Exploring the cultivation mechanism of foreign-related legal talents in the context of Belt and Road

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i7.2559


Shiliang School of Law, Changzhou University


China has made historic achievements in the development of foreign-related legal frameworks. However, challenges persist in the cultivation of foreign-related legal talents, including a lack of clear goal orientation, a disconnect between the cultivation program and legal practice, and a mismatch between the curriculum system and the knowledge structure required for foreign-related legal expertise. The poor effectiveness of training foreign-related legal talents primarily stems from a lack of impetus and insufficient innovation tailored to regional demands. Therefore, in accordance with the Belt and Road Initiative, it is imperative to establish a comprehensive sense of purpose at four different levels, reform the enrollment mode, innovate the cultivation approach, and enhance faculty development for training foreign-related legal talents.


Belt and Road; legal education; foreign-related law talents; talents cultivation


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