Matthew Liotine is a faculty member in the Information & Decision Sciences Department in UIC’s College of Business Administration. He is also a renowned expert in the field of operations management and supply chain planning, and is the Director of Graduate Studies for UIC’s Master of Science Degree program in Supply Chain and Operations Management, in which he teaches and conducts research in this field. In addition, he is the director of the Next-Gen Laboratory for Exponential Technologies, which focuses on seeding industry research pilot projects in forward looking technologies such as blockchain, Internet-of-Things and machine learning.
He also is an industry consultant who has been helping enterprises innovate with process improvement and technology. He has helped firms build strategic roadmaps for a wide range of technology applications in numerous industries including healthcare, information technology, and manufacturing. In former roles, he served as a technical product manager at Bell Laboratories, Vice-President at Edwards Kelcy, and director of information technology at Carlson Solutions Group. He is the recipient of numerous industry and academic awards. He holds a Ph.D. in engineering and operations research from Princeton University.