Ideological and Political Design of College English Curriculum Based on Understanding Contemporary China

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2496

Dan Shen, Yan Wang

Nantong Institute of Technology


The international situation in the new era is changeable, China is in a period of rapid development. In order to make China go to the world and make the world understand China. We are in urgent need of high-quality international English talents to serve the national strategy. Based on the reading textbook Understanding Contemporary China, this paper discusses the design and implementation methods of ideological and political teaching in college English for application-oriented undergraduate colleges and universities, aiming to solve the practical problems of the integration of ideological and political teaching in English courses and realize the mission of English education.


Understanding Contemporary China, college English, ideological and political education


Project source: Nantong Institute of Technology 2023 Classroom Teaching Reform Project (2023JKT044).


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