Teaching Strategies for the New Continuation Writing Task in China's College Entrance Examination Guided by Scaffolding Theory: A Case Study of the

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2515

Linna Wang

Chongqing Normal University


In recent years, how to carry out continuation writing teaching has become an important issue actively explored by Chinese high school English teachers. Guided by the scaffolding instruction theory, this paper takes the authentic continuation writing task from the 2023 Chongqing, China College Entrance Examination as an example and conducts teaching according to five major steps: setting up scaffolds, entering the situation, independent exploration, collaborative learning, and effectiveness evaluation. It explores teaching strategies for the new continuation writing question type that has emerged in the new English college entrance examination, proposing that teachers should create situations, build scaffolds around textbook texts, improve evaluation methods, and implement assessment for learning, thereby efficiently advancing continuation writing teaching.


scaffolding theory, continuation writing, teaching strategies


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