The application and impact of digital technology in museum education--taking Shenzhen Museum's special exhibition "The Assemblage of Civilizations - Pingcheng and Yungang Grottoes in the Northern Wei Dynasty" as an example

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i7.2410

Wenqi CHI, Jingqi ZHOU

Jinan University


The growing social interest in digital technology and museums is of great significance for the management, protection and development of cultural heritage and museums. This study explores the role of digital technology in museum education, taking the Yungang Grottoes exhibition "The Assemblage of Civilizations" at the Shenzhen Museum as an example. It evaluates the impact of digital technology on educational concepts, methods, resource integration and effectiveness, and proposes solutions to the challenges faced, in the hope of contributing to the development of museum education in China.


digital technology; museum education; Shenzhen Museum; Yungang Grottoes special exhibition; tourism management


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