The Significant Importance of Red Culture in the Education of Young People

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2519

Fulin Li

Yunnan Zhaxi Cadre College


Red culture plays an essential role in the education of young people. It is not only a vivid teaching material for patriotism education but also, through the forms of revolutionary stories, films, and songs, can stimulate students' patriotic emotions, cultivate their sense of historical responsibility, inherit the revolutionary spirit, and shape good moral sentiments. This paper deeply analyzes the significance of red culture education and proposes a series of practical strategies, including the integration of curriculum and teaching methods, the construction of campus cultural environment, the organization of social practice activities, the establishment of a home-school-society collaborative mechanism, the professional development and training of teachers, and the establishment of evaluation and feedback mechanisms. These strategies aim to adapt to the development of the times and better play the positive role of red culture in the education of young people, contributing to the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


red culture education, revolutionary spirit, sense of historical responsibility


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