Research on the Practical Teaching Path of E-commerce based on Network Distribution Model

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2489

You Zhou

Guangxi Commercial Technician College


E-commerce has grown rapidly with the continuous development of technology. E-commerce majors have their unique knowledge and skills to combine traditional business with new technologies to provide new types of services to users. The study of E-commerce majors is not only limited to theoretical knowledge, but more importantly, it is necessary to cultivate students' practical skills. This paper aims to discuss how to improve the practical ability of E-commerce students through the network distribution model training, and will delve into the specific methods of E-commerce students' practical skills cultivation, in order to help students better master the practical skills of E-commerce, so as to improve the competitiveness of students' employment.


network distribution model, E-commerce, practical teaching paths


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