The Application of Production-oriented Approach to English Reading-writing Integration Teaching in Senior High School

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i6.2223

Xuehong An, Shuaiying Pan

School of Foreign Languages, Kashi University


Both the Reading for Writing section in new textbooks of PEP and continuation task in NEMT integrate reading and writing closely to cultivate and test students’ comprehensive language skills. In fact, reading and writing are discrete in traditional English teaching. Production-oriented Approach is aimed to break the drawback of “separation of learning and using” in foreign language teaching in China, enables students to “use” in “learning” and “learn” in “using”, which fully embodies its advantages in promoting English teaching. Based on Wen Qiufang’s theory system of production-oriented approach, high school English teachers can design English writing courses in three stages: motivating,enabling and assessing, based on three practical teaching principles of production-oriented approach: real and effective motivating tasks, facilitating activities of teachers’ intermediary and evaluation methods of teachers and students. It provides a new solution to the phenomenon of “separation of learning and application” in current English teaching, so as to help students use appropriate language forms to effectively acquire and transfer information, help students improve their writing proficiency, and provide some suggestions on the implementation of reading-writing integration teaching for senior high school English teachers.


production-oriented approach, senior high school English, reading-writing integration


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