy of Metformin Combined with Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer Caiyu Li, Liming Tan, Weihua Zhou Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Application of Scleral Fixed Capsular Tension Ring in Surgery for Moderate and Severe Lens Dislocation Shanjun Wu, Li Cai Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Study on the Path of Building a Sports and Leisure Town with 10,000 Mu Ecological Tea Garden in Western Hunan under the Background of Rural Revitalization You Peng Modern Economics & Management Forum
Research on the Language Characteristics of Agricultural English and Its Translation Strategies Xiaochuan Zhang Journal of Higher Education Research
A Study on the Construction of Morality Internalization of Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities Weizheng Li Journal of Higher Education Research
On the Ideological and Political Education of Material Specialty Courses under the Background of the Internet Peng Cheng, Liuqing Yang, Ting Niu, Boqiong Li Journal of Higher Education Research
Research on the Reform of Ideological and Political Teaching Evaluation Method of College English Course Based on "Online and Offline" Teaching Xinli Wu Journal of Higher Education Research
The Connotation and Realization of Student-centeredness at Cardiff University, UK Hong Zheng Journal of Higher Education Research
西方经济学课程思政的实现路径研究 王静 Economics
夏河县手工艺品包装发展困境及对策研究 张翼, 靳娜 Economics
人工智能视域下企业智慧财务管理体系的构建 姚丽 Economics
文旅融合下红瑶族旅游文创产品的设计探究 陈家丽 Economics
扎尕那景区民宿酒店发展现状及建议 张翼, 梁凤龙 Economics
研学基地空间设计研究 凌士义, 程玲 Ecological Environment and Protection
植物生产类科普基地建设与实践——以湖南人文科技学院为例 郭开发, 李意成, 张尚志, 刘秀, 周芸芸, 金晨钟 Ecological Environment and Protection
乡村振兴背景下新和县乡村人居环境治理研究 彭俊 Ecological Environment and Protection
高等院校戏剧专业的创新教育策略 王加昕 Journal of International Education Forum
积极老龄化视角下社区老年教育问题与对策——以福建省XYZ社区为例 黄琳 Journal of International Education Forum
现代教育技术下的小学语文教学实践研究 莫烈 Journal of International Education Forum
三晋文化与社会主义核心价值观教育融合研究 刘敏 Journal of International Education Forum
浅谈装配式建筑管理的国内发展现状 董宝平 Building Development
基于中式禅意理念的室内空间环境营造研究 石少平 Building Development
城轨运营管理专业1+X证书制度实施路径探析 ——以重庆公共运输职业学院为例 梁晓芳 Building Development
新型智能窗户系统创意设计研究 赵磊, 许思凡, 蒋丽君 Building Development
民族地区师范院校本科生就业问题及原因探究——以G学校历史师范专业为例 瞿州莲, 黄建胜 Educational Research
新政视域下理科院校艺术公共课改革发展研究 张鑫叶 Educational Research
教育现代化背景下网络工程专业教学改革 郝娟, 孙皓月, 杨阳 Educational Research
基于爱国主义的大学生国防教育协同机制研究 华银峰, 周贵勤 Educational Research
高校资助育人工作案例浅析与启示 陈金燕 Educational Research
《思想道德与法治》课程建设研究——基于核心素养 漆学鹏 Educational Research
《学前儿童发展心理学》课程思政的路径探索 王楠 Educational Research
基于POA理论的大学英语教学实践 张宓 Educational Research
新商科背景下地方院校全英文教学思考探索——以“组织理论与设计”课程为例 姜婉星, 高晗 Educational Research
高校法学专业课程思政模式研究——以《中国法律史》课程为例 白文静, 任铎 Educational Research
新时代大学生的使命担当 魏洁雯, 杨茂强, 肖经渊 Educational Research
高校合唱与指挥课程适应性教学改革探究——以中小学合唱排练教学为例 叶伟 Educational Research
西部高校高层次人才激励机制的构建 龙婕 Educational Research
“课程思政”融入课堂教学路径研究——以《大学生职业发展与就业指导》课为例 赵彬 Educational Research
学科竞赛下的环境设计专业实践教学方法研究——以《竞赛专题设计实践课程》为例 黄婵媛, 龙莉红, 韦永康 Educational Research
家庭社会经济地位对高职学生幸福感影响研究 漆学鹏, 张凌艳 Educational Research
《网络安全》课程思政教学设计研究与实践 杨阳, 郝娟, 刘晓群 Educational Research
从“中国天眼”浅谈大学物理课程思政 徐海清, 肖刚, 肖文志, 戴雄英, 容青艳 Educational Research
新时代大学生意识形态安全教育路径探究 张庆蕊, 苏娜娜, 鞠楠楠, 吴鹏, 刘璇 Educational Research
应用型本科院校金融工程学课程教学改革研究 刘泽滨, 李用俊, 吕辉 Educational Research
应用型院校教师实践教学能力提升路径探索——以河套学院为例 郑颖莉 Educational Research
研究生专业课程教学中实际工程案例的制作 高大威, 张振东 Modern Education Forum
大学物理中课程思政的具体实施——以“火箭飞行原理”为例 容青艳, 邓永和, 陈桥, 戴雄英, 文大东 Modern Education Forum
精准思政在“汽车控制基础”教学实践中的研究 王启明, 张振东, 来鑫 Modern Education Forum
“双一流”背景下大学物理教学改革初探——以湖南工程学院为例 徐海清, 肖刚, 容青艳, 邓永和 Modern Education Forum
将文化自信融入大学物理教学——大学物理教学中的课程思政探索 姚茵, 杨景景 Modern Education Forum
“三位一体”混合式教学模式的构建与应用——以医学院校“大学生职业生涯规划”课程为例 郭倩, 李宝琴, 曾雪璐, 刘杨 Modern Education Forum
后扶贫时代甘孜州职业教育发展路径研究 王杰 Modern Education Forum
“园艺植物栽培学”实践教学的改革与探索 王建文, 凌裕平, 谢兆森, 韦军, 生利霞 Modern Education Forum
触摸屏仿真技术在自控线教学中的应用 顾晓辉, 许玲 Modern Education Forum
线上线下混合式翻转教学模式研究——以企业经营模拟课程为例 李修平, 任萍, 崔长江 Modern Education Forum
地方大学学业导师制实施及改进研究 李扬 Modern Education Forum
构建电脑美术课程标准对提升教学质量的思考——以亳州学院教师教育专业为例 焦晓军 Modern Education Forum
乡村振兴下家访的几点思考——以南宁学院为例 陈金燕 Modern Education Forum
学前教育声乐课“课程思政”融合实践研究 高馨月 Modern Education Forum
幼儿教师美术基础课程的课程思政融合实践 刘锡洋 Modern Education Forum
思政教育对学前教育专业三笔字课的启示 王昱 Modern Education Forum
大学生返乡心理机制分析及实践路径探索 孙菁华, 李松雪 Modern Education Forum
民办应用型高校学研产一体化培养模式研究 唐莲 Modern Education Forum
新业态下工业节能技术专业教学标准的研究 李春丽 Modern Education Forum
高职院校在线课程教学激励策略设计探讨——基于TC和ARCS动机模型 张密丹, 刘玲玲 Modern Education Forum
高职类院校科研促进产教融合实践研究——以昆山登云科技职业学院为例 金春凤, 吴璟, 浦嘉浚 Modern Education Forum
高尔夫专业开展课程思政的实践与思考——以“高尔夫规则与礼仪”课程为例 张国华 Modern Education Forum
基于TOPSIS的高等职业教育发展对比分析研究 李雪峰, 孟俊, 郝光普 Modern Education Forum
高职药品生产技术专业认识实习的探索与实践 葛林, 顾准 Modern Education Forum
高职院校“电子商务基础”精品课建设研究 陈娟, 白娟 Modern Education Forum
“装配式构件设计”课程思政元素探索与实践 李知遥, 郭冬芹, 孙维凤, 朱巧玉 Modern Education Forum
高职院校英语课程思政建设问题及对策分析--以宁夏职业技术学院课程思政建设为例 赵红霞 Modern Education Forum
高职教师教学领导力提升策略研究 杨洁 Modern Education Forum
思政教育在药学服务课程中的作用与开展途径 张瑞光, 孙佳琳, 马振平, 吕金南 Modern Education Forum
基于需求分析的高职院校发展型资助体系研究 步滕滕 Modern Education Forum
浅析建筑电气工程专业差异化人才培养模式 黄永光, 李春玲, 龚剑 Modern Education Forum
工科类专业课程思政建设实践探究——以“建筑供配电与照明”课程为例 李春玲 Modern Education Forum
“王家坝精神”对新时代高校学生干部培养启示 漆学鹏 Modern Education Forum
精准扶贫视域下高职院校资助育人机制研究 李凤燕, 陈阳建 Modern Education Forum
山东半岛城市群打造对外开放新高地的对策 唐嘉悦, 车俊文, 孔德斌 Modern Education Forum
吉林省跨境电商发展现状、问题与政策创新 杜紫萌, 赵云双 Modern Education Forum
“二十四节气项目课程”在幼儿园小班的教育实施——以惊蛰节气为例 周娟 Early Childhood Education Science
Migration Inhibition Induced by Gypenosides and Its Combination Effect with 5-fluorouracil on Human Colon Cancer SW-620 Cells Xiaoxia Cheng, Shao'an Xue, Zijian Wang, Fengqin He, Bo Wang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Research on the Path of Agriculture-related Higher Vocational Colleges in Serving the "Belt and Road" Initiative Xiaochuan Zhang Modern Economics & Management Forum
Research Progress in Determination Methods of Formaldehyde Content in Indoor Air Bowei Yao, Hairui Wang, Wei Zhang, Lili Feng Architecture Engineering and Science
The Practice of Integrating Curriculum Ideology and Politics into University Physics Course Teaching Organically Yi Wang, Donghua Fan, Fu Dai Journal of Higher Education Research
Research on Students' Participation Right in Internal Governance of Universities Tao Song Journal of Higher Education Research
Comparative Analysis of Dance Education and Teaching between Colleges and Universities in China and South Korea — Using Zhaoqing University in China and Gyeongsang National University in South Korea as Examples Xun Lan Journal of Higher Education Research
《大学物理实验》中哲学元素的探索与应用 杨景景, 肖虹, 姚茵, 秦赛 Educational Research
高职水产养殖专业技能强化型人才培养探索 杜婕 Educational Research
基于线上线下混合金课的DCS课程思政教育探索 刘书凯 Educational Research
融合式语言教学模式可行性分析 罗芳, 张琪, 余咏梅, 张传钰 Educational Research
内地高校少数民族贫困生资助路径优化研究——以山东科技大学为例 吴昊, 孙金香, 张婕 Educational Research
高校应用型创新人才培养定位及路径研究 王晶, 杨宝仁 Modern Education Forum
流体仿真在物理分选中的应用 卢东方, 刘振强 Modern Education Forum
“海绵城市建设工程”课程创新改革探索——基于“新工科”背景 郭泽冲, 代洪亮, 黄诚, 陈芳艳, 王新刚 Modern Education Forum
“线上—线下”混合式一流课程教学模式实施——以“航空发动机原理、结构与控制”课程为例 陈萍, 杨帆, 陈盼, 牛西茜, 李景奎 Modern Education Forum
“电路原理”课程线上线下教学工作实施探讨 王桂娜, 余雷, 翁桂荣 Modern Education Forum
论发散思维在高等数学教学中的应用 吕勇, 余雷 Modern Education Forum
PPI通信技术在自控线教学中的应用 顾晓辉, 许玲 Modern Education Forum
物理学思想在通识类课程思政建设中的应用 杨景景, 姚茵, 肖虹, 秦赛 Modern Education Forum
河北省脱贫地区乡村振兴现状与文化衔接路径——基于Y镇的调研 李丽丽 Modern Education Forum
基于“四导”的资助育人新模式探究——以南宁学院为例 陈金燕, 陆国夫 Modern Education Forum
后疫情时代高校大型学术会议组织经验探讨——以第十七届全国空间结构技术交流会为例 李明霞, 朱万旭, 徐荣铭 Modern Education Forum
寄宿制初中生心理健康问题调查及对策探究 邹琴, 车学文 Modern Education Forum
电厂热工过程控制中智能PID控制器的运用研究 梁瑞娜, 赵静 Modern Education Forum
独立学院治理现代化研究 梁祥炎 Modern Education Forum
河北省新建本科院校毕业生“慢就业”研究 王胜迎 Modern Education Forum
