A Study of Non-English Majors’ Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety in Project-based Learning

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2238

Caixia Huang, Zheng Wang

Northwest Normal University


Based on briefly reviewing studies on foreign language enjoyment and anxiety, this article mainly covers students gains from project-based learning, their enjoyment and anxiety in conducting projects. Questionnaire investigation about students enjoyment and anxiety is conducted after one-semester project-based learning. The results show students have benefited from project-based learning and meanwhile they experience various levels of enjoyment and anxiety while carrying out the projects.


non-English majors, foreign language enjoyment, foreign language anxiety, project-based learning


“Effects of Project-based Learning on Enjoyment and Anxiety of Non-English Majors—the Mediating Role of Control and Value Evaluation”. Project No.: Gansu Higher Education Document(2023) No.17.


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