The Value Implications and Practical Progress of Cultivating New Men of the Times through the Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2509

Changsi Wu

School of Marxism, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences


As a valuable spiritual wealth of the CPC, the Spiritual Genealogy of the CPC centrally embodies the excellent qualities of the CPC, and the essence of the genealogy provides spiritual nourishment for the new generation to grow up and become successful, and plays a crucial role in their comprehensive development. Taking the spiritual genealogy of the CPC as a guide is of great value and significance in cultivating the patriotism, firm political stance and “four self-confidence” of the new generation. Therefore, it is important to promote the spiritual lineage of the CPC through diversified practical activities, a favorable social learning atmosphere, and the creation of new communication platforms to cultivate qualified newcomers to the era.


Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists, new man of the age, value implications, practical progress


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