Inspiration from Research on Preschool Color Preferences for Kindergarten Environment Creation

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2226

Yuanying Wang

College of Teachers Chengdu University


This study used double comparison and testing methods, using 11 square color images as experimental materials to present colors and explore the color preferences of preschool children aged 3-6 in a public kindergarten in Chengdu. The results showed that the color preferences of children aged 3-6 from high to low were yellow, green, orange, red, and blue, with young children preferring bright and bright colors; There is no age difference in children's color preferences, but there is a significant gender difference. Girls like yellow, while boys like green; Girls are more willing to choose their favorite colors than boys.


young children, color preferences, kindergarten environment creation


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