Cultivation of college students' sentiment of serving the country through science and technology: goal dimensions and implementation paths

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i7.2343

Yiming SHU

Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology


Scientific and technological powerhouse is one of the strategic goals of building a socialist modernized country. College students are the main force for the construction of scientific and technological powerhouse in the future. As an indispensable core quality of college students, the sentiment of serving the country with science and technology shapes the moral behavior and value pursuit of college students in four dimensions: ambition, heart, virtue and love. Colleges can effectively cultivate students' sentiment of serving the country and promote the construction of China's scientific and technological powerhouse by improving teachers' competence, optimizing synergistic mechanism, reinforcing mission-driven, and perfecting practice system.


scientific and technological powerhouse; college students; sentiment of serving the country through science and technology


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