Research on the Reform of Chemistry Laboratory Teaching under the Construction of Green Ecological Environment

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2505

Fudong Ma

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University


With the increasing awareness of environmental protection in countries all over the world, the construction of a green ecological environment has risen to the strategic height of a country. In this context, the importance of reforming chemistry experiment teaching is becoming more and more prominent. This article discusses how to reform the chemistry experiment under the guidance of the idea of “green ecology", so as to reduce its harm to the environment and enhance students' awareness of environmental protection. This paper analyzes the problems in traditional chemistry experiment teaching and illustrates them with examples. Finally, the paper puts forward the vision of the future reform of chemistry experiment teaching.


green ecological environment, chemistry experiment, teaching reform, environmental awareness


Teaching Research Reform Program of Xinjiang Agricultural University: Construction and application of the video library for the course of "Basic Chemistry Experiment II". (No.: 2023SJKF29)


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