The Construction of Flipped Classroom Teaching Model Introduced into College Basketball Teaching

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i8.2479

Shengdong Dai, Yang Gao

Harbin Far East Institute of Technology


With the in-depth promotion of the new curriculum reform, the state attaches more and more importance to the quality of higher education, emphasizing the need to promote the overall growth of students and make every effort to improve their comprehensive quality. In this context, as an important platform for cultivating students' physical and mental health and all-around skills, college basketball public physical education course urgently needs to improve the quality of the course through reforming teaching concepts and methods, especially in the context of the new era, the introduction of the flipped classroom model not only refreshes the traditional teaching methods, but also effectively breaks the inherent limitations of the teaching mode. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application effect and practice of flipped classroom in college basketball public physical education courses, in order to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for improving the teaching effect of basketball.


flipped classroom, colleges and universities, basketball teaching


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