Strategies for ecological civilization construction in Henan's rural areas from the perspective of rural revitalization

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i9.2625


School of Foreign Studies, Henan Agricultural University


With the advancement of the rural revitalization strategy, the construction of ecological civilization in Henan's rural areas has become a crucial issue for achieving sustainable development. Based on an analysis of the natural ecological environment in Henan's rural areas, this paper highlights the achievements and existing problems in ecological civilization construction. It discusses the interaction between rural revitalization and ecological civilization construction and proposes strategies such as strengthening institutional frameworks and promoting ecological industry development to advance ecological civilization in Henan's rural areas.


rural revitalization; Henan rural areas; ecological civilization construction; strategies


Henan Provincial soft science research program project: Research on the Reconstruction of Ecological Ethics in the Process of Rural Revitalization in Henan from the Perspective of Chinese-style Modernization (Project No.: 242400410081) - Stage Research Re


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