Code 1583 - preliminary steps for studies to assess the safety of an earth dam in terms of use and lowering the reservoir level for public supply during the water crisis

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v7i1.2415

Adriana Verchai de Lima Lobo1, Alex Sandro Franco de Souza2, Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti1

1. Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná


The spring 2021 climate forecast report from the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) indicated an increased possibility of below-average rainfall in almost the entire region of the state of Paraná, which is consistent with the historical trend of decreasing rainfall in the Paraná River basin since the 1990s, with an intensification in the 2000s. This led to a water emergency situation in Paraná, which was decreed by the state government in 2020 and 2021. The Curitiba region depends on the Curitiba and Metropolitan Region Integrated Supply System (SAIC). Due to the intense drought in 2020 and 2021, SAIC's reservoirs suffered a significant reduction in stored water levels and volumes, reaching 28% of their total capacity in August 2020. This was the biggest water crisis in the last 90 years in the history of the state of Paraná, with several reservoirs reaching levels close to historic lows, but maintaining constant discharges in order to maintain power generation or public supply. In these cases, with the reservoirs at lower levels and with a smaller volume, the variation in the water level on the upstream slope of the earth dam varies differently from the levels when the dam and reservoir are in normal operation or outside of a water crisis. In view of the atypical behavior of reservoir levels, and based on good dam engineering practice, when the operating regime changes or the reservoir water level drops, the safety aspects of these structures should be reassessed through geotechnical analyses for conditions of rapid lowering, in order to learn how these structures behave under these conditions. This article sheds light on the important stages of this thorough technical investigation of the extensive documentation of a project like this, data on instrumentation and performance, how they were built and behaved during the construction and filling of the reservoir, knowledge of geotechnical parameters of the materials of the dam massif and foundation, recorded field observations made at the time of preliminary investigation during the design, project and construction phase; obtaining hydro-meteorological data from the region, in order to obtain the "as-built" geometry of the structure, with the aim of modeling the typical section reliably to the structure in the field in order to infer this numerical model and vice versa, and obtain results on its performance during this atypical period.


dams; public supply; water crisis; reservoirs and slopes


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Copyright © 2024 Adriana Verchai de Lima Lobo, Alex Sandro Franco de Souza, Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti

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