Factors influencing the post-school transitions of Chinese middle school students after the high school entrance examination: an exploration through the lens of capital theory

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i7.2404

Xinwei BAO

School of Education, University of Melbourne


Zhongkao, the high school entrance examination in China, is a pivotal component of the Chinese education system, which affects students' future paths. The main destinations of Chinese junior high school graduates are secondary education, vocational education, and entering the workforce. This paper examines the factors influencing the post-school transitions of Chinese middle school graduations through Bourdieu's capital theory, including cultural, social, and economic capital. Key factors such as Zhongkao scores, social value, parents' educational expectations, and family economic status all play critical roles in post-school transitions. This analysis aims to provide decision support for optimizing educational resource allocation and promoting educational equity.


Zhongkao; post-school transitions; capital theory


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