College English Teaching Based on the Concept of Liberal English Education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2481

Na Kang

Heilongjiang University of Business and Technology


College English is a fundamental course and important content in the university stage, which plays a role in cultivating students' cultural knowledge and improving the university education system. In the teaching of college English courses, developing and cultivating students' learning abilities and cultural awareness is an important teaching content. Using the concept of Liberal English Education to guide teachers in classroom teaching practice can ensure the effectiveness of classroom teaching and the effective improvement of students' subject core literacy. This article will analyze the actual situation of college English curriculum teaching and the actual content of Liberal English Education concepts, interpret the specific strategies of using Liberal English Education concepts to guide college English curriculum teaching, and promote the smooth completion of curriculum teaching reform.


college English, teaching, Liberal English Education


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