我国自闭症患者就业个案研究及对策建议 隗苗苗 Modern Education Forum
党建引领下“三全育人”模式构建与应用研究 叶琼 Modern Education Forum
产教融合视域下党建“双创”工作的实践探索 王欣, 宋兵, 吴赛男 Modern Education Forum
新时代高职院校爱国主义教育实施路径 唐彬, 陈佳林 Modern Education Forum
5C育人模式下高职院校基层党建践行路径研究 周艳霞, 王会 Modern Education Forum
基于OpenCV的物联网智慧高校探究 王烨 Modern Education Forum
大学生思想政治工作的核心——理想信念教育 张钧铭 Modern Education Forum
“泛娱乐化”背景下高职贫困生帮扶策略研究——以苏州健雄职业技术学院为例 陆梦朕 Modern Education Forum
高职生抗逆力的影响因素及作用机制研究——基于新冠疫情常态化防控背景 朱津儀 Modern Education Forum
双创改革视角下高职教育面临的机遇与挑战 黄晓强 Modern Education Forum
“计算机网络基础”课程思政实施探索与实践 邓敏茜 Modern Education Forum
后现代心理教练技术在职业生涯辅导中的应用——以高职高专生为例 秦宇, 李惠芳 Modern Education Forum
5G背景下高校美术教师素养的构建与探索 闭春桂 Modern Education Forum
课程思政视域下大学英语教学现状与途径探索 蔺熙, 王天睿 Modern Education Forum
跨文化视角下的网络新闻翻译研究 栾坤阳, 陈佳慧 Modern Education Forum
长春市地域文化特色旅游纪念品开发研究 王金怡, 蔡亚男 Modern Education Forum
大学生对医院志愿服务工作的实践与思考 于一涵, 孙菁华 Modern Education Forum
新形势下吉林省汽车产业对德语人才需求研究——以A公司及吉林外国语大学德语系为例 张永旺, 张晓琳, 王盼, 拱鹤, 吴校冰, 周柏丞 Modern Education Forum
一种缓冲婴儿背带及座椅平衡机构设计 向恒宇, 汤奕杭, 郭晨昊, 王子怡, 宋浩亮, 朱劲卓, 李奇航, 张园园 Modern Education Forum
一种新型盲人电子书设计 郑佳超, 郑慧, 徐许珍霓, 朱萧荣, 何磊, 张靖婧, 张理剑 Modern Education Forum
职业院校高素质高技能人才培养规律研究 刘忠彬, 刘波, 林风梅 Modern Education Forum
基于SWOT分析的烟台市文化产业发展现状研究 车俊文, 赵佳佳 Economics
中国—白俄罗斯投资合作潜力分析 周蕾 Economics
Application of Standardized Nursing in the Perioperative Period of Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis Weijing Liang, Wudan Ling, Yu Yang, Yunchao Chen, Yanfang Pan Advanced Journal of Nursing
Study on the Development Path of Smart Elderly Care in Guangxi Juan Lian Advanced Journal of Nursing
Probe into the Teaching Reform Thinking of "University Physics" in Local Universities Yi Wang, Fu Dai, Donghua Fan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
A Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis of English Micro-lectures Haili Feng Journal of Higher Education Research
中国非物质文化遗产中的视觉设计元素传承与创新研究 杨双 Educational Research
基于“5E”教学模式的高中生物学教学设计——以“细胞核的功能”为例 王海荣, 胡潇丹, 唐阳, 潘佳慧, 方雅恬, 李志良, 王书珍 Educational Research
开放教育汉语言文学微课程建设研究——微课《外国文学基础#》为例 艾山•阿孜古丽 Educational Research
三全育人背景下高职院校与非公企业党建合作的路径探究 陈洁, 刚良 Educational Research
浅谈线上线下混合式高效一流课堂教学模式的研究 于萍, 马艳丽, 李红菊 Educational Research
社会互动对观点采择的影响及机制 樊名利 Educational Research
基于“新文科”背景下应用型本科环境设计专业产教融合实践教学研究 成烁 Educational Research
基于乡村振兴背景下立足湘西非遗传承创新的服装与服饰设计专业建设转型策略探索研究 刘毅 Educational Research
“不可有法”与“不可无法”——谈箭乡民间舞蹈艺术中继承与创新的关系 杨芹, 王盼盼 Educational Research
壮族民间游戏融入幼儿园体育活动的研究 廖丽娟 Educational Research
基于PLC课程的教学方法探讨与实践 吕勇, 余雷, 叶萍 Educational Research
锡伯族贝伦舞文化发展的意义与传承路径研究 王盼盼, 杨芹 Educational Research
高校艺术设计专业设计素描教学模式研究 黄金彩 Educational Research
新工科背景下材料工程类专业创新培养模式探索——以齐鲁工业大学材料工程类专业建设为例 沈建兴, 张加艳, 刘金华, 刘树江 Educational Research
高校课程思政建设的价值及其实践策略 蒲晓强 Educational Research
涉农高校“党建+”引领耕读育人模式探析——以苏州农职院园艺科技学院为例 朱剑波, 吉爱伟 Educational Research
基于个体差异的高职英语教学研究 陆志慧 Educational Research
基于混合式教学视域的《基础会计》课程思政教学设计与探讨 田宁, 马晓琼 Educational Research
基于游客感知的庐山地质公园研学旅行方案设计与效果评估 石莹, 周颖, 杜波 Educational Research
通讯软件在混合式教学模式中的应用研究——以《概率论与数理统计》课程为例 汪慧, 于萍 Educational Research
华岗元素开发活化情况研究 姜颖琦 Educational Research
医学类独立院校思政课教学与日常思政教育协同育人路径研究 黄兰 Educational Research
同步硝化反硝化削减泵站排水氨氮的试验研究 施梦圆, 谈祥, 居素伟 Hydropower and Water Resources
工科材料类专业固体物理教材改革构思与探索 石锋, 沈建兴, 张灵翠, 徐越 Modern Education Forum
地方文化资源在中小学美术教学活动中的方法初探 胡振江 Modern Education Forum
新时代高校心理育人工作的思考 孙慧 Modern Education Forum
“课程思政”视域下大学生心理健康教育教学路径研究 田静 Modern Education Forum
课程思政促进课程“心”建设 何思桥, 李红芳 Modern Education Forum
应用型本科旅游管理专业校企合作路径探析 陈娟, 岳艳琴 Modern Education Forum
戏剧教育融入中小学美育教育的重要性 刘巍 Modern Education Forum
“岗、证、课、训、赛”融合的课程思政教学模式探究——以高职国贸专业为例 王婕佳 Modern Education Forum
“书证融通”“岗证结合”人才培养模式的探索与实践 李敏, 邓剑锋 Modern Education Forum
新时代基层党组织加强理论学习和武装研究 孙宏斌, 蒙家兴 Modern Education Forum
旅游管理专业学生的审美教育分析 尚莹 Modern Education Forum
基于PACTE模式的高年级法语学习者翻译能力调查及自主构建策略研究 周琪, 何雪, 廖雪岐, 韩毓泽 Modern Education Forum
民办高校二级学院教务管理工作的思考 陈鹏 Modern Education Forum
中蒙俄经济走廊框架下蒙古语人才培养模式探究 贾宇航, 吴再政 Modern Education Forum
后疫情时代外语类专业大学生就业现状研究——以大连外国语大学为例 王婉欣, 王健 Modern Education Forum
推进外语类院校“四史”学习教育活动的多路径实施策略 杨清然, 刘宁宁, 朱莹莹, 张祉怡, 章思懿, 赵寒池 Modern Education Forum
俄语专业毕业生调查问卷分析 刘鑫, 付靖雅, 苏爱佳, 安郑蕾, 杨思雨, 贾朋儒 Modern Education Forum
文旅融合背景下高校志愿服务领域的新探索——以吉林外国语大学为例 任泓霖, 李俊, 苏可为 Modern Education Forum
甘孜州“一村一幼”辅导员流失的原因及对策分析 万雨萱, 李景汶, 李萌, 许珍妮, 冯淼, 林刚 Modern Education Forum
韩国济州岛海洋旅游发展对福建的启示研究 范贻轩, 苑海龙 Modern Education Forum
《中国日报》双语新闻网新闻标题翻译策略研究 李雪晨, 邹红 Modern Education Forum
应用FMS提高大学生久坐损伤康复训练效果研究 佟辉 Modern Education Forum
职业学校教师社会服务激励机制探索 莫丽梅 Modern Education Forum
初中地理课堂互动式教学策略探析 焦昱安, 刘静 Modern Education Forum
高中家校沟通有效运行机制的理论思考 陈建香, 郭杰 Modern Education Forum
乡村振兴背景下重庆市农村农民职业培训研究 张艺馨 Agricultural Science
新冠肺炎疫情背景下高校大学生心理调查分析——以湖北省为例 唐阳, 胡潇丹, 王海荣, 方雅恬, 王书珍, 李志良 Basic Medical Theory Research
高校电子信息类学科竞赛人才培养路径研究 郭晓雯, 陈小平, 胡丹峰 Educational Research
计算机软件开发中对分层技术的运用 党佳奇 Educational Research
仪式场域下红色文化融入大学生思想政治教育的路径研究 李爽 Educational Research
高校教师党支部书记“双带头人”建设路径探析 李卫, 张柳青 Educational Research
艺术设计课程与中华优秀传统文化的融合探究 陈杰 Educational Research
文化赋能乡村振兴方式探索 倪浩治, 刘金珠 Educational Research
“三全育人”视域下高校国防教育创新模式探究 陈楠 Educational Research
《基础英语》课程思政路径初探 陈芳芳 Educational Research
“三全育人”视域下大学物理实践课程的育人路径探析 陈志强, 崔磊, 杨丽娟, 赖小萍 Educational Research
线上线下混合式大学英语教学多维评价实践探讨 崔晓雷, 汤冬冬 Educational Research
优化学科专业结构和布局服务区域产业发展的思考——以新疆高校为例 丁智慧 Educational Research
1+X老年照护培训对护生择业动机的影响 刘畅, 吕琦, 张令霞 Educational Research
产教融合背景下跨境电商校企合作人才培养模式研究——以广东外语外贸大学南国商学院为例 刘远 Educational Research
高校心理健康教育工作实效性的影响因素及提升策略研究 任利 Educational Research
专创融合背景下专业课程内容重构研究——以动漫泥塑课程为例 万蕾, 石莉莉 Educational Research
高校思政教育研究进展 赵忠君, 赵鸿菱, 张伟伟 Educational Research
项目教学法在高职《建筑工程测量》课程中的应用探究 张慧丽 Educational Research
双一流背景下研究生实践创新能力培养——反射法测量三棱镜顶角探索试验 墨蕊娜, 王均刚 Educational Research
简析教师专业化背景下的幼师教育实习 陈清凯 Educational Research
民族院校新媒体教育融入优秀传统文化研究 张帆, 贾涛 Educational Research
乡村振兴背景下大学生基层就业意向调查研究--以某中医药大学药物制剂专业大学生为例 李晨婷, 夏新华, 王颖斌, 郑津津 Educational Research
基于轨道交通职业技能竞赛相关岗位技能标准的实训项目研究与实践 龙讯 Educational Research
商业服务场景中临场顾客的“控制感”研究 戢芳 Economics
贸易便利化对我国跨境电商出口的实证研究 王婕佳 Economics
基于A-F双界法的宁夏六盘山地区农户多维贫困测度研究 孟莹 Economics
基于机器学习模型的宁夏六盘山地区农户多维贫困影响因素研究 孟莹 Economics
区块链时代数字货币匿名与追踪技术研究——以门罗币为例 刘泽雨, 魏晓光, 张倩, 王雨寒, 路毅 Economics
跨文化交际能力视角下《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》成功签订的原因解析 何欣 Economics
互联网信贷平台对大学生消费行为的影响研究——以长沙市部分高校为例 刘琳, 张诗颖, 邱赛兵 Economics
新业态视角下海南省康养旅游产业发展分析 武友兰, 雷石标 Economics
基于数据处理技术的在线学习分析 程杰 Modern Education Forum
工科材料类专业固体物理教学内容更新研究 石锋, 沈建兴, 张灵翠, 徐越 Modern Education Forum
以国家一流本科专业建设为目标的平台建设——以齐鲁工业大学无机非金属材料工程专业建设为例 沈建兴, 张加艳, 刘金华, 王志浩 Modern Education Forum
基于社会文化理论的商务英语翻译教学改革初探 韩翠萍 Modern Education Forum
外语类高校用人单位招聘情况分析 刘鑫, 付靖雅, 苏爱佳, 安郑蕾, 杨思雨, 贾朋儒 Modern Education Forum
基于SPOC教学模式的葡语阅读课程教学改革探究 王晰灏 Modern Education Forum
吉尔精力分配理论下交传口译脑记与笔记的平衡——以第十届全国口译大赛吉林外国语大学校赛为例 徐春阳, 李佳雯 Modern Education Forum
控制理论课程中的思政教育案例探讨 高瑜, 陈江璋, 陈庆 Modern Education Forum
费曼学习法在《电子技术基础》课程中的应用探索 王桂娜, 翁桂荣, 吕勇, 陈庆 Modern Education Forum
新时代普通高校美育教学发展的思考与探析 王雪 Modern Education Forum
数字化时代下压力容器行业人才培养探讨 张烽, 李果, 马银忠, 朱大胜 Modern Education Forum
专业音乐教育理念机制思考 成斌 Modern Education Forum
教学质量监控体系在应用型本科高校专业认证中的意义和作用探析 桑宏庆, 张齐, 卫兰兰 Modern Education Forum
新能源科学与工程专业《光电子技术》课程设计探索 杨小雨, 杜晓娇, 徐伟龙, 张燕南, 连跃彬 Modern Education Forum
“五位一体”校长培训班班风建设路径探析 赵风利 Modern Education Forum
地方应用型本科高校社会服务模式选择——以保定学院为例 赵晓芸, 任雅洁 Modern Education Forum
混合式教学法在《高级语言程序设计C++》课程中的应用 杜春梅, 代长明 Modern Education Forum
“教育新基建”下教育云平台的研究与教学应用 杨阳, 郝娟, 温秀梅 Modern Education Forum
甘南藏族自治州体育扶贫策略研究 常瑞宏 Modern Education Forum
十四五规划下创新创业教育课程思政改革探索——以南京晓庄学院为例 高湧, 陆小丽, 沈芝明 Modern Education Forum
浅谈唯物辩证思想对《机械原理》课程学习的指导 荀超, 董莺, 贾文华, 高江红, 潘金坤, 朱大胜 Modern Education Forum
基于课程思政的工科专业课程实验教学设计——以《过程设备设计》为例 陈俊峰, 李果, 朱大胜 Modern Education Forum
江苏省本科专业综合评估研究——以光电信息科学与工程专业为例 杜文汉, 郑益, 潘雪涛, 王加安, 杨帆 Modern Education Forum
数字经济“四化框架”下产学研用创新创业人才培养模式研究 刘娇 Modern Education Forum
