Improvement's energy used in sprinkler irrigation systems

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v5i1.1108

Camilo Bonet Pérez, Dania  Rodríguez Correa, Pedro  Guerrero Posada, Bárbara Mola Fines, Charissa  Martínez Der, Miguel A. Machado Caraballo, Gerónimo Avilés Martínez

Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Camaguey Subsidiary, Cuba


The effects of the climatic change in the agricultural sector are more perceptible each day, this is reflected basically through the periods of drought that are increased in frequency and intensity. This reality forces us to carry out an efficient use of the available water; the inadequate water use pumped for the irrigation implies the low efficiency of the electric power for this activity. With the objective of valuing the effectiveness of the energy used in this activity in practice, a pilot study was conducted in Victoria II belonging to the Camagüey Agrarian enterprise. The electric power consumption in the irrigation was controlled in all the irrigation systems of the productive unit during the campaign of the cultivation of the bean in the year 2017, the productivity of the energy used in the irrigation in all irrigation systems of the technologies of pivot machines and sprinkler irrigation systems was determined, the obtained values were compared taking like reference the most favorable result. The evaluations demonstrated that during the cycle of the cultivation, losses take place in the use of the water due to the imperfect irrigation programming and low uniformity of distribution of the water, which is reflected in the low productivity of irrigation water and energy together with the concern about planting. This shows that the efficiency index of pivot machine is only 76%, and the efficiency index of sprinkler system is 63%.


productivity of the water; pumping; electricity; agricultural yield


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Copyright © 2022 Camilo Bonet Pérez, Dania  Rodríguez Correa, Pedro  Guerrero Posada, Bárbara Mola Fines, Charissa  Martínez Der, Miguel A. Machado Caraballo, Gerónimo Avilés Martínez

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