A Study on the Integration of Traditional Chinese Culture into College English Teaching in the Context of Ideological and Political Education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2227

Ling Ma

School of Foreign Language, Shihezi Unversity


At present, college English teaching focuses on Western culture and ignores the inheritance of local culture. However, traditional culture is the spiritual pillar of the Chinese nation, and its integration into English teaching can enhance students' cultural self-confidence and sense of national identity. Through a literature review, this study analyzes the theoretical basis of integrating traditional culture into English teaching, including cultural identity, cross-cultural communication and educational thought, and hopes to provide theoretical guidance for promoting the transformation of college English courses, so as to achieve the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue.


ideology and politics in the curriculum, college English, traditional culture


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