Research on Employment Bottlenecks and Countermeasures for Graduates with Emp loyment Difficulties in Traditional Chinese Medicine Majors

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2225

Yiran Liu, Yutong Tian, Qianxian Zhu, Yan Zhang

School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University


Traditional Chinese Medicine is a great creation of the Chinese nation and a treasure of ancient Chinese science. Inheritance is the foundation of the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and innovation is the driving force behind its development. As a result, graduates from traditional Chinese medicine universities are constantly receiving attention from the country and the public. However, due to the influence of the overall environment, graduates from traditional Chinese medicine universities are also facing significant employment difficulties. Taking the current situation of employment difficulties for graduates from traditional Chinese medicine universities as the main thread, this study conducts social surveys to demonstrate and propose relevant countermeasures. To solve the problem of employment difficulties for graduates from traditional Chinese medicine universities, schools should adopt the work philosophy of "strengthening the three consciousnesses, strengthening the three connections, and achieving the three improvements", align the college's employment guidance work with talent training goals, industry needs, and graduate career development goals, and promote high-quality employment for graduates.


traditional Chinese medicine majors, difficulties in finding employment, bottleneck, countermeasures


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Copyright © 2024 Yiran Liu, Yutong Tian, Qianxian Zhu, Yan Zhang

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