Analysis of Effective Paths for College Counselors to Conduct Ideological and Political Education for College Students

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2499

Jia He

Sichuan University of Media and Communications


In the education of colleges and universities, counselors play the role of managers, which is an indispensable and important force in the ideological and political education of college students. Influenced by the characteristics of the position of counselor, counselors can give full play to their unique advantages in carrying out ideological and political education for college students. At the same time, the connection between counselors and students should be closer, which also allows counselors to have a better understanding of the specific situation of students, so counselors can optimize ideological and political education according to the actual situation of students in ideological and political education. However, according to the current situation of ideological and political education of college counselors in China, it can be found that there are still problems such as single working methods, so educators should optimize the ideological and political education of college counselors according to the current situation of college education, so as to meet the actual needs of students for ideological and political learning. This paper will explore the effective path of college counselors to do a good job in college students' ideological and political education, hoping to bring some reference suggestions for the majority of educators.


college counselors, higher education, ideological and political education


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