Research on New Quality Productivity Empowering High Quality Development of Sports Tourism

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2484

Xiunian Huang

College of P.E Science, Lingnan Normal University


New-quality productivity, a new type of productivity based on science and technology, supported by new factors of production such as knowledge, information and data, and driven by innovation, is developing rapidly around the world. The new quality productivity greatly improves the total factor productivity, enhances the quality and efficiency of economic growth, and strongly promotes the development of various industries. As an important content of modern service industry, the high-quality development of sports tourism industry is also inseparable from the new momentum of quality productivity. This paper analyzes the connotation of the new quality productivity empowering the high-quality development of sports tourism, explains its value of the times, and puts forward the practical path of its high-quality development, with a view to providing theoretical support and practical significance for the new quality productivity to help the high-quality development of sports tourism industry.


new quality productivity, sports tourism, high quality development


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