Assessing the Efficacy of WeChat Check-in Training for Enhancing Interpreting Skills

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2513

Li Zhang, Jialin Luo, Jie Zhu

Institute of Disaster Prevention


WeChat has increasingly entered the realm of education, significantly facilitating English learning. This study explores the effectiveness of using the WeChat Mini Program for skill-based English interpretation training. It aims to determine if this model can enhance undergraduate students’ interpreting performance on this approach. Data collected through tests, questionnaires, and interviews reveal that the WeChat check-in training effectively improves interpreting skills and is well-received by students. These findings suggest that WeChat Mini Programs can be valuable supplementary tools in interpretation teaching, helping to update content and expand teaching methodologies, establishing a novel networked and mobile training framework.


efficacy, interpreting skills, WeChat check-in training


This study is supported by the Institute of Disaster Prevention through the project of Teaching Research and Reform (No. JY2022B26) and the project of the New Liberal Arts Research and Reform by the Ministry of Education, China. (No.2021050023)


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Copyright © 2024 Li Zhang, Jialin Luo, Jie Zhu

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