Analysis on the cause and influence of the tense situation of teacher status in middle school

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i7.2299

Qingman ZHENG

Hangzhou Yinghongxing Culture and Art Co., Ltd


This paper explores the causes and effects of the tense status of secondary school teachers, including the educational environment, students, teachers and educational equity. Countermeasures such as increasing government investment in education and improving teachers' remuneration, adjusting the concept of education in society, and strengthening teacher training and support in schools are proposed to address the problem. These recommendations are of great significance to the development of education. This paper not only comprehensively analyses the causes and effects of tension among secondary school teachers, but also puts forward practical suggestions that are important for the healthy development of education.


middle school teachers; tense status; cause analysis; educational policy


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