The Evolution Direction and Basic Strategy of Connotative Development of Higher Education in the New Era

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2247

Chunxiu Wang

School of Foreign Languages, Liaoning University of International Business and Economics


Compared with “extensional” development, “connotative” development highlights the essential requirements of university development and emphasizes the quality of education.This paper reviews the two phases of the connotative development of higher education in China, grasps its evolution direction in the new era, and probes into its basic strategy from the macro and micro levels respectively. Universities should not only grasp the macro strategic fulcrum: Guided by the “double first-class”, based on the quality of education, with characteristic development as the main line and reform deepening as the starting point, but also promote the micro level strategy selection: actively promote curriculum construction, create first-class curriculum resources; constantly improve the level of teaching; deeply concerned about the development of teachers and fully release their vitality; modernize the governance capacity and make it more effective.


connotative development, macro strategy, micro strategy


“Development and Practice of School-based Curriculum Based on the Cultivation of Applied Ability—A Case Study of Advanced English Course of Haihua College, Liaoning Normal University” (Project No. : 956)


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