On the Problem of "Moral Dilemma" and the Application of "Moral Dilemma Teaching Method" in Primary School Moral and Rule of Law Course——Taking "Tram Dilemma" as an Example
Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2521
Moral dilemma refers to a situation or a problem that involves two moral norms at the same time, and the two cannot be taken into account at the same time. The "tram dilemma" is the most basic form of the dilemma, which does not involve any additional conditions, and is a relatively good direct investigation and the variant of the problem. The authors adopt the literature method and questionnaire survey method to carry out the research from the perspective of "moral metaphor". In the teaching of moral and rule of law course, moral dilemma stories are generally used as the basic materials, and children are asked to discuss the moral issues in the stories and answer the questions raised around the stories, to judge the stage of moral cognitive development of children and guide and promote their further development. In the authors' opinion, to use the "moral dilemma teaching method" accurately, it is necessary to re-examine this moral issue and choose the appropriate perspective to apply it to children in primary school.
moral dilemma, tram dilemma, moral metaphor, value judgement, primary school, moral and rule of law course
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[52] Wan Dan, Zhan Hao. Philosophical analysis of responsibility subject and moral dilemma of self-driving cars[J]. Social Science Front. 2021; (11): 24-32.
[53] Fang Leilei. The Mission of Moral Education: Transcending the Dependent Existence of Human Beings[J]. Chinese Journal of Education. 2017; (06): 89-96.
[2] Young L, Cushman F, Adolphs R, et al. Does Emotion Mediate the Relationship Between an Actions Moral Status and its Intentional Status? Neuropsychological Evidence [J]. Journal of Cognition and Culture. 2006; 6(1-2): 291-304.
[3] Greene J D, Sommerville R B, Nystrom, L E, et al. An fMRI Investigation of Emotional Engagement in Moral Judgment [J]. Science. 2001; 293 (5537): 2105.
[4] Petrinovieh L, O’Neill P, Jorgensen M. An Empirical Study of Moral Intuitions: Toward an Evolutionary Ethics [J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1993; 64: 467-478.
[5] Jeremy Bianchin. Introduction to the Principles of Morality and Legislation [M]. Translated by Shi Yinhong. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2000.
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[8] Navarrete C D, McDonald M M, Mot M L, et al. Virtual Morality: Emotion and Action in a Simulated Three-Dimensional "Trolley Problem" [J]. Emotion. 2012; 12 (2): 364 - 370.
[9] Eyal T, Liberman N, Trope Y. Judging Near and Distant Virtue and Vice [J]. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2008; 44(4): 1204 - 1209.
[10] Trope Y. Construal Levels and Psychological Distance: Effects on Representation, Prediction, Evaluation, and Behavior[J]. Journal of Consumer Psychology. 2007; 17: 83 -95.
[11] Kan Zhongyu. The effect of psychological distance on moral judgement[D]. Chongqing: Southwest University, 2010.
[12] Zhong Minrui. The effect of victim identifiability on moral judgement[D]. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University, 2011.
[13] Bleske- Rechek A, Lyndsay A N, Jonathan P B, et al. Evolution and the Trolley Problem: People Save Five Over One Unless the One Is Young, Genetically Related, Or a Romantic Partner [J]. The Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology. 2010; 4(3): 115-127.
[14] Anderson S W, Beehara A, Damasio H, et al. Impairment of Social and Moral Behavior Related to Early Damage in Human Prefrontal Cortex[D]. Nature Neuroscience. 1999; 2: 1032 - 1037.
[15] Shweder R A, Haidt J. The Future of Moral Psychology: Truth, Intuition, and the Pluralist Way [J]. PsychologicalScience. 1993; 4: 360 - 365.
[16] Xie Xiyao, Luo Yuejia. Emotional factors in moral judgement-an exploration from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience[J]. Advances in Psychological Science. 2009; (7):1250- 1256.
[17] Chaiken S, Trope Y. Dual Process Models in Social Psychology [M]. New York: Guilford Press, 1999.
[18] Miao Fangyan. An Ethical Study of "Cognitive-Intuitive" Moral Judgement[D]. Southeast University, 2019.
[19] Li Jian, Wang Yan, Tang Yiyuan. Spatio-temporal analysis of ERP on moral dilemma[J]. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering. 2011; 30(02): 220-224.
[20] Wang Yan. Cognitive Behavioral and ERP Research on Moral Dilemma Decision Trade-off[D]. Dalian University of Technology, 2013.
[21] Zhuo Hua. Reflections triggered by the "Tram Problem"[J]. Legal Expo. 2018; (12): 166.
[22] Zhao Tingyang. The moral bifurcation of trams[J]. Philosophical Research. 2015; (05): 96-102+129.
[23] Li Deshun. The end of value solipsism--Sandel's theory of justice from the "tram problem"[J]. Philosophy Research. 2017; (02): 3-10+128.
