A Study on the Translation of Tour Allusions Based on Skopos Theory: Taking the Palace Museum as an Example

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2232

Shirui Wu


China’s historical sites, as significant carriers of histories, play a great role in promoting unique Chinese cultures and establishing China’s international image. Since international people-to-people exchanges rebounded, they have attracted quantities of tourists from abroad. Allusions of the historical sites are at the core to help foreigners know about history. Therefore, it is worthwhile exploring the translation of these allusions. This paper presents an investigation into the translation of tour allusions utilizing Skopos theory as the theoretical framework. Focusing on the Palace Museum as a case study, the research examines different strategies of translating allusions within touristic contexts. The research finds that literal translation, idiomatic translation, free translation, literal translation with annotation, and transliteration are frequently employed. Based on the analysis of various translation strategies targeted at practical examples, the author proposes that translators should convey cultural connotations and historical references as far as possible while guarantee the translation is suited to target readers’ expressions through the flexible utilization of different translation strategies, hopefully advancing cultural communication between China and foreign countries.


tour allusions, skopos theory, translation strategy, the Palace Museum


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