Discussion on How Higher Education Can Help the Cultural Exchange and Inheritance among Different Countries along the “The Belt and Road

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2500

Wenxuan Zhu

Sichuan University of Media and Communications


Under the in-depth promotion of “the Belt and Road” Initiative, cultural exchange and inheritance among countries along “the Belt and Road” have increasingly become an important driving force to promote regional cooperation and development. As an important platform for cultural communication and innovation, higher education plays an irreplaceable role in cultural exchange and inheritance. This paper discusses the unique position of higher education in the exchange and inheritance of traditional cultures among countries along “the Belt and Road” from multiple perspectives, and put forward some suggestions for higher education to help the traditional cultural exchange and inheritance among countries along “the Belt and Road”. It’s hoped to promote cultural exchange and inheritance among different countries along “the Belt and Road” and provide cultural support for the in-depth promotion of “the Belt and Road” Initiative.


higher education, “the Belt and Road”, traditional culture, cultural exchange, cultural inheritance


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