Innovative Practice of High School Chemistry Teaching and Class Management Guided by Moral Education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2507

Qiqi Zhang

Chongqing Nankai Middle School


Moral education is a compulsory education, emphasizing on understanding people, respecting people, affirming people on the basis of tapping people's own potential, giving full play to people’s subjective initiative, to provide individuals with more opportunities for development. However, high school Chemistry is a highly practical and scientific subject, and the relevant knowledge points cover a wide range of fields, covering almost all aspects of life. moral education in Chemistry teaching can effectively improve students' autonomous ability, cultivate students' innovative thinking, and achieve the teaching objectives of Chemistry from a more comprehensive and scientific perspective. To ensure the development and improvement of students’ quality, so as to highlight the value of Chemistry education and improve students' intrinsic recognition of Chemistry.


high school, moral education, Chemistry teaching, head teacher management


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