Application of Krashen's Input Hypothesis in College English: Empirical Findings and Curriculum Implications

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2504

Shushi Wang

University of Sanya


College English education in Chinese universities often lacks innovation and theoretical grounding, resulting in outdated teaching methodologies that do not meet students' practical needs. This paper proposes enhancing the curriculum by applying Krashen's "language input hypothesis" to diversify teaching content and improve instructional approaches. Empirical findings demonstrate its effectiveness in enhancing students' language acquisition and communicative competence. Moving forward, improving college English education requires integrating theory with practice, innovating teaching models, and adapting successful international methods locally.


language acquisition, language input hypothesis, teaching innovation, curriculum development


2023 National Foreign Language Teaching and Research Project(2023JN0006) from Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.


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