“双高计划”建设背景下金融专业群建设探索与研究 ——以广东科学技术职业学院为例 魏敏 Modern Education Forum
高职院校“校企双导师”学生实习管理机制的研究与实践 王文霞 Modern Education Forum
后疫情时代高职院校教师线上线下混合式教学支持路径探究 张霄 Modern Education Forum
《促销管理实务》课程教学改革探讨 刘勤侠 Modern Education Forum
基于社会主义核心价值观的高职美育课程改革与实践 曹三月 Modern Education Forum
党建视域下高职院校实训基地建设探析 戴建华, 冒莉 Modern Education Forum
职业院校铁路信号课程教学内容优化的思考 龙讯 Modern Education Forum
Proportioning Design of Foamed Concrete Mixed with Recycled Micro-powder of Construction Waste Hongyang Xie, Jianjun Dong, Yong Deng, Yiwen Dai, Mingwei Deng Architecture Engineering and Science
Research on Examination of Construction Drawings of University Construction Projects Wenqiang Dang Architecture Engineering and Science
Research on the Classification of Wind Instruments in the Tang Dynasty Rong Ma Arts Studies and Criticism
The Inheritance and Development of Dunhuang Dance to the Musical Dance Art of Dunhuang Frescoes Shuqin Li, Tingting Li Arts Studies and Criticism
疫情防控下高校网络教学质量与效率提升路径探索 侯宇晶, 尹浩亮 Educational Research
天水市博物馆美术资源纳入中学美术教育教学的意义 刘媛 Educational Research
一带一路背景下新疆龟兹地区旅游文创产品的视觉化设计研发 马兰 Educational Research
基于校企合作的广告设计专业实践教学改革研究 魏明月 Educational Research
民办应用型本科院校设计人才创新创业实践能力培养的研究——以环境设计专业为例 林舜美, 陈福忠, 盛映红 Educational Research
课程思政理念下的《施工组织设计实训》教学改革探索 赵聪 Educational Research
粤港澳大湾区国际高等教育示范区建设现状、问题及对策分析 艾希, 邓滢秋 Educational Research
知情合一教学模式下大学英语教学中积极学习情感的培养 蔡娇, 唐丽 Educational Research
技师院校通用职业素质课程建设与实践 陈萍 Educational Research
高职ICT类专业学情现状分析及对策研究 陈玉冬 Educational Research
红色文化融入高校工匠精神培育的路径探索 丁银辉 Educational Research
基于学生学习力提升的混合式课程设计应用研究 高田幸子 Educational Research
新形势下师范类院校师德师风教育路径探究——以宁夏师范学院为例 马丽 Educational Research
基于人力资本理论视角的幼儿园保教人员专业发展研究 马瑞萍, 陈相君, 朱晓红 Educational Research
国家一流专业群优势下工程创新人才培养研究——以燕山大学工业设计工程教育与课程体系建设为例 孙利, 吴俭涛, 张硕, 陈永亮, 王年文 Educational Research
民办院校大商科创新型人才培养模式研究 王柏, 王莉莉, 唐冬卉 Educational Research
高职院校基层党建工作品牌与专业建设融合途径研究 王琦, 张峰 Educational Research
英语专业大学生的听力焦虑分析及其对策——以广州城市理工学院为例 魏静, 金芷珊, 吴晓纯, 谭翠滢, 程佳雪 Educational Research
智能建造背景下土木工程专业人才需求分析与探索 温旭丽 Educational Research
课堂反馈系统认知问卷的汉化与信效度研究 吴璇 Educational Research
聚焦文本,小学英语阅读教学的探究 张学琴 Educational Research
中国共产党建党百年——榜样教育及时代意义浅论 朱丽莎, 李大雁 Educational Research
融媒体时代下影视剪辑课程的改革与实践 王珏 Educational Research
高职美育中红色经典音乐的运用和意义研究 耿华瑞, 汪月如 Educational Research
汉语言服务中的多类型效能分析 胡瑱宇, 曹环 Educational Research
高职院校班主任工作三部曲 陈玲 Educational Research
Effect of Angiotensin 1-7 on Myocardial Calcium Pump in Salt-Sensitive Hypertensive Rats Jun Cao, Qianfeng Jiang, Mingliang Fang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Effect of Huaier Granule and Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization on the Treatment of Advanced Liver Cancer Zheng Yao Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Thoughts on the Research of the Multi-evaluation System of the Quality of “Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses” in Colleges and Universities Lu Xia Region - Educational Research and Reviews
1+X证书制度“+”的意蕴、价值逻辑和质量保障研究 王慧 Educational Research
“成功体验”在体育教学中的作用研究 张中沉 Educational Research
“中国梦”视域下大学生美育的价值探索 曹学埔 Educational Research
基于双创背景下高校产品设计专业实践教学课程探究 葛伟, 刘晓霞 Educational Research
浅谈中小学孝文化教育的实施路径 彭春锋, 乔臣 Educational Research
高校构建“345”学生党员双向多维培养体系研究——以西南民族大学为例 陈雪龄, 景晓明, 郭惠 Educational Research
基于5G网络的高职大数据课程教学改革探究 高子航 Educational Research
议题式教学:班会课有效融合的行动研究 黄志毅, 刘七芳 Educational Research
高等数学教学中渗透思政教育的途径与方法 姬玉荣, 赵延霞 Educational Research
中华优秀传统文化资源融入高校思政课研究 李伟哲 Educational Research
基于“成长故事”对幼儿教师专业能力培养的路径探析 买青叶 Educational Research
高校书院制教育建设的探析——以肇庆学院为例 莫梓雯 Educational Research
“四史”教育融入高职院校思政工作路径研究 王洋 Educational Research
浅析高校创新创业教育与思想政治教育融合路径研究 徐芹, 杨军 Educational Research
国际竞争下创新创业教育体系建设初探 杨轶浠, 刘海 Educational Research
《八号行星代表的产生》中的马克思主义哲学乌托邦思想 张琪, 王霞 Educational Research
地方高校就业帮困育人研究---以湖州高校为例 张涛 Educational Research
一项幼儿与教师合作开展的行动研究——中班幼儿关于“最喜欢在幼儿园哪里玩”问题的研究 张岩宇 Educational Research
高职院校幼儿园职前教师培养课堂教学反思——以《幼儿园艺术教育活动设计与指导》为例 张瑶 Educational Research
基于OBE理念的工程项目管理课程教学改革 赵曼莉 Educational Research
高校青年教师生存压力现状与缓解对策研究 高皓月 Educational Research
公共应急语言服务中现存问题与地方应对措施分析 胡瑱宇, 曹环, 付洁, 唐静苑 Educational Research
乡村振兴视域下武陵山区农村基层治理法治化调查及对策研究 孙樱萁 Economics
“放管服”背景下高职院校科研经费管理的创新研究 王泽秀 Economics
贵州荔波农产品的营销策略分析 陈鹏珍, 杨丽琴, 夏月梅 Economics
经济新格局背景下减税降费政策效果及发展趋势研究 范兴悦 Economics
金融精准扶贫的典型实践与经验---以咸宁市为例 柯希均 Economics
基于O2O电子商务的新疆—俄罗斯贸易研究 孙澳阳, 孙莹 Economics
农旅融合模式下乡村聚落民宿化设计研究——以豫南地区为例 凌士义, 付路瑶 Agricultural Science
艾灸结合中药穴位贴敷治疗的临床研究 夏琼, 潘教亦, 李科辉, 陈露, 赵健宏, 黄冯钦, 何富乐 Basic Medical Theory Research
关于水利工程施工中防渗技术的应用分析 李熙 Hydropower and Water Resources
微塑料对海洋环境的影响及对策研究 于晓霞, 王静静, 张传兴, 李爱华, 董艳平, 王丙晖 Ecological Environment and Protection
基于“海绵城市”理念下的护城河景观设计探析——以辽阳市护城河为例 孙欣 Building Development
矫治罪错未成年人专门学校建设研究 周东虎 Journal of International Education Forum
长江干流岸线(安徽段)利用项目清理整治工作效果分析及后续问题研究 谢长淮 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
基于“小先生制”的高校思想政治理论课实践教学研究——以合肥师范学院思想政治理论课综合实践教学为例 周贵勤 Educational Research
焊接机器人的应用技术分析 马亮 Educational Research
现代学徒制“1+4+1”人才培养质量保障体系构建路径研究 石莹, 肖细根 Educational Research
构建高校审计整改工作的“三项机制” 陈晓航, 解云香, 吴忧 Educational Research
俄罗斯中学课程教学文件包解析 陈钰, 张金忠 Educational Research
基于四维框架下高校辅导员核心素养结构分析及培养策略研究 崔洋洋, 李莉英, 王波 Educational Research
论课程思政的“真善美”意蕴及实现路径 郭小婷 Educational Research
外宣“三贴近”之翻译思想检视及其理论化路径 李方超 Educational Research
意大利高中汉语教学现状分析 刘春红, 孔颖 Educational Research
问题设计在小学教师专业化发展中的意义——以小学语文教学为例 王可为 Educational Research
中学地理生活化教学现状及策略探究 邢露滢, 费龙 Educational Research
服装与服饰设计专业实践课程建设探索——以塔里木大学为例 赵会 Educational Research
高校田径教学对提升大学生身体素质的影响及路径 郭庆 Educational Research
独立学院大学生思想政治教育中隐性教育现状分析 徐永扬, 屠强, 戚琦, 王群 Educational Research
基于品德心理结构的教育戏剧德育功能探究 盖磊, 乔真 Educational Research
游戏教学法在学前音乐课堂中的运用研究 郭敏 Educational Research
1+X证书制度下云计算专业建设与人才培养的研究与实践 胡玲 Educational Research
职业教育转型下的施工组织设计实训教学改革探究 熊衍仁, 郑雅儒, 刘方华, 文紫怡, 陆崇赞 Educational Research
MG动画融入广告类课程的实践教学——以《影视广告》课程为例 夏兆冬, 赵晓晓 Educational Research
大学生思政教育中融入红色文化传承的价值及路径探究 刘丽 Educational Research
应用型本科院校设计类人才工匠精神培育实践 魏璋 Educational Research
新时代高校基层党支部组织力提升路径研究 常荣, 陈倩, 张熙悦, 刘迈月, 姚远 Educational Research
基于工作因素的民航飞行教师职业倦怠分析 唐凤玲, 李佩纹 Educational Research
高校《外贸运输与保险》课程思政的实施路径与实践探索 戚建梅 Educational Research
高等职业院校产业学院建设研究综述 白瑞霞, 李蕊, 肖发沂, 王小伟, 郑立森 Educational Research
浅析在线精品课在现代教育教学中的作用 郭甲润 Educational Research
“以学生为中心”的民办高校学生学习需求研究 贾婧, 余萍, 李嘉瑜 Educational Research
不定方程的求解 刘佳蕊, 朱继娥, 赵院娥 Educational Research
新时期研究生核心信息素养能力体系构建研究 刘瑞娟 Educational Research
“乡村振兴”背景下贵州乡村幼儿教师专业发展支持服务体系优化策略研究 莫如钰, 孙丛亮, 潘红 Educational Research
浅谈壮族蛙纹的运用和对比 涂梦婷, 莫晓琳, 蓝岚, 谢超群, 卢萱 Educational Research
5S 理念下高校环境实验室管理探索与实践 王梦, 焦驰宇, 赵子彦 Educational Research
高职院校线上教学中融入课程思政的研究 王明瑞 Educational Research
“1+X”证书制度下高职院校英语教学改革研究 徐莉, 李慧 Educational Research
商务英语专业《综合英语》课程思政教学改革的具体实施路径分析 张丹丹 Educational Research
新冠疫情对高职院校学生心理健康影响调查研究 张生华, 石文, 王飞 Educational Research
易地扶贫搬迁学生自信心培养的有效策略——基于易地扶贫搬迁学生融入新环境的研究 利丽 Educational Research
民办高等职业院校专业核心课程标准建设研究 刘欢 Educational Research
多元文化背景下的新疆曲子 刘素芳 Educational Research
艺术类院校辅导员开展劳动教育的实践途径 张瑜, 张延琳 Educational Research
基于扶贫攻坚背景下新型助农模式的研究——以绿春蜂蜜产业为例 丁宁, 杨铭, 张永鑫, 徐瑞希 Agricultural Science
我国大鲵资源保护法律问题研究——以湖南张家界大鲵自然保护区为例 孙樱萁 Ecological Environment and Protection
BIM技术在建筑项目精细化管理中的应用 赵聪 Building Technology Research
青光眼小梁组织中Aβ表达研究——从视神经纤维损伤的关联性进行分析 向坚 Basic Medical Theory Research
职业技术大学转型升级的路径研究——以湖南医学高职院校为例 向坚, 彭玉娟 Journal of International Education Forum
高校商务礼仪课程思政的有效途径探索 常瑜 Journal of International Education Forum
“三全育人”背景下社团思政建设思考 李跃扬, 万俊丽, 孙畅, 李明珠 Journal of International Education Forum
融媒体视角下网络与新媒体专业建设 李易阳 Journal of International Education Forum
Serum High Lipoprotein(a) Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes May Be an Independent Risk Factor for Hypertension Lingfen Zeng, Jieming Sun, Ming Cui Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Evaluation and Analysis of the Satisfaction Degree of the Intelligent Outpatient Clinic of Tianjin 3A Grade Hospitals Based on the KANO Model Fanyu Zhao, Yawen Xiao, Xue Feng, Chang Liu, He Jiang Advanced Journal of Nursing
