Research on the Construction of a Blended Teaching Model for College English Based on MOOC and Rain Classroom

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2243

Ying Liu

Heilongjiang University of Business and Technology


With the development of information technology in education, the education industry has begun to pay more and more attention to the role of blended learning. MOOC is a product of the times in the context of educational technology development, with relatively abundant teaching resources. By combining MOOC with Rain Classroom as a smart teaching tool, a blended learning model can be effectively constructed. The article mainly focuses on college English and explores the blended teaching model based on MOOC and language classrooms. It explores the blended teaching under the combination of MOOC and rain classrooms from three perspectives: before class, during class, and after class, hoping to promote the optimization of college English teaching effectiveness and promote the reform of curriculum teaching.


MOOC, rain classroom, college English, blended learning


Design and Application of Blended Teaching Model for College English Based on MOOC (GMB 1422012) Key Topics for the 14th Five-Year Plan of Education Science in Heilongjiang Province in 2022


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