Research on the Optimization of the Model of “Learning, Practicing, Competing and Evaluating” of Campus Soccer in General Colleges and Universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2488

Bin Yan

Huazhong Agricultural University


This paper analyzes in depth the theoretical foundation of the school soccer program and the training of the practical stage, as well as the improvement of technology and the planning and supervision of the tournament and competition, and finally puts forward the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program and the suggestions for future development, with the aim of providing a reliable basis and specific direction for the lasting progress of the school soccer supply.


campus soccer, educational significance, training and skill development, game and competition, effectiveness evaluation


Optimization Research on the Learning, Training, Competing, and Evaluating' Model of Campus Football in General Colleges in Hubei Province: A Provincial Teaching Research Project of Higher Education Institutions in 2022. (No. 2022159)


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