Dancing Practice Teaching and Thinking of Art Education Major Qian Wang Arts Studies and Criticism
On the Artistic Value of Literary Ekphrasis Zhangfan Shangguan, Dong Wang Arts Studies and Criticism
Design and Aesthetics of National Brand Clothing Songli Yang Arts Studies and Criticism
Role Change of Postgraduates in China's Education System Chaoyang Lu, Zhiping Zhang, Danping Jiang, Yanyan Jing, Yameng Li, Quanguo Zhang Journal of Higher Education Research
基于地理核心素养培养的活动教学实践研究 赵洋, 李广江 Educational Research
项目式学习在“活动·探究”单元中的应用研究——以统编初中语文教材为例 李婷玉, 黄勇 Educational Research
新课标下生物专业师范生专业知识与高中课程内容分析 郑智莉, 张道伟, 云利锋, 唐钰婷 Educational Research
我国德法兼修法治人才培养价值与路径研究 程静 Educational Research
新常态下大学英语教师专业素质发展研究——以喀什大学为例 陈盈盈 Educational Research
新时代背景下社会主义核心价值观融入大学校园文化建设的研究 陶玲, 宋健, 林轶 Educational Research
“一带一路”背景下唐三彩的艺术特征在文创产业中的发展现状与建议 王思涵 Educational Research
黑龙江区域设计人才培养模式创新研究——以黑河学院设计系为例 王玉云, 闫天宝 Educational Research
教育心理学在教学活动中的有效应用策略研究 邵铭铭 Educational Research
以立德树人为基准的教育心理学课程思政建设思路研究 郭蕾 Educational Research
思政元素融于初中物理电磁学教学的应用研究 黄薛宇, 谢清连, 蒙庆华 Educational Research
基于学生创新能力培养的物联网专业实践教学体系研究 李智慧, 葛宏义 Educational Research
以文化自信为导向的汉语国际教育专业跨文化能力培养 鹿晶 Educational Research
基于应用型人才培养的思考——以居住空间课程教学改革研究与实践为例 王凤 Educational Research
绘本阅读教学中幼儿深度学习的研究 张宁, 张妮妮 Educational Research
红色资源融入高校爱国主义教育路径研究 张肖, 汪琦, 郭政华 Educational Research
初级汉语综合课媒介语使用调查研究 赵芮辰 Educational Research
后疫情时期中小学体育在线教学的发展趋势 郭建玉, 程月梅, 苟彪, 张晓林 Educational Research
新时代和田地区美丽乡村建设中存在的问题及对策 叶浩楠 Building Development
休闲农业发展探讨 陈飞平, 刘昊, 李华 Agricultural Science
测边交会在山体滑坡监测的应用 董世勇, 陈佳, 唐晓松, 王永甫 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
基于GPS的山区水库边坡滑坡体变形监测 陈佳, 董世勇, 王永甫, 唐晓松 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
基于海岸带开发利用变化监测的专题研究——以广西为例 程少强 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
沉浸式体验餐饮空间的应用研究 陆萍兰 Building Technology Research
土家族木雕的现代发展与多元价值研究 徐伟勤, 赵雪梅, 樊泽毅 Building Technology Research
浅析建筑钢筋原材料检测 史丽云, 刘勇 Building Technology Research
高速铁路动车段土壤污染识别及影响措施浅析 姜建梅 Ecological Environment and Protection
幼儿师范专业折纸手工教学的美育探究 黄琳 Early Childhood Education Science
黑衣壮族图形符号在酒店空间的应用浅析 高磊 Building Development
传统暗八仙纹样的保护与传承--以蓬莱为例 迟海娇 Journal of International Education Forum
西藏中职学校思政课融入情感教育的重要性和策略研究--以C学校为例 唐凤琼, 滕晓华 Journal of International Education Forum
基于核心素养的高中英语作文教学延伸与扩展分析 李小平 Journal of International Education Forum
1+N模式下BIM技术在建设工程管理专业毕业设计中的应用 赵聪 Journal of International Education Forum
Project-based Learning: Connotation, Characteristics and Misunderstandings Peigeng Guo Region - Educational Research and Reviews
西藏财政自给能力分析及提升对策探讨 徐邵蕊, 薛倩, 吕翠苹 Economics
乡村振兴背景下的西藏特色产业发展研究——以西藏芒康县藏东珍宝酒业有限公司为例 斯朗卓嘎, 贡秋扎西 Economics
西藏乡村旅游的扶贫效果研究 尤彩丽, 巩艳红 Economics
普惠金融与缓解西藏相对贫困的机制研究 薛倩, 徐邵蕊, 巩艳红 Economics
延安红色文化视觉符号的提炼及表达研究 张颢瀛 Journal of International Education Forum
重庆工商大学应用化学一流本科专业建设的思考与实践 古兴兴, 王星敏, 杨哲涵, 代金杭, 云雯, 王瑞琪, 邓理丹 Journal of International Education Forum
青海隆务寺“羌姆”表演中道具与乐器的运用特征 卡毛吉 Journal of International Education Forum
实验室建设对汉语国际教育专业建设的研究与探析 李姗鸿 Journal of International Education Forum
物流企业供应链应急机制的构建——基于突发公共卫生事件暴发前 朱瑶 Journal of International Education Forum
国外先进的林业职业教育理念对我国林业职业教育国际化的启示 刘彬彬 Journal of International Education Forum
消费者对孕期药膳产品的认识、态度及购买意愿调查分析 袁冬梅, 迟梦雅 Basic Medical Theory Research
儿童上呼吸道感染耐药病原菌流行现状及应对机制 王念, 杜培艳, 刘骏, 王忠 Basic Medical Theory Research
Study on Paeoniflorin Promoting the Recovery of Motor Function of Rat Spinal Cord Injury by Mediating MAPK/ERK and Akt/mTOR Signal Pathway Pei Zhang, Nan Wu, Zhijun Song, Zhengfu Tai Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Analysis on the Medication Rule of Famous Old TCM Doctors in the Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis Based on Data Mining Huaijing Wang, Zhongyi Zhu, Ping Wang, Bifeng Fu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Study on the Mechanism of Cancer/Testicular Antigen FSIP1 in Regulating Autophagy and Promoting Survival of Lung Cancer Cells Xiaoping Zhu, Yingping Song, Wei Wang, Weiqi Yang Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Research on Teaching Skills Training Mode of Normal Students in Newly-built Local Universities Huiyun Gao, Xiaoli Wang Journal of Higher Education Research
A Probe into the Strategy of Implementing Flipped Classroom Teaching Model in Agricultural Courses Hongmin Wang Journal of Higher Education Research
On the Three Dimensions of Identity Education of Socialist Core Values in Colleges and Universities in the New Era Bin Yang Journal of Higher Education Research
以应用为导向,培养合格本科应用型人才 刘倩, 智凌云 Educational Research
精准扶贫视域下高校大学生资助管理创新探究 冼盈盈 Educational Research
基于IPD体系协同思想政治理论课社会化全过程——以“形势与政策”社会实践课教学为例 邓若玉, 罗英, 何玲 Educational Research
SOLO分类评价结合翻转课堂理论在本科《环境与健康》教学设计中的应用 吴琳, 牛琳, 陈东, 唐天乐 Educational Research
高校劳动教育在学生公寓中的创新路径研究——以宁波财经学院为例 祝诸铭 Educational Research
互动仪式链理论视域下的日本高校毕业仪式的启示 汪丽影 Educational Research
微探信息化背景下高职院校公共管理模式创新 晏静, 赵玉艳 Educational Research
基于高职院校学生职业核心能力培养视角下劳动教育路径探究 郑龙柱 Educational Research
浅谈我校金工实习雨课堂线上教学的几点做法 陈跃, 周迅 Educational Research
武汉地域书法资源在高校书法教学的驱动力 柳国良, 陈玖彤 Educational Research
《网络营销》课程中思政元素的探索与实践 曹梅, 王春旺, 李梅 Educational Research
应用型高校艺术类专业“三创融合式课程思政”建设路径与对策研究——以怀化学院为例 姚禹伯 Educational Research
美国职业教育质量体系浅析 谢育玲 Educational Research
双师型教师培养培训需求及对策调研报告——以长春市某民办高校为例 齐婧宇, 徐瑶 Educational Research
校园欺凌防治的理论与对策 邓卓沛, 施长君, 闫美任 Educational Research
新工科院校数学课程思政育人的研究 朱剑, 杜伟伟, 张隆 Educational Research
广东省“县管校聘”教师管理体制改革的现状调查——以韶关市、梅州市、惠州市、深圳市为例 梁美欣, 黎诗宇, 刘靖, 阳雪丹, 卢凯玲 Educational Research
校企共建共享动力机械专业数字化仿真教学资源的探索 董非, 尹必峰, 贾和坤, 曹晓辉, 倪捷 Educational Research
民办高校大学生“创新创业”学习能力培养的行动研究 杨燚娜 Educational Research
互联网环境下高中现代诗歌朗读教学策略探究 邢晓寅, 岳杨, 曾蕾 Educational Research
技工院校视域下产教校地融合发展的思路与对策 韩岩 Educational Research
运用转化思想,提升解题能力 张传军, 李海英, 赵海清, 王锦秋 Educational Research
“互联网+”背景下高校泰语第二课堂的建设与应用——以玉溪师范学院为例 赵晓琪, 薛青, 何玲敏, 胡玉, 杨方 Educational Research
高校环保教育理念与实践 赵龙凤, 袁东升 Ecological Environment and Protection
江苏省装配式建筑产业现代化发展战略和布局研究 齐道正, 王炳监, 胥民尧, 万继春 Building Technology Research
承韵千年文脉 擦亮运河名片--以徐州京杭运河主城区段滨水景观为例 陆萍兰 Building Development
新冠疫情下减税降费政策对民族地区经济的影响——以湘西自治州注册会计师行业为例 邓鑫磊 Economics
我国农业产业集群与县域经济发展 刘红娜 Economics
Research on the Perfection of Disregard of Corporate Personality in Enforcement Pu Wang Modern Economics & Management Forum
On the Value of Aesthetic Education in Solfeggio Courses Qian Huang Arts Studies and Criticism
Research on Rheological Disturbance Damage Laws of Rock in the Strength Limit Neighborhood Changliang Lu, Bo Wang, Shiyu Hu, Zikang Huang Architecture Engineering and Science
Experimental Research on English Reading Behavior Based on E-Prime System Feng Zhu Journal of Higher Education Research
Damage Detection of Beam Bridge Under a Moving Load Using Auto-encoder Juntao Wu, Zhenhua Nie Journal of Building Technology
Research on the Cultural Landscape of Xinjiang Section of the Silk Road Dan Jiang Journal of Building Technology
Using Two Sensors for Damage Detection of Bridge Based on Transfer Entropy of Vehicle-bridge Information Julei Zhu, Wen Cai Journal of Building Technology
引导学生利用元认知学会学习 李陈玲, 冯凯琪, 杨鸽 Educational Research
大专院校图书馆线上服务的思考 孙婷婷 Educational Research
民办高校艺术类专业课与“课程思政”相融合的研究 卢珊珊, 彭洁 Educational Research
优化整合喀什地区中小学美术教师继续教育培训资源的思考 王娜 Educational Research
高校绘画专业人才培养模式改革创新研究 李建国 Educational Research
融媒体视角下传媒实践教学体系建设研究——以厦门华厦学院创意传播专业群为例 盛映红, 胡星, 黄君伟, 林小闻 Educational Research
爱国主义的历史渊源及内涵演变探析 万月月, 邓永禄 Educational Research
民办高校朋辈互助的发展现状及探索 颜芳 Educational Research
基于虚拟仿真的中国建筑史木构建筑信息化教学改革研究 杨曙光 Educational Research
社会交换论视阈中高校廉政建设存在的问题与治理 左斌峰, 张萍萍, 许菊香 Educational Research
基于疫情背景下大学生心理问题构建校院联动网络辅导与咨询研究 孔凡坤, 向玥 Educational Research
提升民办高校大学生心理健康的路径探析 ——基于积极心理学视角 夏静静 Educational Research
基层开大《审计学》课程混合教学实践研究 陈霏 Educational Research
