Analysis of the Current Status of STEAM Education Research in China in the Past Decade Based on CiteSpace Visualization

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2503

Hanjie Si, Rongrong Lai

Jinghengyi School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University


In order to understand the current status and future trends of STEAM education research in China, this study employs the visualization analysis software CiteSpace as a research tool. It focuses on 218 journal articles related to STEAM education research retrieved from CNKI database. Through secondary literature review, this paper analyzes and summarizes the current status of STEAM education research in China and identifies related issues. Additionally, it proposes three suggestions for improving STEAM education in China: implementing and practicing core competencies, cultivating professional STEAM educators, and transitioning from "disciplinary" to "interdisciplinary" approaches.


STEAM, CiteSpace, key competencies


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