Hydrodynamic phenomena in a vertical-axis vortex turbine

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v7i1.2431

Jefferson Alberto Porras Reyes, Luis Miguel Navarrete Lopez, Jorge Ivan Armijo Martinez, Daniel Andrés Navarrete Proaño

Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi Latacunga- Ecuador


The present work aims to develop a safely designed simulation by generating a sustainable hydraulic system coupled with energy study needs, which collaborates with less costs and more benefits. Based on simulations with the scale model using the ANSYS tool, it aims to find the efficiency at the time of executing this simulation at full scale. Mainly the motivations of the work are based on new methods of obtaining energy for the conservation of the environment. This is how the idea of designing and simulating a new gravitational vortex turbine system, with geometries according to what has been found in the literature and in previous studies, is materialized. In this way we proceed to design and simulate a turbine device composed of a vortex impeller that can resist erosion and sediments and allows the development of a gravitational vortex with a considerable hydraulic power. Once the turbine geometry is defined, a modeling is made in ANSYS software, in order to know the behavior of the vortex, define the geometric configuration of it, which will also work under the concept of "drag".


energies; ANSYS; geometry; vortex chambers; impeller; rotation


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Copyright © 2024 Jefferson Alberto Porras Reyes, Luis Miguel Navarrete Lopez, Jorge Ivan Armijo Martinez, Daniel Andrés Navarrete Proaño

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