A Comparative Analysis of Characteristics and Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Foreign Language Education at Home and Abroad

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2255

Ruihong Guo

Xi’an International Studies University


This paper takes the research on artificial intelligence and foreign language education in domestic CSSCI and international SSCI journals since 2004 as the analysis object, and makes a comprehensive review, tracking and identification based on the bibliometric and bibliographical analysis supported by CiteSpace. It is pointed out that while domestic research mainly focuses on human-computer cooperation and digital transformation of foreign language education, international research attaches more importance to the role of artificial intelligence-assisted foreign language teaching tools, the study on participants is more comprehensive. Regarding the future directions of Chinese artificial intelligence and foreign language education, it is suggested that attention could be drawn to the integration of technology and foreign language education, balance the research between teachers and learners, further deepen and expand the research topics, and promote the in-depth development of artificial intelligence and foreign language education research.


artificial intelligence, foreign language education, comparison and contrast, home and abroad, bibliometric research


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