新工科视域下基于多维驱动的“人工智能+机械类”创新复合型人才培养研究 孙世政 Educational Research
互联网环境下高校舞蹈教学模式的探究 文华, 王昭然 Educational Research
高校大数据审计人才培养改革路径探析 王志华 Educational Research
“工匠精神”视域下的特色校园文化活动品牌培育实践研究——以广西水利电力职业技术学院优秀校园文化活动品牌为例 唐燕兰 Educational Research
新时代大学生幸福观教育路径探究 杨成亮 Educational Research
小学语文阅读教学中合作学习的应用 刘诗文 Educational Research
基于学生科技竞赛驱动的“人工智能+机械类”创新复合型人才培养研究 孙世政 Educational Research
基于生命教育视角的大学生心理健康教育积极发展模式研究 熊映莹, 葛晓青 Educational Research
“产教融合”模式下高职院校管理会计教学改革研究 白婕, 王燕 Educational Research
奥尔夫音乐教学法之本土课例研究——以新疆儿歌《娃哈哈》为例 谌燕辉, 肖涛 Educational Research
健康中国背景下全民居家健身现状分析及可持续发展路径研究 刘开群, 樊永先 Educational Research
基于GIS的视觉景观评价分析 李华, 刘昊, 陈飞平 Ecological Environment and Protection
赤水河流域生态变迁与酱香型白酒产业绿色发展研究 黄昊 Ecological Environment and Protection
美丽乡村建设视角下和田地区乡村住宅空间探究 李旭 Building Technology Research
口译学习者在口译实践活动中口译焦虑多维度研究 黄岚 Journal of International Education Forum
应用型本科高校机械类课程思政的思考与探索 喻虹琳, 晋芳伟, 李永湘, 马秀勤 Journal of International Education Forum
新时代高校思政课一体化建设研究 张帆 Journal of International Education Forum
CDIO工程教育模式下的高职影视创作课实验性探索 徐颖颖 Journal of International Education Forum
疫情影响下高校毕业生就业现状研究 别肯•朱马别克 Journal of International Education Forum
Automatic Text Summarization for Urdu Roman Language by Using Fuzzy Logic zeshan ali Journal of Autonomous Intelligence
Nostalgia of Time and Return of Space: An Analysis of the Artistic Dimensions of Oates’ Early Novels A'na Zhang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Research on Content Design of Media Facade and Augmented Reality for Preschool Education Xinyi Shan Region - Educational Research and Reviews
高职双创教育与专业教育深度“嵌入”路径研究 周慧 Economics
5G时代新工科背景下应用型本科高校工科教师的培养思考 张慧熙, 王玉槐, 王李冬, 李文娟, 安康 Journal of International Education Forum
思政教育视域中高职学生文化自信培育路径探析 陶丽, 李周宇 Journal of International Education Forum
“互联网+”背景下高中数学教学问题的突破与解决 曾立梅 Journal of International Education Forum
基于核心素养的高中政治议题式课堂建设 谈归荣 Journal of International Education Forum
探究小学语文写作教学的优化策略 朱钦媛 Journal of International Education Forum
三种常用积分与网的收敛 房琦贵 Educational Research
泰语角对泰语学习的推动作用----以玉溪师范学院为例 普华萍, 莫晓艳 Educational Research
现代民族国家建构视野下大学生国家认同提升路径探析 吴日晖 Educational Research
“语文+美学”跨学科教学实践探索——以《千篇一律与千变万化》教学实录为例 孙晴 Educational Research
新媒体视域下高职院校革命传统文化传播有效路径探究 程森弟, 葛小丽, 童京华 Educational Research
新时代师范生爱国主义情怀厚植的实践路径研究 杜文岭, 卢礼鑫 Educational Research
金属材料工程专业表面工程综合实验课程改革实践与探索 王云龙, 葛建华, 王淼, 江燕, 王兰, 袁志钟, 程晓农 Educational Research
高职数字媒体技术专业美术基础课程教学探索 郑辉 Educational Research
高校辅导员理论素养现状与提升途径研究——以湖南省辅导员素质能力大赛理论考试为例 谭珊琦 Educational Research
民办高校创新创业教育改革研究 李石明 Educational Research
核心素养导向的探究学习——以数学学习实践为例 刘俊, 窦学芳, 刘春燕, 张芳榕, 顾来芬, 倪丽琴, 罗红英, 杨静梅 Educational Research
高职学院现代学徒制人才培养模式运行机制研究 吕凤亚 Educational Research
教育硕士实践能力培养问题与策略思考 廖彰嘉, 陈熹旺 Educational Research
商派面塑融入幼儿园课程的研究 万丹丹, 陈运英, 周姝妤 Educational Research
短视频改写城市形象传播新途径——以抖音平台为例 曹珊 Educational Research
幼儿园古诗教学的误区与对策 刘梦林, 赵芷烨, 万丹丹 Educational Research
幼儿教师美术技能培养的策略 钱程, 高辉 Early Childhood Education Science
提高小学生语文阅读水平的方法和策略 陈玉晶 Early Childhood Education Science
幽谷生态有机水稻栽培技术及效益分析 张利富, 薛忠财 Agricultural Science
越南粉苞茉莉的主要观赏性状及在广西横县的适应性调查 陈殷, 吴亮亮, 黄金凤, 蓝海南 Agricultural Science
高职院校社会主义核心价值观课堂教学探索 王晓丽 Educational Research
应用型高校本科生教育质量保障与提升的探索与实践 亢振军, 鲁栋梁, 钟秋平, 朱静敏, 杨斌 Educational Research
新工科背景下大数据驱动汽车服务工程专业创新创业教育改革研究 白玉培 Educational Research
论支架教学对任务型阅读教学的促进作用 王娅 Educational Research
核心素养理念下小学英语课堂教学的有效性教学模式探究 何庆胜 Educational Research
“低碳产品设计”课程思政的建设 郭思琪, 钟玲, 贾敖 Educational Research
高校思政课混合式教学问题与提升路径研究 刘瑞 Educational Research
《半导体物理学》课程教改初探 裴浪, 元勇军, 钟家松, 白王峰 Educational Research
新时代高校大学生体力劳动教育存在的问题及对策研究 万婧, 黄红梅, 邢晓晖, 刘杨 Educational Research
基于创新创业能力培养的高职院校自动化类科技社团建设探究与实践——以山东劳动职业技术学院为例 张雅美, 郝涛 Educational Research
“互联网+”背景下高校党课教育创新研究综述 方俊 Educational Research
智慧学习环境中的深度交互及其价值探析 卢婷 Educational Research
新工科背景下多维度专业“课程思政”探究 苏伟, 胡宝月, 王伟, 刘全明, 于洋 Educational Research
中国式人力资源管理人才培养模式研究 许广, 李小娟 Educational Research
基于行业需求的《混凝土结构》本科教学改革 任翠玲, 刘美景 Educational Research
基于AACSB认证的教学质量闭环控制和持续改进体系研究 石晓冉, 刘炳春, 于志宏 Educational Research
浅析外语类赛事促进学生思辨能力的研究 陶树金 Educational Research
“1 + X”证书制度下纳税申报实训课程课证融合路径探索 郑玉兰 Educational Research
基于立德树人理念的高校发展型资助育人内涵与路径探析 周慧 Educational Research
Blending Viewpoint of Teaching “Teaching as Mountaineering”: A Cognitive Stylistic Approach Zhijun Zhang Journal of Higher Education Research
应用型人才培养背景下独立学院专业培养方案改革 霍一茗 Educational Research
论设计学专业大学生党员“三观”之塑造 禄亚娟 Educational Research
关于构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系的实践研究 陈佳丽, 洪春华 Educational Research
提升高校艺术专业教师党支部书记“双带头人”履职能力的思考 薛伟 Educational Research
高校学生公寓服务管理模式探究 冯然军 Educational Research
阿尔诺•盖格尔作品中现代奥地利人的身份认同危机 张子菁 Educational Research
关于线性映射φ(X)=AX-XB的几个结果及其应用 汪皎月 Educational Research
智慧商业视野下高职商务英语专业课程体系研究 叶丹 Educational Research
高职院校留守经历学生家庭亲密度及其心理帮扶对策分析 罗洁琴, 况琪, 葛小丽, 刘引春 Educational Research
“线下教学+线上讨论”教学模式的6C原则 ----以《线性代数》为例 覃永辉, 范大付 Educational Research
动漫游专业美术基础课程国际化建设研究 陈红 Educational Research
50年代以来川美陶艺与荣昌陶的关联性研究 刘紫薇, 孟福伟, 杨涛 Educational Research
差异化教学的探索与实践——以四川美院陶艺工作室毕业创作为例 何小容, 孟福伟, 杨涛 Educational Research
《政治经济学》课程思政建设内涵及思路研究 游婧 Educational Research
中意产品设计专业合作办学的实验课程对比研究 宋捷 Educational Research
态度改变理论视域下网络意识形态安全教育实效研究 张琳曼 Educational Research
浅析路基加固胶凝材料的研究与应用现状 田齿锐, 王福军 Building Development
如何开展课程思政建设--以《水工程施工》为例 王俊岭 Building Technology Research
Study on the Dose-effect Relationship of Moxa Burning Fumigation in Air Disinfection in Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinics Shunhua Teng, Guoyong Ma, Guozhong Lyu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
云计算技术在计算机网络安全存储中的应用研究 蔡杰 Modern Education Forum
一种可自动加水的线切割机床水箱的设计 曹国强, 陈跃 Modern Education Forum
课程思政融入职业生涯规划课程的探索与实践 曹三月, 高瑞臣 Modern Education Forum
沿海高职院校西北地区少数民族大学新生人际交往适应性研究 陈井田, 张晖 Modern Education Forum
“双师型”视角下谈应用型本科专业课程建设---以《过程装备成套技术》为例 陈俊峰 Modern Education Forum
“一带一路”背景下新疆高校来华留学生培养模式探索 程静 Modern Education Forum
从地域角度探究民间手工艺文化融入地方高职院校艺术课程的路径 龚园, 廖建民, 陈双双 Modern Education Forum
简析情景教学法在高中语文小说教学中的应用 郝向丽 Modern Education Forum
论高校建设中学术道德的基本内涵及发展 霍楷, 贾品第 Modern Education Forum
基于产业新要求的教学做一体化教学模式实践---以“空气压缩机组及供气系统节能监测”为例 李春丽 Modern Education Forum
简述高中生物学课堂教学导入方法探究 李艳霞 Modern Education Forum
R语言程序开发在《概率论与数理统计》教学中的应用 罗廷金, 关棒磊 Modern Education Forum
电气工程及其自动化《复变函数》课程教学方法探索 吕勇 Modern Education Forum
茶人精神对高职院校计算机专业学生情商培养的启示 屈慧洁 Modern Education Forum
高职院校双创课程建设实践探索 孙源 Modern Education Forum
高职院校基层党建与思政教育协同研究 汪阳紫, 李庆华, 李小东 Modern Education Forum
幼儿绘画作品案例分析 王春龙, 肖向夷, 刘蕾艳 Modern Education Forum
基于大数据分析的教育智库搭建 王冷 Modern Education Forum
《财务分析》课程线上教学有效性的“321”教学法应用研究 王书贤 Modern Education Forum
大学生加入线上知识社群行为和氛围的相关研究 吴海燕, 迟梦雅, 许永程 Modern Education Forum
全媒体背景下传媒类专业课程思政建设探究 徐旭开, 黄绍丽 Modern Education Forum
从心理学视角对幼儿绘画作品进行分析---以“房子、人、大树”为例 杨浩 Modern Education Forum
高职院校康复治疗技术专业不同生源学生成绩分析 尹娟 Modern Education Forum
探讨高中生物学课堂教学导入的方法 张月园 Modern Education Forum
高职院校双创文化建设研究 赵家胤 Modern Education Forum
课程思政育人理念下高职《外贸函电》课程整体教学设计与思考 朱丽华 Modern Education Forum
基于积极心理学的高校贫困生心理帮扶策略研究 庄金鑫 Modern Education Forum
再生微粉研究及应用现状 高璐璐, 孔令炜 Building Development
Park City: A New Paradigm Leading Urban Development in the New Era Zhimeng Gu, Sudan Zhao Modern Economics & Management Forum
The Measurement of School Sports Atmosphere and the Relation Between Middle School Students Scientific Creativity Peng Hou, Shaoyong Yu Journal of Higher Education Research
Research on the Information Management of University Stadiums Based on Digital Twin Technology Peng Hou, Shaoyong Yu, Yaowei Song Journal of Higher Education Research
一带一路背景下城市地下空间工程专业英语教学改革探究 张建国, 葛颜慧, 温淑莲, 孙超群, 张露晨 Educational Research
疫情背景下水处理生物学课程线上教学的探索 宋培学, 王满堂, 袁丹青 Educational Research
民族院校研究生思想政治教育创新路径研究 张玉蓉 Educational Research
《数据库系统原理》课程辅助系统在本科教学过程中的应用研究 李瑞改, 景维鹏 Educational Research
“双一流”背景下高校志愿服务思想政治教育功能及其实现途径 蒋龙 Educational Research
汉语国际教育本科专业学生多元能力培养探索 沈晓梅 Educational Research
党支部建设“三原色”——高校学生党支部工作方式创新研究 揭镭 Educational Research
