A Teaching Design of Ideology and Politics in College English Course Based on the Concept of OBE--Taking Unit

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2224

Wenjing He

Northwest Normal University


College English course is a public compulsory fundamental course in colleges and universities, so it is extremely important to integrate college English course into ideological and political construction of curriculum to cultivate talents for China collaboratively. Based on the OBE concept that is “student-centered, result-oriented, and continuously improved”, this paper is aimed at ideological and political teaching design of curriculum with Unit 2 of Over to You: An Integrated Course 1, which blends online and offline teaching to realize the three-dimensional goals of value shaping, knowledge imparting, and ability cultivation.


outcome-based Education concept, ideology and politics in curriculum of college English course, Over to You: An Integrated Course 1


Database Construction and Practice of Typical Teaching Cases Energized by Ideology and Politics in College English Courses Under the Context of New Liberal Arts (231107250104946)


[1] Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Guidelines for the Ideological and Political Construction of Curriculum in Colleges and Universities [Z]. Department of Higher Education under Ministry of Education. 2020 (3) .
[2] Sun Youzhong, Zhang Hong. Over to you: An Integrated Course 1 [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2022,7.
[3] The National Foreign Language Advisory Committee under the Ministry of Education. College English Teaching Guide [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2020,3.

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