Discussion on Innovation Strategy of Government Management in the New Era
Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v3i5.1064
Government signifies the organization which can be capable of effectively mobilizing social resources and promoting social development in the development of human society. With the improvement of social productivity, further innovation is required for government in management to meet the development needs of the new era, which also leads to a certain lag of government management compared with social development. Government management should be conducted from the following three aspects: system supply, policy incentive and external constraint. At present, there are three problems in government management, such as imperfect system, insufficient information and unqualified staff level. By promoting the holistic level, informationization and professionalism of government services, these three problems can be effectively solved. With the development of productivity, the government management will develop towards the direction of informationization and servitization.
government management, information management, management mechanism
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