Dynamics of water level in Bahia reservoirs: an application based on remote sensing

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v7i1.2605

Antônio Helton da Silva Barbosa, Miguel Dragomir Zanic Cuellar, Melquisedec Medeiros Moreira, Kátia Alves Arraes, Camila Saiury Pereira Silva

National Institute for Space Research, Brazil


In recent years, in the midst of the drought and water crisis that has affected various regions of Brazil, particularly the semi-arid region, reservoir volumes have been constantly monitored. In this context, the aim of this study was to analyze, using remote sensing, the dynamics of the water mirrors of the reservoirs in Bahia, in order to show how the area of the water mirrors was affected by low rainfall, covering the years 2012 to 2017. To do this, the Google Earth Engine platform was used to analyze Landsat images. To delimit the waters, an enhancement technique was used to convert the RGB images to HVS, creating a panchromatic image and facilitating the process of identifying the water mirrors. The results indicated that the influence of rainfall variability and the impact of other factors reduced the amount of surface water available, so that of the 34 reservoirs studied, 16 had a reduction in their area at the end of the period analyzed. This information is extremely important for the planning and environmental management of water resources, with a view to promoting supply policies and thus increasing the capacity to tackle problems related to water security.


northeast; water resources; drought; google earth engine; Landsat


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Copyright © 2024 Antônio Helton da Silva Barbosa, Miguel Dragomir Zanic Cuellar, Melquisedec Medeiros Moreira, Kátia Alves Arraes, Camila Saiury Pereira Silva

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