新时代体育教育专业培养融合创新创业教育探索 杨雪红 Educational Research
教学秘书对高校教学管理工作的认识及工作效能提升策略 尼倩, 翟仁祥, 葛红星, 董志国 Educational Research
基于ARCS模型的省内高职院校德育主题班会开展时效性研究 陈远飞, 赵永正, 杨林发, 郝坤 Educational Research
人工智能背景下教师权威有效运行的现实困境与实践超越 李存生, 李嘉航 Educational Research
第二课堂在《EDA技术》课程教学中的探索 马庆修, 甘国妹 Educational Research
高职高专环境艺术设计专业《Sketch up》表现能力培养的探索 谢韵 Educational Research
译员素质及其对翻译教学的启示 于波 Educational Research
高职院校动漫专业教学中融入“工作室”教学模式探究 钟俊锋 Educational Research
“一带一路”背景下新疆高校来华留学生培养现状研究——以石河子大学为例 程静, 林秀 Educational Research
阿拉伯语应用型翻译人才培养研究 韩国成 Educational Research
应用型高校城市地下空间工程专业人才培养方案制定 张建国, 葛颜慧, 史红, 贾雪娜, 王德明 Educational Research
微信平台在中职学校计算机专业教学中的应用 黎航 Educational Research
基于企业联盟的交通类院校新工科协同育人模式研究 刘颖 Educational Research
突发情况防控背景下医学生榜样教育研究 高士淇, 孙宏亮 Educational Research
高职机电一体化专业三职生人才培养模式的改革 任林昌, 马天琳, 张虎 Educational Research
地方高校农科类研究生就业的困境与对策 付雪娇, 李俊凯 Educational Research
我国独立学院旅游管理专业校外实践教学服务质量评价研究——基于SERVPERF模型 陈秀, 吴艳芳 Educational Research
“一带一路”背景下,工程管理专业实践教学体系改革 刘建鑫 Educational Research
视觉传达设计图形创意课程教学环节改革的思考 刘栩如, 刘炳志 Educational Research
民办本科高校创新创业人才培养策略探究 郭永丽 Educational Research
学科思维导图及在高等教育中的应用研究 刘书慧, 田玲, 班润武 Educational Research
融媒体时代大学生自我管理能力的阶段式培养 刘艳双, 魏舒荍, 秦蕊 Educational Research
高校班主任在提升班级管理效率上的作用发挥——以湖南人文科技学院为例 孙蔚菁 Educational Research
建筑学低年级学生认识实习教学探索——以新疆大学为例 帕尔哈提•肉孜阿洪, 窦凤圆, 樊辉 Educational Research
论民办高校“以学生为中心”的教育改革理念与路径 刘小茜 Educational Research
基于学生中心的初中语文阅读教学方法研究 张京京 Educational Research
基于原生态民歌演唱技巧的研究与实践分析 褚黎明 Educational Research
ON n-VNL-modules and SVNL-modules Le Cheng, Hui Wang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Analysis of Psychological Characteristics and Influencing Factors of COVID-19 Patients Xinping Wu, Dongdong Wu, Xianhong Pan Advanced Journal of Nursing
Effect Evaluation of Psychological Nursing Intervention Model for COVID-19 Patients Xinping Wu, Dongdong Wu, Xianhong Pan Advanced Journal of Nursing
Clinical Application of Near-infrared Autofluorescence Detection of Parathyroid Glands in Thyroid Surgery Hui Wan, Juanfang Xu, Zhengyang Yu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Toll-like Receptor 9 Gene in Turbot, Scophthalmus Maximus Guanjie Wang, Xuepeng Li, Qiuming Liu, Xianzhi Dong, Guobin Hu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Adaptor Molecule TRIF in Teleost Guanjie Wang, Guobin Hu Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
浅析高校创新创业教育管理组织机构的优化 陈海霞 Journal of International Education Forum
互联网+经管类专业的跨学科协同教学模式研究 王莹, 刘晶晶, 金诺 Journal of International Education Forum
“五育融合”与新时代“教育新体系”的构建 吴志华, 纪秀花, 邵秀芹, 乔延敏, 张玉华, 方可斌 Journal of International Education Forum
大运河文化带建设路径研究 石若琳 Engineering and Management Science
Research on Protection and Renewal of Traditional Ethnic Minority Areas in Xinjiang Dan Jiang Region - Educational Research and Reviews
学前儿童文字意识培养中存在的问题及对策 申涵子, 王旭红 Early Childhood Education Science
现代信息技术在幼儿园语言教学中的运用研究 金艳萍 Early Childhood Education Science
Effects of Temperature Variability and Warming on the Timing of Snowmelt Events in Southern Finland during the Past 100 Years Masoud Irannezhad Region - Water Conservancy
经济新常态背景下我国服装产业的转型性研究 翟雨婷, 赵洪珊 Economics
浅析郑州市降雨量时空分布 穆小玲, 樊洪波, 李军校, 李宁 Hydropower and Water Resources
职业价值取向视域下大学生职业心理素质的培养 孙菁华, 李松雪 Modern Education Forum
中国高校音乐专业特色实践教学的探索与实践 李晓迪, 邱冰 Modern Education Forum
中国高校音乐专业教师专业能力提升的实践对策研究 李晓迪, 于彤 Modern Education Forum
浅谈大数据时代职业技术学院档案管理模式的变革 刘艳, 黄玉华, 杨元凯 Modern Education Forum
Python之提速与深化教学 李飞 Modern Education Forum
中美高校学术评价比较研究 霍楷, 赵晨旭 Modern Education Forum
艺术类现代学徒制培养模式的探索与研究——以摄影摄像技术专业为例 曹博 Modern Education Forum
马克思人的全面发展理论视角下的“纵向多元化”高校资助育人工作 申莉 Modern Education Forum
从习近平系列讲话中看大学生意识形态教育的几个关键点 王彦婷 Modern Education Forum
智能技术赋能智慧零售业的应用研究 王淑华 Modern Education Forum
高校学生党员后续教育的实现路径研究 李海峰 Modern Education Forum
基于企业实际需求的物联网应用开发实训教学探索 吴俊强, 朱旭东 Modern Education Forum
从“一线三等角”谈模型思想的渗透 覃秀敏 Educational Research
小学美术教学中如何实施分层教学 尤芳 Educational Research
网络公共领域中大学生爱国主义话语表达与引导路径 杜玮 Educational Research
“一带一路”下外贸英语函电教学与未来职业能力对接问题研究——以重庆城市管理职业学院为例 李敏, 王月, 马新, 兰荣春, 杨璐僖 Educational Research
基于高中数学课程改革下高师专业成长的思考 吴凤丽 Educational Research
高校精准扶贫智力支持的路径探析 高燕, 徐继燕, 陶莉 Educational Research
中等职业教育语文整本书阅读教学的几点思考 顾玉武 Educational Research
社会责任在初中生物学课堂的落实——以“上肢动脉出血的初步护理”为例 韩垚, 范曾丽 Educational Research
心智赋能:稳固脱贫视域下高校实践育人体系的新探索——以贵州民族大学为例 李建玲 Educational Research
面向区域经济发展的复合型商务英语人才培养研究——以衡阳为例 李九英 Educational Research
办好思政课关键在于调动教师积极性 唐春淋, 刘梅 Educational Research
高职生未来取向水平与学业成绩的关系研究 杨皓翔, 吴昌鸿, 陆露 Educational Research
近年我国地理研学旅行研究综述 王娜日苏, 咏梅 Educational Research
高校数学教育专业教育实习改革的探讨 黄顺发 Educational Research
基于光纤通信课程教学改革研究 彭家和 Educational Research
高校学生公寓党员工作站建设的策略 周莉 Educational Research
“基因工程”实用化教学改革研究 温彤, 马勇, 刘晓光, 王静 Educational Research
生活化、游戏化在幼儿园科学活动中的解读 王芳 Educational Research
基于SPOC高校声乐专业课混合式教学模式探究 唐鹤鸣 Educational Research
把综合素质始终贯彻到地方艺术设计教育中 依米提•阿扎提古丽 Educational Research
民族声乐多元化教学的方式方法研究 于欢 Educational Research
黔东北地区奥陶系-志留系多层型组合及其意义 周宁, 叶飞, 蒋天锐, 周灵, 覃智贵 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
遥感解译需求下的野外植被调查与分析 郑惠茹 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
基于加权随机森林的机载LiDAR点云建筑物提取 洪绍轩, 袁枫, 齐吉婧 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
一种基于云技术的智能防盗经济管理工具箱 杨敬江, 刘娇 Modern Education Forum
智能接线板的研究与设计 何琪, 林型平, 应泽光 Modern Education Forum
“一带一路”背景下国际化人才培养路径研究 段辉煌 Modern Education Forum
论大学生手机依赖干预的几点思考 李子涛, 蓝梅, 陆仁宝 Modern Education Forum
基于“1+X”证书制度下诊断与改进模式的线上线下混合式课程教学改革研究 杨敬江, 刘娇 Modern Education Forum
创客实验室运行机制的探索与实践——以工程测量创客实验室为例 葛岭虹 Modern Education Forum
信息化背景下幼儿教师专业发展存在问题及策略 杨浩, 李金霞, 周艳霞 Modern Education Forum
欠发达地区高校在线课程建设的误区与应对 黄庆雷 Modern Education Forum
生态化视角下英语笔译教学的现状与发展 李尚莹 Modern Education Forum
学院治理:完善高职院校内部治理结构路径探索 李常能 Modern Education Forum
高职院校教师信息化教学能力提升路径研究 秦军 Modern Education Forum
提升高职医学院校创新创业教学质量关键问题的研究与探索 姚玉献 Modern Education Forum
“双一流”建设国内研究现状和热点探析——基于共词分析和聚类分析 宋亚, 何神怡 Modern Education Forum
“移动式学习+翻转课堂”在高职院校工科类课程教学中的改革探索 刘慧娟, 朱旭东, 张爱良 Modern Education Forum
青岛红色资源进高校公寓党建路径探析 徐兆娟, 张玲 Modern Education Forum
露天采石矿的时序景观规划设计研究 郭东赫 Building Technology Research
基于知识图谱的在线授课组织研究——以“计算机程序设计语言(Python)”课程为例 刘鹏, 刘畅, 尹隽 Educational Research
基于互联网构建新型高职心理健康教学模式 武绛玲 Educational Research
论隐喻教学与新建本科高校英语专业学生思辨能力的培养 杨艳春 Educational Research
高校学生精准资助路径探析 高燕, 徐继燕 Educational Research
基于大学生就业需求的线上求职平台的研究 高昱曦, 鞠任佳, 石雅萍 Educational Research
“互联网+”时代创新高校党建模式把握大学生意识形态教育的途径研究 钱慧 Educational Research
基于课程思政理念的数值分析教学方法与研究 曲凯 Educational Research
“一带一路”视角下地方应用型本科院校来华留学生招生品牌营销路径——以桂西北高校为例 宋友开, 王文珍 Educational Research
基于核心素养的高师中国音乐史教学改革研究 谭卉 Educational Research
成果教学法与过程教学法的融合在高中英语写作教学中的实证研究 罗惠 Educational Research
利用生活资源开展幼儿科学游戏的研究 李春红 Educational Research
壮族铜鼓传承与演奏在超星平台混合式教学的实践 姚亮 Educational Research
两种子空间的性质探讨 闫爽, 冯立超 Educational Research
高校学生公寓党员工作站的价值 周莉 Educational Research
“金钥匙”育人:中职德育理念与实践 梁少华 Educational Research
师德意识培育的“职前职后一体化”研究——以四川职业院校为例 张静, 刘斌, 叶家伟 Educational Research
公共基础课思政教育与“课程思政”的协同机制研究--以浙江万里学院为例 郦建阳 Educational Research
三生融合理念下乡村养老社区空间新模式研究 董元平, 仝潇, 秦方 Building Technology Research
小区健身器材互动性设计研究 李佳晓, 陈晶锐, 魏冉 Building Technology Research
三生融合视角下产业型乡村空间重构研究 仝潇, 董元平, 秦方 Building Technology Research
简析精密水准测量在地面沉降监测中的应用 常珂, 郑光明, 张婧 Building Technology Research
“雨课堂+钉钉直播”教学实践研究 张现芹, 杨德志 Educational Research
独立学院实施“1+X”证书制度的探究 王丹, 柳薇 Educational Research
新型冠状病毒疫情下《流体力学》线上课程的教与学 焦朋朋, 王满堂, 郭双祯 Educational Research
国内戏剧教育专业建设现状调查研究 蒯思远 Educational Research
培养高校“强国一代”:际遇与路径——基于高校青年马克思主义者培养工作实践 綦玥, 张琦 Educational Research
“互联网+”环境下,高职院校国贸“专业教育”与“创新创业教育”融合的探析——以广州华立科技职业学院为例 薛玉梅 Educational Research
中等职业学校国际合作办学模式实践与思考:来自顺德的案例 梁少华 Educational Research
产教融合背景下独立学院“双师型”教师队伍建设研究与实践——以计算机专业为例 徐志望, 谢蕙 Educational Research
《三国演义》与《东周列国志》描写战争艺术之异同 段海宇 Educational Research
学分制下地方本科院校学生自主学习现状及提升路径研究 刘洁晶, 康秀平, 李永霞, 张新民, 王洪安 Educational Research
易班优课平台在《大学生安全教育》教学中的应用 李青, 罗吉娟 Educational Research
