A study on the educational strategies to enhance medical students' ideological commitment to rural revitalization

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i9.2629

Yan ZHU1, Hancheng LI2, Yanfei XING1, Xiaowei FENG1

1. Zhaoqing Medical College
2. Zhaoqing University


This paper aims to explore how medical students can actively contribute to the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy through ideological education. Rural revitalization is not only vital for improving the quality of life of the elderly in rural areas and advancing social equity, but is also a crucial task in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. By deepening theoretical education and practical training, enhancing research and project alignment, the study seeks to increase the willingness and ability of medical students to serve rural communities. The study proposes specific strategies, including strengthening practical teaching and specialized training, fostering university-community partnerships and social mobilization, and promoting exemplary cases and public outreach. These strategies help medical students develop a proper sense of professional purpose and social responsibility, motivating them to contribute their skills and knowledge to rural revitalization efforts.


medical students; rural revitalization; educational strategies; ideological education


This research was supported by Guangdong Province Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Special Fund Project (pdjh2023b1061); 2023 Guangdong Province Educational Science Planning Project (Higher Education Specialization) (2023GXJK997)


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Copyright © 2024 Yan ZHU, Hancheng LI, Yanfei XING, Xiaowei FENG

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