[24] Sandel, Zhang Hanzhou, Wan Siyan, Liu Liangjian. From "Comparative Dialogue" to "Collaborative Dialogue"-Response and Comments on Professor Chen Lai and Other Professors[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition). 2016; 48(03): 171-173+184.
[25] Han Dongping. Is the "Tram Problem" not difficult? --Discussion with Zhao Tingyang and Li Deshun[J]. Contemporary Chinese Values Research. 2020; 5(03): 5-14.
[26] Liu Weikun. Moral Dilemma Discussion - From the Perspective of Utilitarianism[J]. Western Journal. 2015; (08): 78-80.
[27] Liu Mingjuan, Liao Fenglin. Tram conundrum: The effect of situational numbers on moral judgement and compassion[J]. Journal of Capital Normal University (Natural Science Edition). 2013; 34(02): 82-88.
[28] Liu Qingping. A New Solution to the Tram Problem: Free Will and Autonomous Responsibility in a Dilemma[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Sociology Edition). 2020; 50(03): 198-208.
[29] Cai Guangyao. Spatial Metaphors of Moral Concepts and Their Effects on Moral Judgement[D]. Ludong University, 2019.
[30] Justin Weinberg. What Philosophers Believe: Results from the 2020 Phil Papers Survey[EB/OL].https://dailynous.com/2021/11/01/what-philosophers-believe-results-from-the-2020-philpapers-survey/ [2024-5-12]
[31] Zhan Ze. Moral judgement in interpersonal relationships: the influence of intimacy [D]. Beijing Forestry University, 2019.
[32] Zhong Minrui. The effect of victim identifiability on moral judgement[D]. Guangxi Normal University, 2011.
[33] Shu Guoying. On the scientific problem of jurisprudence[J/OL]. Politics and Law Forum. 2022; (01): 1-14[2021-12-28].
[34] Baidubaike. Xisheng (English: sacrifice) [EB/OL]. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%89%BA%E7%89%B2/4839?fr=aladdin [2024-5-12]
[35] Baidubaike. Zhengjiu (English: save) [EB/OL]. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%8B%AF%E6%95%91/9526406?fr=aladdin [2024-5-12]
[36] Baidubaike. Mouhai (English: murder) [EB/OL]. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%B0%8B%E5%AE%B3/240265?fr=aladdin [2024-5-12]
[37] Lawrence Kohlberg, Corson. Psychological perspectives on moral education[J]. Foreign Educational Materials. 1985; (05): 49-56+48.
[38] Pan Kaiwen. The Three Stages of Moral Conscience: What the Tram Problem Experiment Tells Us[J]. World Expo. 2020; (20): 62-65.
[39] Liu Yuan. Kohlberg's moral dilemma storytelling method and its inspiration for moral education in secondary schools in China[D]. Shanghai Normal University, 2008.
[40] Xiao Jing, Pan Zejiang. On the use of "moral dilemma" in moral education[J]. Journal of Central South University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition). 2005; (S1): 330-332.
[41] Hu Guoxian. Discussion on the application strategy of "moral dilemma method" in the teaching of morality and rule of law class[J]. Teacher. 2021; (18): 45-46.
[42] Wang Kanying. The use of dilemma situation in teaching morality and rule of law[J]. Primary school teaching reference. 2021; (33): 70-71.
[43] Song Ting. Research and Analysis on the Moral Level of Adolescents--Based on the Choice of Moral Dilemma[J]. Modern Communication. 2020; (02): 128-129.
[44] Liu Wei. "The use of moral dilemma method in the teaching of morality and rule of law class[J]. Teaching Monthly Primary School Edition (Comprehensive). 2018; (12): 16-18.
[45] National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China. Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [M]. Article 105, 2020
[46] Gao Ge. On the emergency avoidance in China's criminal law [J]. Legal Studies. 1985; (03): 42- 48.
[47] Huang Huiling. How to Cultivate Students' Moral Judgement in Teaching Moral Dilemmas[J]. Primary School Teaching Reference. 2021; (33): 72-73.
[48] Shen Wenhong. Research on the moral self-development of primary school students[D]. Suzhou University, 2008.
[49] Aristotle. Nicomachean ethics[M]. Liao Shenbai, Translation. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2012.
[50] Shi Xiaoran, Yang Luyan. The use of Kohlberg's moral dilemma in education[J]. Dai Zong Journal of Tai'an Institute of Education. 2011; 15(04): 60-61.
[51] Sun Yuan. The "other" demonstration in moral dilemma education[J]. Chinese Journal of Education. 2018; (04): 86-92.
[52] Wan Dan, Zhan Hao. Philosophical analysis of responsibility subject and moral dilemma of self-driving cars[J]. Social Science Front. 2021; (11): 24-32.
[53] Fang Leilei. The Mission of Moral Education: Transcending the Dependent Existence of Human Beings[J]. Chinese Journal of Education. 2017; (06): 89-96.
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