Research and Analysis on the Methods of Curriculum Construction and Innovation of Electronic Information Majors

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2230

Jing Li, Jianxin Guo, Feng Wang

Xijing University


In the era of digitalization, information and intelligence, the electronic information industry has become an important engine to promote the development of national economy and social progress. As the training of professionals in the field of electronic information, the importance of its curriculum construction and innovation is self-evident. The electronic information major course not only teaches students 'basic theoretical knowledge, but also cultivates students' practical ability, innovative spirit and comprehensive quality to adapt to the rapidly changing technological environment and market demand. At present, electronic information technology is developing rapidly in the world, and new theories, technologies and applications emerge in an endless stream. This provides a broad space and infinite possibilities for the development and innovation of the electronic information trunk course. However, in such a background, how to find a suitable for China's national conditions of electronic information professional development and innovation road, to cultivate high-quality talents with solid theoretical foundation and strong practical ability, is a huge challenge in front of us.


electronic information, curriculum construction, innovation


Xijing University third batch of undergraduate quality courses key course construction project(XJJPKC22005); Xijing University 2023 teaching reform research project(JGGH2302)


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Copyright © 2024 Jing Li, Jianxin Guo, Feng Wang

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