Reform path of cultivating innovative talents for industrial engineering majors in the context of new liberal arts

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i7.2298

Qinming LIU, Yuhong TAI, Yujie WANG

Department of Industrial Engineering, Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology


Cultivating innovative talents in the context of new liberal arts is a critical component of the reform and development of industrial engineering programs. This paper examines the reform of innovative talent cultivation in the industrial engineering program of a local university. By analyzing the teaching philosophy, methods, design, and models of the industrial engineering program at local universities, the current state of innovative talent cultivation is assessed. Based on this analysis, the paper identifies challenges in cultivating innovative talents in industrial engineering teaching. It proposes reform pathways that integrate multidisciplinary intersections, deep collaboration between academia and industry, and extracurricular innovation empowerment. These pathways are of significant practical importance for advancing the reform of innovative talent cultivation in industrial engineering programs under the new liberal arts framework.


new liberal arts; local universities; innovative talents; industrial engineering programs; interdisciplinary integration; industry-academia collaboration


The work presented in this paper has been supported by grants from 2023 Shanghai Higher Education Undergraduate Key Teaching Reform Project: Exploration and Practice of New Liberal Arts Industrial Engineering Talent Cultivation Mode


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