基于能力培养的公共管理研究生课程“课程引领—团队指导—案例互动”改革模式研究——以西南政法大学为例 郭春甫, 赵琴 Educational Research
语文核心素养视角下现当代诗歌教学研究 陈远平, 田黎星 Educational Research
江西省高校军事课课程建设现状与对策研究 赵克锋 Educational Research
基于Canvas平台的ESL教师混合式培训模式设计研究 白玉洁 Educational Research
部编版初中语文现当代诗歌“诗教”策略研究 刘梅, 向笔群 Educational Research
陕西理工大学汉语言文学专业国际化交流路径研究 岳程, 周攀, 黄晶京, 李丹 Educational Research
探讨“给课程生命,让教育鲜活”的线上教学 王华本 Educational Research
基于“三个工程”的高校学生党建工作路径机制研究 李洪玉, 李晓亮 Educational Research
初探英语APP辅助口语个性化学习 冯爽 Educational Research
目标管理在青年教师人才培养方面的应用与探索——以CZ学院为探索对象 贾玉叶 Educational Research
解析参与式教学法在高等数学教学中的应用 张迪, 周艳红 Educational Research
延安精神与“不忘初心,牢记使命”主题教育内涵研究 屈鹏飞, 李锐 Educational Research
浅谈纸箱材料在幼儿园科学游戏中的运用 崔自娥 Educational Research
注册会计师对拟在科创板上市的企业如何进行辅导——以Y公司为例 张伟 Economics
高职SMT订单式培养课程体系改革与实践 张志宏, 张安东, 刘伟, 林开司 Educational Research
基于核心素养的高中物理课堂精准提问策略研究 王致玲 Educational Research
基于线上线下混合式教学模式的数值分析教学方法与研究 曲凯 Educational Research
基于数据挖掘分类算法思想的中职学校校园欺凌甄别模型探究 吴恩英, 杨玉攀 Educational Research
傩文化的当代价值及传承和创新—以仫佬族为例 姚亮 Educational Research
城乡规划专业的《地理信息系统》课程教学内容体系与教学方法研究——以广东海洋大学寸金学院城乡规划专业为例 高祥宇, 张艳 Educational Research
依托学生党建团队创新基层党建工作——以广东省八所高职院校为例 蔡少惠, 杜静娴 Educational Research
高职院校英语教育专业学生从教意愿影响因素研究——以武汉城市职业学院为例 刘天峥 Educational Research
高职院校学前教育专业男女生比例失衡成因及对策研究——以武汉城市职业学院为例 吴雅辛 Educational Research
基于建构主义理论圆的标准方程教学设计 张婷, 张传军 Educational Research
象似性理论对医学英语词汇教学的实证研究 张悦 Educational Research
充分发挥退役大学生士兵榜样示范作用的途径 滕效慧, 陈康 Educational Research
新形势下农村小学卓越教师教育技术能力培养研究 唐小娟 Educational Research
中国传统文化典籍在英语写作类教学中的实践研究 秦毅 Educational Research
浅谈新能源汽车动力电池散热管理系统及软件优化设计研究 杨永贵, 董志辉 Educational Research
聚丙烯纤维泡沫混凝土的制备与研究 李大壮, 关国英, 王世豪, 奇特 Educational Research
论思想政治教育廉政价值的内涵与表现形式 余楚风 Educational Research
某山地城市老城区雨污管网调研及整改方案 赵晨菊, 余薇薇, 杜邦昊, 喻涛, 杨硕, 谢明扬 Building Technology Research
中小城市四种轨道交通制式选择对比-以宣城市为例 李海峰, 徐琦, 杨子煜, 秦逸成, 宁宛茹, 汪云霞, 陶云培 Building Technology Research
关于发挥职业教育在教育扶贫中的作用的思考 唐文静 Educational Research
浅谈高职院校汽车专业理实一体化实训室建设研究 周蓉 Educational Research
大数据背景下统计学专业课程教学改革模式探析 胡松华, 赵慧 Educational Research
演示技能在生物课堂上的运用——以“自由水结合水的概念”为例 何燕玲, 范曾丽 Educational Research
实施顶岗实习师徒制的探索与实践——以人物形象设计专业人体彩绘课程为例 姚丽双, 吴元婵 Educational Research
教育实习对师范生心理资本的影响及对策研究 王雅静, 刘建 Educational Research
利用农村乡土资源有效开展科学游戏的探究 陈星星 Educational Research
基于PBGS理念的《旅游学概论》混合式教学课程改革研究 王秋娜 Educational Research
精准扶贫背景下关于高校资助育人的思考 李征, 于景琦, 吕征 Educational Research
加压预处理对立定跳远的影响 沙部鲁比, 何贤福, 苏翎清 Educational Research
形象比拟法在大学植物学“中轴胎座”教学中的应用 张仁波, 窦全丽 Educational Research
“双一流”目标下本科人才选拔机制的中外比较 李涛, 朱玲玉 Educational Research
西部地区理工科院校量大面广课程研究生助教工作的开展与实效研究——以兰州理工大学为例 赵倩倩, 樊晨浩 Educational Research
基于核心素养背景下让学生参与高中数学学科教研的策略研究 李效清 Educational Research
交互式电子白板在初中历史教学中的应用 李艳玲 Educational Research
高校辅导员情绪管理能力提升策略研究——以“巴林特”辅导员互助小组为例 许兰玉 Educational Research
6S管理模式融入数控实训实习环节教学组织与管理机制的研究 莫荣林 Educational Research
高校学生意识形态风险防控机制研究 于腾云 Educational Research
高校商务英语专业人才培养融入传统文化教育探究 秦毅 Educational Research
浅谈高校教师研究性备课策略——以《小学语文教学与研究》课程为例 潘胜男 Educational Research
服务营销管理案例教学创新研究 郑玉香, 李芸芸 Educational Research
社会主义核心价值观下大学生思政教育的新思路 刘志远, 曹金娜 Journal of International Education Forum
立德树人视角下警校大学生的思想政治教育工作存在的问题与解决途径 倪斌 Journal of International Education Forum
浅析装配式建筑L型PCF板的设计施工应用 于慧 Building Technology Research
安徽兆吉口铅锌矿床微量及稀土元素地球化学特征与矿床成因探讨 席明杰, 马生明, 乐成生 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
跨界、协同、融合--新工科视阈下高职院校信息技术创新人才培养模式研究 程允丽, 黄敏 Modern Education Forum
开展养老护理员和殡葬类技能人才能力水平评价研究 张超曼 Modern Education Forum
以问题为导向的教学方法在高职《网络营销》课程的效果分析 何璐 Modern Education Forum
以技能培养为导向---木材识别与检测教学改革 官冬玲 Modern Education Forum
校企深度融合“2+1”培养模式教学研究---基于老年服务与管理专业 林映麟 Modern Education Forum
河北省湿地生态环境保护及其立法现状分析 张兆平, 刘丰 Modern Education Forum
A Study of Neural Machine Translation from Chinese to Urdu Zeeshan Khan Journal of Autonomous Intelligence
民生保险助推湖南省脱贫攻坚实施方案研究 王君 Educational Research
以工匠精神引领新时代高职院校教师践行课程思政 张越, 李延彬, 杨保强 Educational Research
浅析俄罗斯教育移民问题 刘璐璐, 孟令霞 Educational Research
民族地区应用型本科高校专业课程的思想政治教育 曾艳, 覃春华 Educational Research
新媒体视角下动漫产业现状及策略研究 刘梦, 王磊 Educational Research
网络思想政治教育对辅导员工作的指导和运用 马婕 Educational Research
基于学生满意度的我国中外合作办学项目教育质量保障现状与对策研究—以C大中外合作办学项目为例 麦琼丹, 梁月俏 Educational Research
竞赛与艺术设计类应用型人才培养关系研究 徐群 Educational Research
课程思政理念在校园文化育人体系建构中的基因式融合研究 张刊 Educational Research
“互联网+”视域下大学生创新创业教育的探索与实践——以西安建筑科技大学为例 邓博文, 张振龙, 任建国, 綦玥 Educational Research
面向新工科建设的数字摄影测量与遥感创新实践教学研究 孙姣姣, 郑洁 Educational Research
民办高校安全隐患问题的诊断与防治研究--以云南新兴职业学院为例 杨炳金, 李加磊, 李地新 Educational Research
陈鹤琴“活教育”理论的目标对幼儿教育的启示 孙王 Educational Research
美好生活视域下思想政治教育发展的新路向 高琼, 朱瑛 Educational Research
基于跨境电商的高职外贸英语函电教学改革研究 丁雪萍 Educational Research
OBE导向下的城乡规划专业人才培养模式探讨 赵玉凤 Educational Research
阳光体育下中小学生舞龙运动推广与发展研究 付春燕, 葛国政 Educational Research
基于综合性教学平台的探索——以FOCUS学习APP应用为例 郑煜寰, 黄淑英, 潘增明, 林怡宙, 曾子恒 Educational Research
“一带一路”视域下法治文化对旅俄华侨的作用 姜丹, 王伟 Educational Research
新工科建设与工程教育创新的探讨 阚洪 Educational Research
滴灌系统灌水器物理堵塞发生与控制机理研究进展 冯吉, 焦有权, 杨林林, 韩敏琦 Hydropower and Water Resources
基于Landsat数据的绵阳市涪城区城市热岛效应研究 孙姣姣, 郑洁, 陈志宇 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
高寒冻土条件下CSAMT在地热勘探中的试验研究 祝杰, 李平, 刘应冬 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
重金属污染土壤修复技术及工程应用 黄昕 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
自然灾害类公共危机事件中协同治理能力的评价研究 庞小宁, 别李妍 Economics
磁性生物炭对土壤Cd的钝化性能研究 杜成琼, 肖武, 肖劲光, 王薇, 白治军, 张义 Ecological Environment and Protection
矿山公园与废弃矿山恢复治理 刘晓静, 冯涛 Ecological Environment and Protection
浅析跨境电商背景下高校商务英语专业的教学改革---以商务英语专业学生课程改革为例 常照辉, 石满霞 Modern Education Forum
校企合作人才培养机制的建设与应用研究 骆世祥, 蔡春娥 Modern Education Forum
新时期内地西藏学生爱国主义教育探析 李侃 Modern Education Forum
新时代高职院校思想政治教育与创新创业教育融合提升探究 凡冬泽, 李小霞 Modern Education Forum
高校基层学生党支部主题党日活动质量提升路径研究---以上海海洋大学经管学院为例 董韩博, 张登沥 Modern Education Forum
师范技能测试管理系统的设计研究——以上饶师范学院为例 邓勃馨, 秦霞 Modern Education Forum
高校辅导员群体思想状况调查研究 孙亚辉 Modern Education Forum
基于临床工作过程导向的学生人文素养培养---以急性心肌梗死病人护理为例 马琼, 关丽丽 Modern Education Forum
线上线下混合式教学模式下中职思政课的改革探索 邹筠 Modern Education Forum
学前儿童心理画的个案评价及教育策略 杨浩, 宋丽博, 王颖 Modern Education Forum
三维技术在运动鞋产品设计效果的应用研发 胡晨 Modern Education Forum
广东民办高职课程改革的矛盾、问题与路径研究 程允丽 Modern Education Forum
网络扶贫视野下跨境电商英语课程体系建设研究 周娴 Modern Education Forum
线上教学组织与管理的实践研究---以烟台汽车工程职业学院为例 王琳 Modern Education Forum
产教融合背景下高职“双师型”教师队伍建设路径分析 王禹, 吕梦蛟 Modern Education Forum
露天矿山地质环境治理的分析 郑凯 Building Development
2018年度郑州市水功能区现状水质状况分析 穆小玲, 冯瑛, 樊洪波, 李军校 Ecological Environment and Protection
我国民族地区职业教育研究热点梳理、审思与展望 陕子荣, 马海渊, 马爱萍, 马礼, 吴海龙 Modern Education Forum
高职机制专业工作过程系统化课程体系开发改革与实践 娄岳海, 张红星 Modern Education Forum
“家+我”理念重构高职实训教学管理模式的研究实践 翁灿烁, 温志浩, 刘晓英 Modern Education Forum
高职院校专业建设与当地经济扶贫的对接措施---以商洛职业技术学院为例 唐文静 Modern Education Forum
《经济数学》课程思政教育教学改革的探索与思考 王晓宇 Modern Education Forum
关于高校校史文化育人及建设的思考 刘星安 Modern Education Forum
同伴教育视角下校园反欺凌小组研究 牟茜, 张雪 Modern Education Forum
中职学校的劳动教育以及工匠精神的传承 马聪聪, 张静 Modern Education Forum
基于校园网的虚拟专用网设计与实现 刘益洪 Modern Education Forum
位于边缘的“另类”——从《妇女与中国现代性》看周蕾的批评路径 南博采 Modern Education Forum
气候变暖对中卫市冬季采暖气候特征的影响分析 庞婷婷, 党张利, 毛万忠, 徐璐娜 Agricultural Science
贵州施秉白云岩喀斯特土壤动态变化研究 高洋, 翁应芳, 袁成军 Agricultural Science
浅谈露天矿山开采过程中的地质灾害防治 郑凯 Building Technology Research
An Analysis on the First-Stage Diversion Construction Method of the Dam of the Congo (ZO) ZONGO II Hydropower Station Xifeng Liu Region - Water Conservancy
机器学习课程实验教学探索 李飞 Modern Education Forum
百色市幼儿教师继续教育有效策略建构研究 廖丽娟 Modern Education Forum
基于《悉尼协议》的电厂热能动力装置专业人才培养 余长军 Modern Education Forum
谈社会主义核心价值观引导下的高校大学生健康人格的培育 张振 Modern Education Forum
法语系学生前往非洲工作的机遇与挑战 黄梦诗, 李梁钰, 王武薇, 伍梦妮, 应小华 Modern Education Forum
我国学分银行建设及运行情况剖析 陈娟, 李雁 Modern Education Forum
基于产学研协同下的创新人才培养研究——以余杭区为例 杨敬江, 刘娇 Modern Education Forum
高职院校体育专业学生人文素养现状及提升路径 张楠 Modern Education Forum
城市轨道交通运营管理专业人才培养现状的调查研究——以江苏航运职业技术学院为例 季林飞, 钱玉婷 Modern Education Forum
基于“5J”模式谈心谈话方法对于辅导员专业化能力提升探索 唐凌云, 陈娜 Modern Education Forum
北京养老服务人才培养现状及问题研究 伍宗云, 刘莉, 王孜语, 孔娜 Modern Education Forum
“三位一体”构建高职院校创新创业教育体系——以成都工贸职业技术学院为例 徐劲飞, 刘欢, 张琦 Modern Education Forum
