Discussion on Building the Culture of Grassroots Teaching Organizations

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2248

Zixuan Wang, Liang Xing, Juanjuan Xu

Guangzhou Xinhua University School of Accountancy


As the basic unit of the education system, the culture construction of grass-roots teaching organization is not only an important place for knowledge transmission and skill training, but also a key link to shaping students’ character and cultivating students’ comprehensive quality. A healthy, active and dynamic grassroots teaching organization culture has a far-reaching impact on stimulating students’ interest in learning, improving the teaching quality of teachers and promoting the overall development of the school. Based on this, this research is based on the cultural construction of grass-roots teaching organizations, so as to put forward feasible management suggestions and experience.


grassroots teaching, organizational culture construction, discussion


2022 Provincial Quality Engineering project "Audit Course Teaching and Research Office" (Course name: Auditing). Project number: 2021JYS002-2


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Copyright © 2024 Zixuan Wang, Liang Xing, Juanjuan Xu

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