An Analysis of English Teaching Strategies Practice in Higher Education from Multiple Perspectives

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2482

Siping Li

Yangtze University


With the development of globalization, English teaching in higher education is facing unprecedented challenges. This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the current situation of English teaching in higher education from multiple perspectives, and explores innovative strategies for English teaching in higher education by combining the Theory of multiple intelligence, Learning theory of Constructivism and Intercultural communication theory. The article gives a detailed elaboration focusing on three aspects: selection and design of diversified teaching content, the exploration and practice of diversified teaching methods, and the establishment of diversified teaching evaluation system. It’s hoped to provide new ideas and methods for college English teaching, adapt to the development trend of English teaching in the new era, improve teaching quality, and meet the diversified needs of students.


multiple perspectives, English teaching in higher education, teaching strategy, Theory of multiple intelligence, Learning theory of Constructivism, Intercultural communication theory


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