以满族民间故事为题材的学前儿童绘本创作策略 高春瑶, 王嘉勃, 单琪雅 Modern Education Forum
高职扩招背景下高职院校的应对策略与具体实践——以中山职业技术学院为例 刘卫, 胡顺义, 黄春平 Modern Education Forum
高职日常思想政治教育新变化及实效性制约因素 周伟, 王垒, 张庆爽 Modern Education Forum
冬瓜荷叶茶减肥降脂作用机制研究 王献瑞, 曹婷婷, 王耘 Frontiers of Chinese Medicine Research
Congo (Kingdom) ZONGOII Hydropower Project First Valve Room Stability Technical Report Xue Li Journal of Building Technology
Design Model and Inversion Analysis of Shield Lining Segments Gongchun Guo, Chi Zhang Journal of Building Technology
Technical Review for One Oversea Road Project under Design and Built Contract Quansheng Zhou, Wu Zheng Journal of Building Technology
Investigation of Crack Causes and Structural Limit State Check of Active Hollow Slab Bridge Ting Ye, Liangpeng Nie, Pengsheng You Journal of Building Technology
Steel Trestle Calculation with Midas Civil Yu Luo, Zhu Wang Journal of Building Technology
基于微信小程序的边坡变形监测客户端设计及应用 莫良宏 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
多传感器在边坡变形监测中的应用研究 莫良宏 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
基于多传感器实时高精度GNSS的边坡变形监测系统设计与应用 莫良宏 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
地面沉降地质灾害的成因及防治方法分析 郑凯, 于松晖, 张青锁 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
精密水准测量在地面沉降监测中的应用分析 郑凯, 乔欣欣, 马泽宇 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
关于矿山地质环境评价的探析 郑凯, 马泽宇, 陈新 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
新时代基础医学理论的发展路径 王耘 Basic Medical Theory Research
蓝墨云班课在中职汽车专业教学中的应用实践 程允华 Modern Education Forum
网络舆情视野下我国高校意识形态管理的强化路径探析 李良田 Modern Education Forum
民族乐器促进国学传播的研究 杨浩, 周博, 王春龙 Modern Education Forum
金工实习一体化教学改革的一些思路与措施 陈跃, 周迅, 曹国强 Modern Education Forum
基于气候变化的互动性建筑屋顶设计——以候车空间为例 曾旭东, 袁子涵, 王彦坤, 吴梅蕊 Building Technology Research
磁性发光一维纳米材料研究进展 王赈, 闫子凡, 高宇 Building Technology Research
基于可持续发展视角下浅谈生态城市建设研究--以宜宾市为例 李璧耘 Building Technology Research
磁性发光双功能纳米材料研究进展 王赈, 闫子凡, 高宇 Building Development
多面函数拟合在区域地面垂直运动分析中的应用 李光明, 何万平, 林志彬 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
中砂地层中单桩竖向静载模型试验及数值模拟研究 姚赵田, 韩光, 陈耀春, 王新国, 汪涵, 邓月 Building Development
延续城市文脉 留住重庆记忆——记重庆历史文化名城保护 张建, 李翔, 冉隆娟 Building Development
工程教育认证视角下的自动化综合实践课程设计 陈良, 高瑜, 顾晓辉 Modern Education Forum
建筑手绘艺术微项目学习在高校陈设类课程中的实现途径 贾思怡 Modern Education Forum
“一带一路”快车上“义乌进博会”的溢出效应和辐射效应研究 邓建兵 Modern Education Forum
区校共建视野下大学生参与社区居家养老志愿服务存在的问题及改进策略——以武汉城市职业学院为例 吴正男, 杨雷 Modern Education Forum
大学生拖延行为的形成原因分析及行为机制影响研究 朱虹, 王晓庆, 赵晶, 吴谦谦, 孙云凤 Modern Education Forum
包豪斯教学模式对“双创”视角下设计专业“学研产创”人才培养模式的启发 徐欣, 王晓辉, 李季 Modern Education Forum
现代学徒制劳动力市场供给与需求的匹配之道 鞠鹏杰 Modern Education Forum
乡村振兴背景下农村社区教育案例分析——以昆山市为例 张香芹, 张胜军 Modern Education Forum
大思政格局下的“思政课程”与“课程思政”协同育人路径研究 周慧 Modern Education Forum
高校排球垫球技术教学方法探究 鲁米兰 Modern Education Forum
基于语料库的中国德语学习者因果连接词使用研究--以da和weil为例 傅若莹, 韩墨, 齐冬冬 Modern Education Forum
Exploration on Reform Model for College Ideological and Political Education under the Field of Vision of Xi Jinping's Political Educational Concept Dayang Wang, Qiuting Lu Region - Educational Research and Reviews
地铁基坑支撑体系变形计算方法 房昕 Building Development
移动学习模式在高职院校艺术设计专业素质育化教育中的实践研究 刘韬, 崔军林, 毛锡荣, 王灵 Modern Education Forum
基于岗位胜任能力研究“岗位对接”教学模式——以《商务谈判与推销》课程为例 邓建兵 Modern Education Forum
浅析技能大赛对高职教学的促进作用 吴春杨, 冯玉光 Modern Education Forum
CDIO工程教育理念背景下的高职建筑施工课程教学实践分析 胥民尧, 管津 Modern Education Forum
“铁军精神”融入盐城高校军事训练的“VIP”路径研究 曹菊, 郭泽忠, 张庆爽 Modern Education Forum
睡眠障碍对年轻人身心健康的危害以及防治策略研究 郑柳, 刁佳玺, 周蜀溪, 于敏章 Modern Education Forum
近50年朔州市气象干旱区域性极端事件研究 罗焕梅 Agricultural Science
商业类现代学徒制国际化职业人才培养存在问题及对策研究 周道 Modern Education Forum
基于户外真人秀节目广告植入对巢湖旅游景区营销传播的启示 舒婷 Modern Education Forum
高等职业院校校企合作模式的调查与研究 董宝平 Modern Education Forum
高校网络思政新媒体话语权的建构研究 高成瑨, 曹建 Modern Education Forum
高中数学古典概率的解题技巧浅析 李永明, 孔紫薇 Modern Education Forum
科技撬动高职院校校企合作的实践与研究 李成, 谢旺军, 刘振华, 罗竟 Modern Education Forum
全员育人视域下高校教师职业素养培育研究——以包头师范学院为例 康震玉 Modern Education Forum
民族地区医科院校资助育人教育资源现状调查——以右江民族医学院为例 朱胜祥, 何佩瑶, 诸葛明双, 蓝宁, 黄玉青, 杨伟鹏 Modern Education Forum
2014—2018《电化教育研究》期刊研究综述 雷鸣泉 Modern Education Forum
高校学生党支部书记能力提升浅析 杨伟鹏, 蓝宁, 诸葛明双 Modern Education Forum
职业院校现代学徒制“工匠精神”职业价值观育人模式探索与实践 张德洲 Modern Education Forum
红色文化资源在湖南农村中小学教师队伍建设中的功能定位及实现路径研究 王永, 李侃 Modern Education Forum
林业高职院校推进产教融合、校企合作长效机制改革的研究 张树宝, 薛弘, 刘伟强, 周鑫 Modern Education Forum
基于Copula函数的不同条件下洪水组合对桂平航运枢纽水闸防洪设计水位的影响 胡秀英, 廖富权, 常萍 Hydropower and Water Resources
环境空气质量预报的准确率分析 孙琦, 秦玮 Ecological Environment and Protection
关于水质监测技术的探讨 李军校, 穆小玲, 樊洪波 Ecological Environment and Protection
基于角色理论的学前融合教育教师角色分析 赵巧云, 李媛媛 Modern Education Forum
维果斯基心理发展视角下精准化资助育人理论的构建与应用研究 周慧 Modern Education Forum
“新工科”背景下基于TRIZ理论的新工科人才创新能力培养研究 卢东方, 郑霞裕 Modern Education Forum
现代学徒制引领校企协同创新建设专业课程的探索 胡建波, 尹志 Modern Education Forum
Reinforcement Learning - A Technical Introduction Elmar Diederichs Journal of Autonomous Intelligence
A Method to identify anomalies in stock market trading based on Probabilistic Machine Learning Paulo Andre Lima de Castro, Anderson R.B. Teodoro Journal of Autonomous Intelligence
北方城市居住区水景空间适应性设计探析 孙凤丹 Building Development
地表水水质监测方法及存在的问题探讨 孙琦, 张甦 Hydropower and Water Resources
高职《网络营销》双语课程教改路径探索 沈伟江, 向科衡 Modern Education Forum
学生党员志愿者服务的“五小五大”工作法 钱忆 Modern Education Forum
浅谈幼儿园教师口语存在的问题及解决策略 巩婉楠 Modern Education Forum
基于本科层次空乘人才培养模式的构建——以吉林动画学院为例 唐莲 Modern Education Forum
论高技能创新型人才培养模式研究 温长胜 Modern Education Forum
流行文化在大学生思想政治教育工作中影响的研究 钟逸舟 Modern Education Forum
当代教育心理学研究方法现状和研究取向发展研究综述 刁佳玺, 于敏章 Modern Education Forum
乡村中小学数学学科教研活动发展探究 吴红星, 张芬, 骆雯琦 Modern Education Forum
创新创业导向的专业课程体验式教学设计——以高职印刷媒体技术专业为例 赵韵姬, 党亚男, 李伟 Modern Education Forum
“强化学校体育”目标下的体育教学控制及实施策略研究 于华, 何兵雄 Modern Education Forum
“现代学徒制”模式下高职酒店管理专业毕业设计实践 谌莲莲 Modern Education Forum
突显工匠精神的餐饮服务课程教学实践探索 符荟, 陈姬 Modern Education Forum
全球化战略下跨境企业案例研究与人才培养策略 王杰, 屠诗, 袁江军, 卢静宜 Modern Education Forum
基于创新创业导向的体验式教学模式探索--以高职印刷技术专业为例 赵韵姬 Modern Education Forum
培养高中学生语文口头表达能力的实践探索 卢慧芳 Modern Education Forum
项目教学:培养中职生工匠精神的有效路径 冯岩 Modern Education Forum
就业导向视阈下的民族高校蒙授生的汉语口语教学研究——以呼和浩特民族学院为例 崔凤珍 Modern Education Forum
应用型本科院校学产对接实践教学平台构建的探索与实践——以吉林动画学院为例 唐莲 Modern Education Forum
高校教师信息意识内涵探讨 徐娟 Modern Education Forum
新时代下优秀传统文化在高职院校思想政治教育工作中的建构 曾荣 Modern Education Forum
基于职业技能竞赛数控技术应用专业课程改革的研究与实践 马红军 Building Technology Research
单级加载下基于连续排水边界的土体一维固结理论 王俊, 宗梦繁, 梅国雄, 吴文兵 Building Technology Research
基于PS-InSAR的塔里木某油田沉降监测 胡云亮, 王新, 何贤宏, 李张 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
无人机倾斜摄影测量技术在燃气管道测绘三维建模中的典型应用 陈杰 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
拓展训练对大学生心理的影响及实施策略 李程玉 Modern Education Forum
基于互联网信息技术的在线开放课程教学模式探究 王世花 Modern Education Forum
新时代林业高校加强干部队伍作风建设研究 高玉娟, 刘欣 Modern Education Forum
信息焦虑视角下浙江省高职青年教师自我效能感提升对策研究 向科衡 Modern Education Forum
大学生拖延行为的影响因素研究综述 青玉霞, 郑柳, 于敏章, 廖佳妮, 吴谦谦 Modern Education Forum
时序DInSAR技术发展综述 向源君, 崔兴洁, 王冰, 梁科文 Geological and Mineral Surveying and Mapping
秦安蜜桃气候品质认证研究 吴喜秀, 张诚, 安志佳, 吕秋彤, 夏雪 Agricultural Science
试析洗车废水循环利用过程中超滤处理的应用 卫昌盛, 张茂胜, 陈荣帮, 沈傲 Building Development
曲立村的石窑民居与环境 崔重重, 张晓茹, 苏迎庆, 赵源思, 牛俊杰 Ecological Environment and Protection
“互联网+”时代下中职学校创业教育实践模式探索——以洛阳铁路信息工程学校为例 王楠 Modern Education Forum
新时代网络环境下“271”教学模式在留学生初级听力课堂中的可行性分析 鄢彬 Modern Education Forum
案例导入—任务驱动教学模式在《免疫学基础与病原生物学》课程改革中的探索 宋鹏霞, 李群锋, 祝美姣, 史红娟 Modern Education Forum
国外大数据时代基层社会治理的经验及启示 王岩 Modern Education Forum
基于“诊改”的高职院校校本数据平台框架体系搭建研究 徐娟 Modern Education Forum
多方联动优化地方大学生就业服务体系研究——以安阳市为例 刘芳 Modern Education Forum
贵州本寨穿斗式建筑安全鉴定及建设管理策略研究 张天轲, 麦贤敏 Building Technology Research
环境监测现状及对策分析 孙琦, 王经顺, 牛志春, 范清华 Ecological Environment and Protection
高中地理教学本土化案例的开发与利用 许海荣, 王兴梅 Modern Education Forum
旧社区住宅空间适老性改造及陈设应用研究——以湖南省某厂矿生活区住宅为例 贾思怡 Modern Education Forum
浅谈新经济建设对高校学科交叉型人才培养的影响 李俊华, 王树立, 刘俊, 嵇炜 Modern Education Forum
优质校建设视域下公共基础课开展素质教育的问题及对策研究 鄢彬 Modern Education Forum
黄炎培教学原则对思想政治理论课教学设计的启示 王良 Modern Education Forum