Governance and efficiency in the inter-municipal water management model in Alto Alentejo

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v7i1.2610

Tiago Teotónio Pereira, Rui Fragoso

Universidade de Évora


There has been a growing trend towards delegated management in the provision of retail water services. In light of this trend, this article assesses the efficiency of the process of aggregating ten municipalities in Alto Alentejo (NUT III) into an inter-municipal company. To this end, the contracts of other similar companies were compared, the indicators that most influence the efficiency of water service provision were characterized using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and a composite indicator was constructed using an Extended Goal Programming model. The results show that direct management by municipalities performs better in terms of accessibility and safety indicators and that corporate management (private or public) is better at controlling non-invoiced water and water losses.


delegated management; water; inter-municipal companies; analytic hierarchy process; extended goal programming


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