Language injustice and social equity in EMI policies in China

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i7.2407

Zhiyi ZHU

College of Humanities and Education, Guangdong Ocean University


This paper explores the issue of language injustice in implementing English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in China, with a focus on social justice and language ideologies. In China, EMI is seen as crucial for developing globally competitive students. However, most EMI policies advocate for English-only instruction, disregarding the multilingual realities of China. This leads to deviations from teaching objectives and potential injustices for both teachers and students. This paper reviews EMI policies since 2001, highlighting the absence of detailed national guidelines, which results in schools adapting EMI to their specific circumstances. English-only policies may exacerbate educational inequalities, making it challenging for rural and public school students to meet EMI's English language requirements, thus impeding access to quality education. This paper advocates for a more inclusive EMI approach that acknowledges and utilizes multilingual resources to promote social justice, ensuring all students have equal access to academic knowledge. Additionally, the paper suggests future research should examine how EMI policymakers and stakeholders perceive multilingualism and its impacts on social justice in classrooms and society at large.


monolingualism; (bi-)multilingualism; EMI; China; justice


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