The Responsibility and Path Logic of Universities in Chinese-style Modernization Supported by Talents

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2522

Qi Shi

Xinxiang Medical University


In the context of Chinese-style modernization, the mission of higher education is to serve as a crucial force supporting the modernization efforts, taking on the responsibility of nurturing talent with international competitiveness and Chinese characteristics, and providing high-quality talent for the modernization process. To fulfill this mission, Chinese higher education should clarify planning and positioning, strengthen strategic and policy support, promote management and organizational innovation, and enhance scientific evaluation and quality assurance, making significant contributions to the construction of a socialist modernized strong country.


Chinese-style modernization, talent, university role, path logic


Key scientific research project of Henan Provincial Colleges and Universities in 2024: Evolution logic and optimization strategy of major infectious disease prevention policy from the perspective of policy tools. (No.: 24A63002)


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