Research on the Equalization of Educational Resources and Countermeasures in Qingdao

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2236

Ping Cai, Lin Pang, Yulin Wang

Qingdao City University


Qingdao, as a city with a higher level of economic and educational development, has always been a focal point of public concern regarding the allocation and utilization of educational resources. This paper explores the current status and main issues of the equalization of educational resources in Qingdao. It proposes countermeasures and suggestions for optimizing the allocation of educational resources, improving the efficiency of educational resource utilization, and promoting educational equity. The aim is to provide references and lessons for Qingdao and other regions in the equalization of educational resources.


educational resources, equalization issues, countermeasure suggestions


Research on the Optimization Mechanism of Equalization of Basic Public Services in Qingdao City, Qingdao City University level scientific research project (Project number: QCU22RB08).


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