Research on the Implementation Strategy of Integrating Sculpture Design into Contemporary Art and Design Education in Colleges and Universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2486

Jianwei Li

Hezhou University


With the revival of traditional culture and the integration of modern design concepts, the art of jade carving, as a treasure of traditional Chinese culture, is gradually becoming an important part of the field of contemporary art and design education, and at the same time, how to integrate jade carving design into the teaching of contemporary colleges and universities has become a key link in the current education and teaching. This paper analyzes and discusses the implementation of integrating jade carving design into contemporary art and design education in colleges and universities, aiming to promote the deep integration of traditional skills and modern design, and to cultivate art and design talents with innovative ability and cultural literacy.


jade carving design, contemporary colleges and universities, art design education


Nanling Corridor Ethnic Culture Research Base Open fund project “Folk Art Research Based on the Collections of Hezhou Ethnic Culture Museum” (2024KF16)


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